A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Shukla, P.
- Vanjyoti Chullah: Scope of Application and It's Simplified Version
Indian Forester, Vol 123, No 5 (1997), Pagination: 387-394Abstract
The models of simplified Vanjyoti Chullah and their uses and economics are described in detail in this paper.- Seasonal Variation in Mulberry Leaf Composition and its Effect on Silk Worm Rearing
Indian Forester, Vol 90, No 8 (1964), Pagination: 547-550Abstract
Mulberry leaf samples were collected every month from selected mulberry bushes at the Government Central Silk Farm, Premnagar, Dehra Dun and analysed separately. Analytical data of leaf showed a decreasing tendency in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents from leaf-bud-opening to leaf-fall stage while calcium, silica and ash percentage have increased. These variations in the mulberry leaf composition may be attributed as one of the factors responsible for deterioration of leaf quality for silk worm during autumn crop and consequently resulting in a low cocoon yield percentage as compared to that of spring crop. Yellowing of leaves and their fall in winter may be due to these seasonal changes in mulberry leaf composition. Hence in order to ensure a good autumn rearing crop, adequate amount of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizers must be applied to the mulberry plantations meant for silk worm rearing.- A Comparative Study of Fundus findings in Ischemic Heart Diseases with or without Diabetes
1 Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
2 Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagda, IN
3 Dermatology and STD, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 5, No 1 (2013), Pagination: 36-38Abstract
On fundoscopy it was noted that 05.26 % and 08.33 % males and females respectively suffering from IHD with Diabetes were having hypertensive retinopathy in comparison to only 05.7% males and nil percentage of females suffering from IHD without Diabetes. Regarding hard exudates /microneurysm was observed in 07.89 and 08.33 percent males and females respectively of IHD without Diabetes in comparison to none of the patients of IHD with Diabetes. up Cataract /media hazy, on fundoscopy was observed only amongst 05.26 % IHD with Diabetics. Similarly, Tessellation was noted in 02.85 %males belong to IHD without Diabetes while none of the patient found in IHD with Diabetes. Almost equal proportion of patients belong to both group (IHD with Diabetes and IHD with Diabetes).It was further noted that as age advances proportion of tessellation goes except in 71 + years of age group patients.Keywords
Hypertensive Retinopathy, Tessilation, Media Hazy CataractReferences
- We have weaker hearts than Americans: study Sunday Times of India, New Delhi, April 22,2012:pp-15
- Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation Therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:2 (2) March-April;2010:201-202.
- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317
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- Epidemiological Analysis of O.P.D. and in Door Anaemic Patients in a Medical College Hospital
1 Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar 494001, IN
2 Dept. of Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar 494001., IN
3 Dept. of Community Medicine,, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar 494001., IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 3 (2011), Pagination: 108-111Abstract
Research Question: What is the magnitude of problem of anaemia. Objective: To know the problem of anaemia amongst the patients attending in Medical College, Hospital. Study Design: Cross-sectional. Participants: 250 anaemic patients, whose Hb < 12.5gm./dl. Study variables: Hb level, Anaemia, Age and Sex. Statistical Analysis: Test of proportion. Findings: 40 cases (16%) were of paediatric age group. Maximum 20.8% cases were seen in 15 - 24 yrs. age group with females being twice the number of males in this group. Above 45 yrs. males were 50%, more commonly affected than females.Keywords
Pregnant Women, Adolescent Girls.References
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- Sahu T. and Sahani, N.C.; Anaemia in 1-2 years age group children; Souvenir :Silver Jubilee Conference of I.A.P.S.M., Deptt. of Community Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal; 23rd. – 25th. October, 1997.
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- Incidence of Preoperative Astigmatism as Per Age and Sex
1 Dept. of Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar 494001, IN
3 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 1 (2012), Pagination: 31-33Abstract
Research Question: Is there any relation between preoperative astigmatism and age and sex?Methodology: One hundred cases of both sexes were selected from the Out Patient Department of Ophthalmology, of a medical college, belonging to various stages of cataract. Patients with history of Glaucoma surgery having Pterygium, Chalazion, Lids swelling didn't included in the study.
Statistical Analysis: were expressed in terms of simple proportion, Chi-square test.
Results and Conclusion: On analysis of the collected data, it has been noted that there is no significant relation could be found between preoperative astigmatism and age and sex of patients.
Astigmatism, Age, Sex.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March-April 2010; 201-202.
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- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study of Tribal and Nontribal People of A Slum about Eye Health Care
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 5 (2011), Pagination: 289-291Abstract
Background: Recent years have witnessed a change from acute intervention (cure) typical of clinical ophthalmology to the concept of primary eye health care, i.e. the inclusion of an eye care component in primary health care system. Objective: To assesses the people perception about eye health problems. Material and Methods: 620 (204 Tribal and 416 Non tribal) people residing in a slum area of Jagdalpur were interviewed and data thus collected were tabulated and analyzed. Statistical analysis: Expressed in simple: proportion s. Findings: 39.83 % male tribal knew in comparison to their female 32.55 % counterparts about scientific cause of eye problems while among non tribals less proportion of males in comparison to their female counter parts scientific cause. Regarding treatment higher proportion of non tribal in comparison to their counter parts tribal took treatment. Television was the most common source of information in both the community. Interpretation: The findings of the present study were more or less similar to the findings of the other studies conducted across the globe by different authors. Conclusion: The eye health care programme is still a far cry even after a lapse of so many years. If such is the crux of situation in an urban dwelling where the medical and health care services are easily available than what will be the fate of tribal and rural area.Keywords
Eye Care, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Pegs.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
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- An Analytic Study of Epidemiological Profile of Obese Persons
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar (C.G.) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 6 (2012), Pagination: 357-359Abstract
Back Ground: Irrespective of age or gender ,however ,as waistlines grow, so do health risks. Central obesity-storing fat around the waist-raises risk of heart attacks and diabetes, with Indian at high risk because of their genetic predisposition to sport potbellies.Material and method: All participants were obese and of both sexes. The data were collected in a pre designed and pretested Performa.
Statistical analysis: were expressed in simple term of proportion.
Observations and discussion: As age advances more and more persons fall victim of obesity irrespective of gender except in 71+ years category. On gender wise analysis it was found that more diabetic males were obese in comparison to their females counter parts where more non diabetic females were found obese. On analysis as per diet, it has been observed that 87.09% persons consuming non-vegetarian in comparison to only 12.90% vegetarians in the present study. It has been observed that there were no alcoholic females in the sample cases, of the alcoholic males, 68.00% were obese. In the present study there were only three female smokers. Out of these three female smokers 33.33% were obese while in case of 47 male smokers, 61.70% were found obese.
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- Twin Pregnancy Consisting of a Complete Hydatidiform Mole and Coexistent Foetus: Report of Two Cases
1 Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital, Delhi, IN
2 Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, IN
The Indian Practitioner, Vol 67, No 2 (2014), Pagination: 110-113Abstract
No Abstract.- Development and Evaluation of Flour Mixes and their Biscuits for Suitability in Diabetic Diet
1 Department of Foods and Nutrition, College of Home Science, G.B.P. U.A and T., Pantnagar-263145, IN