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Saravanan, P.
- Indian Forensic Science Research Literature: A Bibliometric Study of its Growth, Authorship and Publication Patterns
1 Forensic Sciences Department, Mylapore, Chennai - 4, IN
2 Lekshmipuram College of Arts & Science, Kanyakumari District, IN
Journal of Information and Knowledge (Formerly SRELS Journal of Information Management), Vol 52, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 67-75Abstract
A bibliometric analysis of the growth, authorship and publication patterns of forensic science literature for the period 2001 to 2013 was done using the data obtained from PubMed. MS-Excel worksheet was used for data analysis. The study revealed the exponential growth of forensic science literature. The relative growth rate fell from 0.83 in the year 2002 to 0.17 in the year 2013. The mean collaborative Index was 3.5; mean degree of collaboration was 0.89; mean collaborative coefficient was 0.6119 and mean modified collaborative coefficient was 0.6121 during the period of study. Forty one authors have contributed more than one percent of the total publication. Ten journals have contributed more than one percent of the total papers. Among these 'Journal of Forensic&Legal Medicine' ranks first with 16.10% papers. Cluster map of co-words was also created using VOSviewer.Keywords
Authorship Pattern, Bibliometrics, Forensic Science, Research Collaboration.- An Ameliorated Linux Based Navigational Device
1 Department of Electronics and Communication, Hindustan University, Chennai, IN
Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 4, No 12 (2012), Pagination: 633-637Abstract
The navigational tools are plays a vital role to find the route of ships. Among that path manoeuvrings equipment is an important equipment of the navigation system which uses manoeuvring all-digital operation technology to help people to use a sea chart digitally. Here presented a design of a new device based on the integrated navigation theory and the conventional apparatus. In this new system adopted the embedded architecture based on ARM, and the Linux real-time operating system was selected as the software platform, and use the Integrated Development Environment to achieve functional. To use ARM, this has high definition and less power consumption, and the real-time-system of Linux. This new device has more functions, high stability, less weight, less volume, less cost, less power consumption and accuracy of the device is maintained by the federated filter algorithm.Keywords
Inertial Navigation, ARM Linux Porting, QT Framework, Federated Kalman Filtering.- Effect of Differential Processing Methods on Elimination of Oligosaccharides in an Underutilized Food and Feed Source, Mucuna Beans
1 Department of Botany, Government Arts College, Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Department of Biotechnology, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Aranavayalkuppam, Thiruvallur-602025, Tamil Nadu, IN
Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Vol 4, No 3 (2012), Pagination: 125-129Abstract
Legumes (pulses) contain a wide array of antinutritional factors (ANFs) associated with their nutrients. Suitable scientific and technological processing methods are needed for the elimination of ANFs without affecting the nutritional potential of the pulses. In the present study the selected underutilized pulses [Mucuna monosperma DC wall ex and Mucuna pruriens var. utilis. (Dc wall ex Wight) (Baker ex Burck)] were subjected to differential processing methods to assess their effectiveness in eliminating oligosaccharides which cause flatus in consuming humans. Between the two treatments (soaking followed by cooking and crude α-galactosidase treatment), the crude α-galactosidase enzyme treatment is found to be more effective in eliminating significant levels of oligosaccharides (70-90%).
Western Ghats, Underutilized Pulses, Antinutritional Factors, Oligosaccharides, Crude Α-Galactosidase.- Improving the Understanding of Epanet Software Via Case Studies
1 Center for Water Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (Deemed to be University) Anandnagar, Krishnankoil-626126, IN
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol 32, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 12-19Abstract
EPANET is widely used for pipe network analysis. The EPANET manual, although very detailed, still lacks simple case study examples to help students to appreciate its application better. This study is designed to demonstrate the manual calculations and its verification through EPANET for simple pipe flow problems in fluid mechanics course of civil engineering curriculum. The case study examples are solved by involving the students themselves. This has not only created a deeper interest in the course but also helped the students to understand the advantages and limitations of using software.Keywords
Epanet, Pipe Flow, Civil Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Case Studies.References
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