- Prabha Chauhan
- K. L. Azad
- A. K. Bansal
- R. S. Mohan
- V. K. S. Chauhan
- Smita Tiwari
- J. R. Thakur
- K. K. Dhruv
- A. Meshram
- Shashi Kala Dhruv (Thakur)
- A. Bansal
- V. K. Dhruv
- P. K. Kar
- H. B. Rathi
- Sanat Singh
- Raj Sharma
- Manish Bansal
- S. K. Shukla
- K. Thakur Amit
- Mashih John
- K. K. Singh
- Sujata Netam
- Bansal Manish
- K. K. Viswanadham
- Q. H. Khan
- T. Sinha
- Dileswar Nayak
- D. P. Patel
- H. S. Thakare
- K. Satasiya
- Nilam Surve
- Sarika Wandre
- S. Tiwari
- B. Baghel
- A. Sahu
- Singh Khileswar
- Chauhan Prabha
- Kashyap Sashikala
- Tiwari Smita
- C. S. Kantharaj
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Shrivastava, P. K.
- Effectiveness of Pitocin in Established Labour Cases
1 Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), 494001, IN
2 Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), 494001, IN
3 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 2, No 6 (2010), Pagination: 376-377Abstract
In this study 200 cases were included (100 cases were kept in study group to whom Pitocin drip was administered and another 100 cases in control group i. e. no drip was administered, natural course of labor was studied). 59% of cases in study group were administered 2.5 unit of Pitocin, 34% cases 5 unit while 6% cases 7.5 units. Only 1% of cases needed 10 units of Pitocin.Keywords
Pitocin, Study Group, Control Group.References
- Garg Narendra K: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and purgation therapy; Research J of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics; 2(2)2010: pp 201-201.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K.; Impact of ICDS on Morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency diseases amongst Tribal and Non Tribal Children: Research J Science and Tech. 2009 (2):82-84.
- Masani. K.M. A Text Book of Obstetrics; Bombay Popular Prakashan, 2nd Edition 1969.
- Bansal A. K., Agrawal Ashok K.and Govila A. K. (1998-99) status of the girl child amongst Tribals and non Tribals in the under reached rural India; Journal of Ravishankar University Vol. 11-12; No. B (Science); 31-36.
- Bansal A. K. and Chandorkar R. K. (1993) Effectiveness of ICDS in child care in rural and tribal areas of Chhattisgarh, M.P., Journal of Ravishankar University Vol. 6; no.B (Sciences) 61-65.
- Bansal A. K. (2000) Situation analysis of family welfare Programme; J Ravi Shankar uni. Vol.13; No. B (Science) 48-52.
- Bansal A. K., Chandorkar R.K. (1993) Knowledge Belief and Practice; A Study of Tribal Mothers About Feeding of Infants: Tribal Health Bulletin; RMRC (ICMR) Vol.-2 No. 3 and 4, Pg-11.
- Role of Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Extent and Nature of Lesions in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accidents
1 Department of Radiology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 3 (2011), Pagination: 98-101Abstract
In 20 ischemic cases, site of involvement in decreasing order were Lobar and capsular 11 (39.2%) each, lentiform nucleus and thalamus 2 (7.1%) each, caudate nucleus and brain stem 1 (3.57%) each. In 20 ischemic cases, 18 (61.4%) lesions were located in the MCA out of 20 ischemic cases 9 showed loss of gray/white differentiation and 2 showed obscuration of lentiform nucleus. Out of 20 ischemic cases 2 (10%) showed hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign.Keywords
Ischaemic Lesion, Site, Vascular Territory, Frequency of Involvement.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March – April 2010; 201-202.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. – 2, No. – 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. – 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Anne G. Osborn: Imaging of Cerebral Ischemia and Infarction; Computed Tomography; Diagnostic Neuroradiology; Second Indian Reprint 2007; Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110065; 344-347.
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- Epidemiological Analysis of Mothers under Gone Caesarean Section at Medical College Hospital
1 Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, (Bastar) - 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, (Bastar) - 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 3 (2011), Pagination: 105-107Abstract
Back ground: The distress, pain and struggle through a difficult labour is neither well tolerated by patients nor appreciated by Obstetrician. So use of Caesarean Section to terminate painful and difficult labour has increased the incidence tremendously. Objective: the objective was to study the determinants of Caesarian Section among mothers under gone the procedure. Material and Methods: The mothers under gone Caesarean Section in a medical college hospital. Study variables included mother's age, weight, Gravida, Gestational age, Basal pulse rate , Mean arterial pressure in mm. Hg., prity, history of previous Caesarean Section in earlier delivery. Statistical Analysis: The results were expressed in terms of mean ± SEM and proportion as and when required. Observations: Highest percentage of caesarean section has the previous history of the procedure in earlier delivery which was in accordance of the adage "once a caesarean always a caesarean". Vertex was the commonest presentation (81.11 %).Conclusion: The mothers who are at risk for Caesarean should be identified and high quality ante natal care should be given in order to minimize the complications of the procedure. As an unnecessary surgery is jeopardizing women's health, hence before recommending the procedure, all alternative method must be explored.Keywords
Caesarean, Presentation, Mean.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March – April 2010; 201-202.
- C - Section rates around globe at 'epidemic' levels – Health – Pregnancy – msnbc.com; page no. 3 & 5.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. – 2, No. – 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B. (2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. – 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Masani K.M.: A Text Book of Obstetrics (1964) Caesarean Section; pp 705 – 718.
- Dutta, D.C. : Text Book of Obstetrics ( 2004 ) 6th.Edition ; published :New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.,8/1,Chintamoni Das Lane .Calcutta 700 009 (INDIA) ; Caesarean Section : 588 -590.
- Masani K.M.: A Text Book of Gynaecology (1973) 7th Edition Bombay Popular Prakashan, History taking; pp-69-73.
- The Effects of Pipe Curenium Bromide on Pulse Rate and Blood Pressure
1 Govt. Medical College, Dept. of Anesthesia1, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 4 (2011), Pagination: 154-157Abstract
On analysis of the collected data, it has been revealed that in study group, there was rise, fall and no change in pulse rate of 56.66, 11.66 and 31.66% patients in comparison to 84.0, 12.0 and only 4.0 patients of control group respectively. Regarding effect on B.P. of study group in comparison to control group, a significant difference in fall of B.P. was noted, regarding increase in B.P., the difference found statistically insignificant. Thus Pipe curenium bromide has been found to be cardiovascular stable muscle relaxant.Keywords
Pulse Rate, Blood Pressure.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. - 2, No. - 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. - 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Correlation Between Mode of Delivery and Breech
1 Department of Orthopedic, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 94-97Abstract
Background: Breech is the most common malpresentation.There is hardly any Obstetrician who have not missed breech presentation occasionally during his/her professional carrier. Objective: An assessment of factors affecting the mode of delivery in breech presentation. Materials and Method: An analysis of one hundred cases of single tone pregnancies with breech presentation was done at a tertiary care hospital. Statistical analysis; findings were expressed in terms of simple proportion. Findings: Of the total one hundred breech delivery conducted, 46 percent were assisted breech deliveries, 5 percent were spontaneous breech deliveries, breech extraction was done in only 2 percent cases and 47 percent were Caesarean section. The fate of primae was, 61.70 % undergone C-section in comparison to their counterparts 34.01 % delivered vaginally. This points to the trend of primae with breech towards C-section. Similarily 66 percent multigravidae delivered vaginally showed that the maternal pelvis has stood the taste of a previous delivery. Conclusion: The authors reached to the conclusion that a shift towards modernization resulted in increase in C-section birth. This is not necessarily good thing. The woom in unnecessary surgeries is jeopardizing women health. Unwanted C-section is costlier than the natural birth and raises the risk of complications for the mother. Hence efforts must be made to bring awareness in the community because natural birth is the ideal one. Any C-section is to be performed in the interest of the mother and child-and that too after a careful evaluation. A regular antenatal check up ,close clinical monitoring during labour and timely intervention is always helpful.
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- Bansal A.K. Chandorkar R.K., Knowledge, Belief, and Practice: A study of Tribal Mother about feeding of infants, Tribal Health Bulletin (I.C.M.R.) 1993; 2:3-4.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J. Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82 – 84.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol. – 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B. (2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol. – 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Dutta, D.C. : Breech Presentation; Text book of Obstetrics lncluding Perinatology and Contraception; Sixth Edition, Publishers: New Central book agency (P) Ltd.;8/1, Chintamoni Das Lane, Calcutta-700 009 (India): pp 374-398.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol. – 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
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- Clinical Study of the Patients Suffering from Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
1 Deptt. of Ophthalmology, Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar (India) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, (Bastar) - 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 98-101Abstract
Objective: Clinical study of the patients suffering from Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. Material and Methods: Patients attending O. P. D. of a Medical College Hospital, were taken in to consideration. Detail history of all sampled patients and clinical examination were carried out. Thus 128 ears of one hundred cases included in the study. Statistical analysis: were expressed in terms of simple proportion. Results: Ottorhhoea was present in all sampled patients followed by deafness, tinnitus, headache, earache and vertigo. Recurrent nasal and throat infection was the most common associated factors responsible for chronic suppurative otitis media. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to bring awareness among the masses about various aspects of the disease; similarly consulting doctors must be motivated for rational use of drugs, by keeping in mind the development of resistance against antibiotics.Keywords
Resistence, Antibiotic, Deafness.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March – April 2010; 201-202.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol.– 2, No.– 3 and 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B. (2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol.– 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Hospital Stay of Patient: Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fractures of the Distal Femur
1 Department of Orthopedic, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) - 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 108-110Abstract
Background: Over all, India reported 418 accidental deaths a day in 2009 an increased by 7.3 % compared to 2008 as per National Crime Records Bureau's annual report of deaths and suicides across the country. Objective: To assesstime taken from accident to discharge from the hospital. Study Design: Cross sectional Setting: Indoor Orthopedic and ward of a tertiary hospital. Sample Size: Thirty patients of both sexes of the fracture of lower femur (supracondyler and intercondyler) admitted in a tertiary hospital. Statistical Analysis: Simple proportion. Findings: 36.66% of patients were operated on or before five days of accident, only 13.33% patients were operated after two weeks this may because of the associated injury or medical complications like diabetes and/or hypertension, 50% of the patients discharge from the hospital on or before seven days of the operation, only 6.7% patients took more than 35 days in their discharge. Conclusion: there is an urgent need to conduct Continuous Medical Education (C.M.E) all concerned on "rational use of drugs "to put a full stop on development of resistance against the drugs otherwise patients have to suffer a lot and the treatment will be beyond the reach of the most of the patients which ultimately harm all concerned irrespective of caste, creed, colour, religion, profession rich or poor.Keywords
Rational Use of Drugs, Superbug, Resistance.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
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- Superbug highlights need for antibiotics policy; The Times of India, New Delhi, Tuesday, 17th August, 2010; pp-07.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol.– 2, No.– 3 and 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
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- Epidemiological Profile of Breech Presentation
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 1 (2012), Pagination: 37-40Abstract
Background: Breech is the commonest malpresentation. There is higher incidence of breech in earlier weeks of pregnancy. Smaller size of the fetus and comparatively larger volume of amniotic fluid allow the fetus to undergo spontaneous version by kicking movements until by 36th week when the position becomes stabilized. Objective: To know the Epidemiological profile of Breech presentation. Results: On analysis of the collected data, it was noted that 84% were registered cases while remaining 16% unregistered (referred from periphery or come directly for delivery purposes because of complicated cases). 47% primaegravidae, and 6% were grand multipara. 50% of the cases were of the gestational age of 37 weeks and more. 61% breech belongs to 20-25 years of age mothers. Conclusion: To make aware the community about various aspect of breech by judicious use of media mix (Traditional and modern media).Keywords
Gestational Age, Mother's Age, Parity.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March-April 2010; 201-202.
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- Bansal A.K and Garg Narendra K, Information, Education, Communication in context of reproductive and child including HIV/AIDS. J. of Ravi Shanker University; Vol 14 No. B (Science) 2001:28-34.
- Bansal A.K.(2000) Situational analysis of Family Welfare Programme J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol.-13, No.-B (Science) 48-52.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J. Science and Tech.; 2009:1(2); 82-84.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B. (2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Dutta, D.C. : Breech Presentation; Text book of Obstetrics including Perinatology and Contraception; Sixth Edition, Publishers: New Central book agency (P) Ltd.;8/1, Chintamoni Das Lane, Calcutta-700 009(INDIA): pp 374-388.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) Utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol.-11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Govila (1996) An assessment of educational needs of industrial workers regarding family welfare; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-9, No.-B (Science) 77-81.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol.-3, N.
- Caesarean births on rise in Mumbai: The Times of India, New Delhi, Saturday, November 7, 2009; pp12.
- Dhruv (Thakur) Shashi Kala, Bansal A., Dhruv V.K. et.al.: Epidemiological Analysis of mothers under gone Caesarean section at Medical College Hospital; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics;3(3):105-107.
- Bansal A.K. and Govila A.K.(1996) Evaluation of Health educational media’s among men and women in context of family welfare;J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol.-9,No.-B (Science) 83-87.
- Zatuchni, Gerald I. and Andros George A.; Am. Jour. of Ob/Gy.98 :854,1967.
- Alfia Fatima, Bansal A.K., Shamsuddoha, Ratre, H.L.et. al.: Leprosy Elimination in District Sarguja; J. of Ravi Shankar Uni.; Vol-19; No B (Science); 2006; pp-61-68.
- Bansal A.K. and Sarma A.L.(2007) Prevention of impairment and disability due to Leprosy in India J. Ravi Shankar University; Vol.-20,No.-B (Science)49-54.
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- Impact on Maternal and Neonatal Outcome of Caesarean Section and Vaginal Delivery in Breech Presentation
1 Department of Orthopedic, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)–494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)–494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 122-125Abstract
Background: Breech presentation is always at a greater risk than Cephalic presentation with respect to perinatal morbidity and perinatal mortality. Research Question : effects of Caesarean section and vaginal delivery on perinatal and maternal mortality and morbidity in breech presentation? Material and Methods: One hundred cases with breech presentation that have undergone delivery (Caesarean / Vaginal) were included in the study. Study Design: Analytic study. Setting: Hospital based. Study Variables: birth weight, mode of delivery, Apgar score. Statistical Analysis: Chi-square test, simple proportion. Results: All babies with Apgar score less than 5 died .Only 5 babies with Apgar score between 5-7 died .100 % of the babies with Apgar score more than 7 were alive at the end of first post natal week. There were higher percentages of babies with low Apgar scores in vaginal delivery as compared to C-section babies. Perinatal mortality rate for C-section was 2.18 % in comparison to their counterparts, 39.62 % in vaginal delivery. These results were highly significant. Of the total 22 perinatal deaths, 18 were premature constituting 81.18%. There was no maternal mortality. In the present study there was 14.9%maternal morbidity associated with C-section as compared to 7.5 %with vaginal delivery. Conclusion: Thus prematurity was the most important factor towards perinatal mortality in breech presentation. This shows that the breech baby is likely to be benefited by Csection and morbidity from trauma and asphyxia can be reduced by the mere liberal use of C-section in selected cases. The authors recommended Csection for all breech presentation with expected birth weight above 3000 g.Keywords
Prematurity, Apgar Score.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March – April 2010; 201-202.
- Bansal A.K. Chandorkar R.K., Knowledge, Belief, and Practice: A study of Tribal Mother about feeding of infants, Tribal Health Bulletin (I.C.M.R.) 1993; 2:3-4.
- Garg Narendra K.and Bansal A.K. Management of information system in context of health care delivery. J of Ravishanker University; Vol 14:No. B (Science) 2001:35-40.
- Bansal A.K and Garg Narendra K, Information, Education, Communication in context oh reproductive and child including HIV/AIDS. J. of Ravi Shanker University; Vol 14 No. B (Science) 2001:28-34.
- J E Park: Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine 1st.edition "Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics, Paediatrics and Geriatrics"478-509.M/S Banarsi Das Bhanot, Publishers, Jabalpur (India).
- J E Park: Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine 1st.edition "Medical Statistics"542-584.M/S Banarsi Das Bhanot, Publishers, Jabalpur (India).
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J. Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82 – 84.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B. (2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol.– 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Swaroop,S. (1960) Introduction to health statistics, Livingstone, London.
- W.H.O. (1961)Tech.Rept.Series, No.217.
- W.H.O. (1963)Tech.Rept.Series, No.266.
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- Chauhan, P.Baghel, B.Dhruv, V.K.Bansal, A.K.Chauhan, V.K.S.:To study the effects of labour on foetus; Research J of Science and Tech.;2009:1(2):14-15.
- Zatuchni,Gerald I.and Andros George A.; Am.Jour.of Ob/Gy.98:854,1967.
- An Epidemiological Study of Cerebrovascular Accidents Cases Admitted in a Tertiary Hospital
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 4 (2011), Pagination: 192-195Abstract
Out of 50 patients, 5 (10%) patients were in age group of 31 t5o 40 years; 11(22%) in 41 to 50 years, 14 (28%) in 51 to 60 and 12 (24%) cases in the age group of 61 to 70 years. Out of 50 cases 30 (60%) and 20 (40%) respectively belong to rural and urban back ground respectively. On further analysis, 35 cases presented with disturbed consciousness, 15 cases had weakness, 14 had speech loss, fever was noted in 7 cases and convulsion was present in 4 cases. Vomiting was also present in 4 cases, headache was complaint of 5 cases and one case had vision loss. More than one symptoms were present in all patients.
The predominant presenting sign of motor weakness was seen in the 15 cases disturbed consciousness in 35 patients, 7th cranial nerve involvement seen in 19 cases. Blood pressure was elevated in 31 cases. Out of 50 cases 22 had systemic hypertension as a associated disease, 5 cases had cardiac lesions, another 5 patients had past history of CVA, 2 patients had diabetes mellitus, 1 case was associated with pulmonary tuberculosis and one case had cerebral malaria. Out of 50 cases, 47 cases presented as hemiplegia, 2 had quadriplegia and only one had monoplegia.
Prevention, Television, Media-Mix, Key-Players, and Democratic Alliance.References
- W.H.O. (1971),Tech. Rep.Series.,No.469.
- W.H.O. (1986),Tech. Rep. Ser., No. 732.
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
- Park K., Epidemiology of Chronic non Communicable Diseases and Conditions; Park's Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine 19th edition, Feb. 2007, M/s Banarsidas Bhanot, 1167, Prem Nagar, Jabalpur-4282001 (India), pp-314-315.
- Kennedy R., Lees et al; ABC of arterial and venous disease; BMJ., Vol. 320, 8 April , 2000.
- Govt. of India (2006) Health Information of India, 2005, Min. of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. - 2, No. - 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar Uni; Vol. - 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. - 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- WHO (1980) Bull WHO, 58: 113-130.
- Bansal,A.K. and Garg, Narendra K.Information, Education, Communication in context of Reproductive and Child Health including H.I.V./A.I.D.S.;Journal of Ravishanker University :Vol. 14 ;No. B (Science) 2001:pp 28-34.
- WHO (1974), WHO Chronicle, 28 (3) 123.
- Pedoe, H.T. (1982), In: Epidemiology of Disease, Miller, D.L. and R.D.T. Farmer (eds) Blackwell, Oxford.
- Assessment of Air Pollution Tolerance Index of Selected Plants
1 Department of Natural Resource Management, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396 450 Gujarat, IN
Indian Forester, Vol 141, No 4 (2015), Pagination: 372-378Abstract
The present study was undertaken to evaluate air pollution tolerance index (APTI) of five different plant species around industrial area and Navsari Agricultural University campus. Four physiological and biochemical parameters like relative water content, ascorbic acid content, chlorophyll content and leaf pH were used to compute the APTI values. The findings revealed that Cassia fistula showed maximum APTI value as compared to other species in the industrial area. Saraca asoca, Syzygium cumini and Cassia fistula found to be tolerant as per the APTI value in the industrial area. However, Tectona grandis and Terminalia catappa found to have intermediate sensitivity for the polluted site. Hence, it is recommended to plant Saraca asoca, Syzygium cumini and Cassia fistula trees in industrial site to cope the environmental problem. The study also suggests that performance index might be very useful in the selection of appropriate species which can be expected to perform well for the development of green environmentsKeywords
Physiological, Biochemical Characters, Tree Species, Tolerance Index.- Physiographic Characterization of Micro Watershed: a Case Study of Nau Campus
1 Department of Natural Resource Management, ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, IN
Indian Forester, Vol 141, No 9 (2015), Pagination: 951-955Abstract
Watershed characterization of the existing micro watershed in Navsari Agricultural University was done so as to help in preparing an effective water management plan of various Research farms of the University. Field observations during monsoon and as per the layout plan of campus, four micro watersheds were demarcated and standard characterization procedure was adopted to make a comparative physiographic study. It was found the watershed 'B' has the largest area 240.8 ha, followed by watershed 'C' with an area of 109.25 ha. Due to large area and higher form factor of B and C; rectangular shape, there are high discharges from these two watersheds, which can be harvested and used for multipurpose uses. The bifurcation ration varies from 1.65 to 5.3, the highest value of bifurcation ratio was 5.5, in watershed A, which suggests structural control in the area and low permeability. Watershed A and C have been affected due to land use changes either due to more building / roads or soil sodicity in the fields. This is evident on ground as most of the buildings in residential area have been constructed and also due to ingress of sea water in the northern side has made the soils saline sodic with comparatively lesser permeability.Keywords
Watershed Characterization, Form Factor, Bifurcation Ratio, Navsari Agriculture University.- Nutritional Status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of a Slum in Jagdalpur (Bastar), India
1 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar-494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar-494001, IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 3, No 4 (2011), Pagination: 200-203Abstract
Research Question: The menace of ignoring girls, peculiar in north and north-west regions, has now extended to entire country.
Material Methods: One hundred eleven children (Tribal 46 and Non Tribal 65) of both sexes belongs to zero to six years of age of a slum in Jagdalpur (BASTAR) tribal heart land of India were included in the study. Their weight for age was considered as an independent criterion for judging the status of girl child in comparisons to their male counter parts. Statistical Analysis: was expressed in terms of simple proportion and Chi - square test. Findings on comparison of age for weight in both tribal and non tribal community, an insignificant difference were noted for all age group of children.
Interpretation: This all indicate that community had been uncaring towards girl child.
Recommendations: (i) A new curriculum with objective of "mindset about gender perspectives must be changed" will have to be evolved for the school going children. (ii) Fees-free girl education (have knowledge be prosperous) i.e. voluntary payment of fee from primary to the highest degree level including technical education and be mandatory up to 14 years of age, without discrimination on account of caste, Religion, economic and social status etc. With special provision to the families comes under poverty line, for compensation as incentive for wages, the girl suppose to earn during her study period, must be made an integral and permanent part of all policies either proposed or going to be proposed for the progress and empowerment of the girls, (no amount is high enough to achieve the noble task of the progress and empowerment of the girls). (iii) As per trusteeship principle of the father of the nation "Mahatma Gandhi" the affluent class of the society, voluntary come forward to bear these expenses for this noble task.
Affluent Class, Noble Task, Mindset Fees-Free Education, Trusteeship Principle.- Epidemiological Analysis of the Patients Suffering From Ear Problems: Attending O.P.D. in a Medical College Hospital
1 Dept. of E.N.T., Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, (Bastar) - 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar)-494001, IN
3 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, (Bastar) - 494001, IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 4, No 1 (2012), Pagination: 6-8Abstract
Objective: To know the incidence of disease as per various variables?
Material and Methods: One hundred cases suffering from Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media were included in the study .Various variables eg. Age, Sex, residential background, Socio-economic status, educational qualification if any etc. were recorded and analyzed.
Statistical analysis: were expressed in terms of simple proportion.
Results: 90 percent patients were under the age of 30 years. 61 percent males and 39 percent females. Similarly majority belongs to rural area. 60 percent were of low socio economic class.
Conclusion: An awareness campaign about the various causes of the disease have to be conducted among the community particularly in the rural area.
- Assessment of Nutritional Deficiency Diseases among Children of an Urban Slum
1 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
2 Dept. of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
3 Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 2, No 5 (2010), Pagination: 95-97Abstract
On analysis of the data collected 4.6 % children were suffering from protein energy malnutrition, 11.5 % vitamin "A" deficiency, 13.3 % Vitamin "B" complex deficiency and 11.1 % from anaemia These various nutritional deficiency diseases are not just due to poor hygiene conditions and lack of nutritional food but also because the mother herself is suffering from anaemia and malnutrition during adolescence and child bearing age. They become trapped in an intergenerational cycle of ill health and poverty.Keywords
Intergenerational Cycle, Protein Energy Malnutrition.- Effect of Acceleration of Labour on Mothers
1 Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
2 Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
3 Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
4 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 2, No 5 (2010), Pagination: 108-109Abstract
Because of shortening of labour, the incidence of prolonged labour, forceps delivery has been reduced considerably. In study group, no patients required manual removal of placenta in comparison to 2 % in control group. In study group no mother required manual removal of placenta in comparison to 2% in control group. The growing reward is obstetric experience of patients who has no bitter hang over at all.Keywords
Hang Over, Mental Anguish.- An Assessment of Weight for Height of Slum Dwellers Children Up To Five Years of Age
1 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
2 Dept. of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
3 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 2, No 4 (2010), Pagination: 72-74Abstract
64 % malnourished children belong to 12 - 60 months of age group in comparison to their counterparts children (37.1 %) of 0 - <12 months of age. This difference on statistical analysis was found significant. Out of 267 males, 109 (40.8 %) were in normal grade of nutrition and 158 (59.2 %) were malnourished in comparison to their female counterparts 117 (40.6 %) normal and 171 (59.4 %) malnourished. These differences of male and female children were more or less similar and on application of statistical analysis the difference found in significant.Keywords
Under-Nutrition, Weight for Height.- Mode of Delivery and Active Management of Labour
1 Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
2 Dept. of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
3 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 2, No 4 (2010), Pagination: 82-83Abstract
95 % of cases delivered normally in study group by active management of labour while in control group only 89 % of cases delivered normally. In study group 3 % of cases was delivered with the help of forceps in comparison to 9 % of cases in control group. This clearly indicates that active management of labour has reduced the incidence of forceps deliveries.Keywords
Forced Delivery, Caessarian Section.- Epidemiological Investigation of Acute Diarrhoea (Gastroenteritis) and Vomiting Cases in Urban Palitana, Gujarat
1 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh), IN
2 Dept. Of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, (Chhattisgarh), IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 3, No 6 (2011), Pagination: 340-342Abstract
Introduction:- Diarrhoea occurs worldwide and causes 4% of all deaths and 5% health loss to disability. Acute diarrhoea and vomiting epidemic occurs in urban Palitana in year 2000.
Aim: - To find out the magnitude, sources of epidemic and to suggest preventive and control measures.
Study design: - Cross sectional study. Persons from Palitana city and persons are coming to Palitana during chatrumaas (July to October months) from different parts of India to celebrate the Jain festival.
Results:-Contaminated water and unhygienic practices to provide the food to the people coming to Palitana from different parts of India, residing in the various dharmshaalas were found to be the cause of this epidemic.
Acute Diarrhoea, Drinking Water, Jain Festival (Chatrumaas), Rapid Response Team (RRT).- Incidence of Sickle Cell Disorder among Tribal and Non Tribal Community of Bastar (India)
1 Deptt. Of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (C.G.)-494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (C.G.)-494001, IN