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Singh, Nirmala
- Knowledge Among Stroke and High Risk Patients Regarding Risk Factors, Warning Signs and Immediate Treatment of Stroke
1 College of Nursing, Dr. R. M. L. Hospital, New Delhi, IN
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, Vol 4, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 331-333Abstract
Reduction in the risk of stroke and increase in the speed of hospital presentation after the onset of stroke both depend on the level of knowledge of stroke in the general population. Studies conducted on stroke patients have revealed inadequate knowledge regarding various aspects of stroke. The aim of the present study was to assess knowledge regarding stroke risk factors, warning signs and immediate treatment. Quantitative, descriptive, comparative cross-sectional survey was conducted on 402 patients i.e. stroke patients (n=201) and high risk patients (n=201) in neurology and cardiology wards and outpatient clinics. Demographic profile, clinical profile and knowledge questionnaire were used for data collection. Data analysis was done using STATA 11.1, with the level of significance at p < 0.05. Both the groups were found to be statistically comparable with respect to age (p=0.280) and sex (p=0.411). 47% of stroke patients and 32.3% of high risk patients were aware that brain is affected in stroke. Knowledge regarding desired action after onset of stroke was excellent (73.63% of stroke patients and 77.11% of high risk patients). Awareness regarding risk factors and warning signs of stroke was significantly higher (p = <0.05) in high risk patients as compared to stroke patients. It is concluded that there is a need to educate the patients with stroke and population at risk regarding risk factors, warning signs and immediate treatment of stroke.Keywords
Stroke, High Risk Patients, Knowledge, Risk Factors, Warning Signs.- Stress Reaction and Coping Strategies among Nursing Students in Delhi
1 College of Nursing, Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi, IN
2 Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, IN
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, Vol 5, No 2 (2015), Pagination: 274-278Abstract
Background: Professional education can be a very stressful experience which often affects the physical and mental health. It is important to assess the psychological well being of the nursing students. This study was planned with an objective to identify and analyze the stress, stress reactions and coping strategies among nursing students in response to the stress in a nursing college in Delhi.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 139 students of a nursing college in Delhi selected from different batches by purposive sampling method. Data was collected using a self administered questionnaire consisted of items on socio-demographic profile, clinical stress, stress reactions and coping strategies after getting written informed consent. Data was analyzed using SPSS software (version 17). Coefficient of correlation between clinical stress and stress reaction; stress reaction and coping strategies; clinical stress and coping strategies was calculated and "p" value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: A majority (70.5%) of study subjects were in the age group of 20-22 years, educated up to post high school (83.4%) and belonged to nuclear families (86.3%). The mean clinical score for stress was 56.8 ± 15.7. Maximum number of study subjects (76.97%) reported moderate degree of stress with a mean stress score of 60.18. Study subjects reported both psychological and physical stress reactions but physical reactions (average-160.2) were more evident. Study reveals that anticipated coping and seeking social support were the most common coping strategies.
Conclusions: Effective intervention strategies should be taken for reducing stress among nursing students.
Nursing Students, Stress, Delhi.- Optimization of β-Glucosidase Assay and Protein Estimation from Various Parts of Rauvolfia serpentina
1 Allahabad Agricultural Institute (Deemed University) Allahabad (U.P.), IN
Asian Journal of Bio Science, Vol 3, No 2 (2008), Pagination: 320-323Abstract
Rauvolfia serpentina is gifted with unique alkaloids that have remarkable medicinal properties and is being pronounced as “Wonder drug of India”. Several Ayurvedic preparations containing Rauvolfia plant parts are available in the market. The activity of crude enzyme in Rauvolfia serpentina was highest in mature leaf-1 (100%) followed by very young leaf (94.715%), whereas lowest in ischolar_main (9.829%). It was noticed that very young leaf and young leaf have highest protein 7.4573 and 3.8344 mg/ml, respectively and lowest protein content was found in stem (0.1689 mg/ml) of Rauvolfia serpentina. Young leaf contained highest number of isoforms (3).Keywords
Rauvolfia serpentina, Protein, Alkaloid, β-Glucosidase.- Decision-Making Pattern of Rural Women Beneficiaries of National Rural Livelihood Mission in Rewa District of M.P.
1 College of Agriculture, Rewa (M.P.), IN
2 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rewa (M.P.), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 13, No 1 (2018), Pagination: 88-92Abstract
Involvement of rural women in decision-making process has been of great importance because they perform every household activity and major farm activities with great devotion and excellent capabilities. Keeping this in view, the present study was conducted to know the level of involvement of rural women in the decision-making process in agriculture and allied activities. The present study was conducted in Rewa district of M.P. since the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) project has been running in the district since 2015 for improving the livelihood and empowerment of women. Hence, the sample of the study was consisted of 120 rural women beneficiaries of National Rural Livelihood Mission. The study revealed that 45.00 per cent of the total respondents exhibited low level of decision making pattern followed by 30.83 per cent had medium and only 24.16 per cent had high decision making ability in farming and allied activities The study suggests that the rural women should be actively involved in awareness and capacity building programmes of rural and agricultural development for enhancing their involvement in decision-making process.Keywords
Decision Making Pattern, Rural Women, National Rural Livelihood Mission.References
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