A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Manjula, N.
- Listeners Knowledge and Perception on Programme Broadcasted by KCRS in Dharwad
1 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 11, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 380-384Abstract
The study was carried out to examine the Krishi community radio listeners perception about the farm broadcast and also to learn the impact on knowledge level of the listeners. The modern farm technologies evolved by scientists has tremendously helped the farmers to increase the farm production, still the big educated and innovative farmers were able to get the maximum benefits of new technology. The present study conducted in two villages of Dharwad district which is covered by KCRS Dharwad. The study revealed that the KCRS listeners were middle aged (30.00%), had about upto middle school (25.00%), medium extension participation and innovativeness. The listeners 37.50 per cent belonged to most favourale perception, majority felt that programmes were easy to follow and understand (67.50%) and more interest to listen my voice and neighbors voice in the radio (59.20%), majority of respondents has total knowledge index score of 68.18 for Jola and a score of 57.57 for maize was obtained in case of broadcasted dramatized programmes.
Knowledge, Perception.- KCRS Listeners Preference towards Agricultural Programmes Aired in Radio and Suggestions to Improve the Programme Broadcasting
1 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 11, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 406-410Abstract
The Krishi community radio acts as a medium for providing a voice to the voiceless of the farming community and play vital role for development, communication, governance, decision making, participation and health through designed programmes. Community radio caters the need of farming community. The present research study was conducted in Chikbyalikatti and Mangalakatti village revealed that, the agriculture programme viz ., Varadabasanna, Krishi chintana, Avishkaragalu were the more prefered by the listeners. The listeners felt there was lack of clarity in the programme and problem of power cut. A good number of listeners suggested to enhance the coverage area and broadcast adoptable technologies.
Listener’s Preference, Problems, Suggestions.- Impact of Drip Irrigation on Sugarcane Growers
1 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 11, No 4 (2016), Pagination: 427-429Abstract
The study was conducted during 2015 among sugarcane growers of Belagavi district of Karnataka. The results revealed that the average yield of sugarcane among drip adopters was high 53.60 t/ac compared to non-adopters of drip 44.80 t/ac indicating 8.80 difference. The average per acre income of the adopters of drip irrigation was high Rs. 72350/- compared to non-adopters Rs. 53580/-, indicating the difference of Rs. 18770/-. The results also revealed that advantages experienced by drip adopters, cent per cent of adopters expressed that drip irrigation saves water, decreased weed growth (86.66%), uniform distribution of water (83.33%) and decrease in labour requirement (76.66%).
Drip Irrigation, Impact, Sugarcane, Adoption, Constraints.- Content Analysis of Krishi Munnade Kannada Farm Magazine
1 Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vijayapura, Bengaluru (Karnataka), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Vijayapura, Bengaluru (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 10, No 3 (2015), Pagination: 237-240Abstract
The farm magazine is one of the important mass median to disseminate the information to farming community on agriculture and other related aspects. Among various farm magazines published in Karnataka, Krishi Munnade Farm Magazine (KFM) is one of the leading magazine in Kannada. It is published by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad regularly since 1988 with the aim to disseminate and popularize the scientific methods of agriculture among the farming community. There was hardly any research work carried out in the past to study the contents covered in the Krishi Munnade. The articles published from 2010 to 2013 considered for the study. For content analysis all the 628 articles published during 2010 to 2013 were considered. The study revealed that a good majority of the topics covered belonged to agriculture (35.83%) followed by allied activities (29.46%) with respect to subjects covered 54.78 per cent were informative followed by plant protection (12.90%) and sustainable farming (10.67%).Keywords
Content Analysis, Krishi Munnade, Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Allied Activities.- Socio-Economic, Psychological and Extension Attributes of Trained and Untrained Farmers of K.V.K. Bijapur
1 Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Bijapur (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 5, No 1-2 (2010), Pagination: 38-42Abstract
The study conducted in the jurisdiction of K.V.K., Bijapur district of Karnataka state revealed that, the trained farmers were middle aged, with Higher Secondary to College education, having medium level of land holding and low-income. They had medium level of involvness risk and scientific orientation, high media and extension participation and medium cosmopolitness when compared with their counter parts untrained. They suggested for community vermi compost pits and need to have low interest loans and subsidy for the loans.Keywords
Vermicompost, Psychological and Extension Attributes Suggestions Trained, Untrained, Socio, Personal and Economic Attributes.- Impact of Krishimela on Participating Farmers
1 Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Bijapur (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 5, No 1-2 (2010), Pagination: 54-58Abstract
Krishimela an important tool in transferring latest technologies to farmers is gaining momentum over the years. A large amount of money is involved in this extension activity. To analyze the impact of Krishimela on participants a study was undertaken at RARS,Bijapur during 2007-08, involving 150 randomly selected farmers. The sources of information, usefulness, their opinion on selected dimensions of Mela , reasons for participation and suggestions made were elicited from the participants by personal interview method. The results indicated that majority got information through friends / relatives( 68%), information given was more usefull to use full. The dimensions like seminar on organic farming water management were felt very good and good by 80 and 70 per cent, respectively. Where as transport and food arrangements needs improvement. This will improve the effectiveness of Krishimela and will leads to enhance the adoption of technology by the farmers.Keywords
Krishimela, Usefulness, Opinion, Reasons, Suggestions.- Adoption of Organic Farming Practices and Marketing Behaviour of Pigeonpea Growers in Gulbarga District of Karnataka
1 Department of Agriculture Extension, College of Agriculture, Bijapur (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 5, No 3-4 (2010), Pagination: 466-469Abstract
Organic farming practice in India is an age old practice. Organic farming systems rely on large scale application of animal waste or FYM, compost, crop rotation, crop residues, green manuring, vermicompost biofertilizers, and biological control of pest and diseases. The present study conducted in pulse bowl district called Gulbarga involving 120 farmers growing pigeonpea, with the objective to know their extent of adoption of organic farming practices and marketing behaviour. The results indicated that, majority of respondents (69.17%) had medium level of adoption with respect to individual practice, majority have adopted variety, sowing time, vermicompost, application of FYM, use of Jeevamruth sowing within 15th July and application of NSKE, Most of the respondents sold the produce through commission agent, at regulated market when the price was reasonable.Keywords
Organic Farming, Adoption, Marketing Behaviour and Pigeonpea.- Extent of Adoption of Recommended Cultivation Practices and Constraints Faced by Sweet Potato Growers in Belagavi District
1 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 14, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 319-324Abstract
The present study was conducted in Belagavi district of Karnataka state. The sample was drawn from the two taluka viz., Belagavi and Khanapur. Thus, 120 sweet potato growers were selected which constituted the sample respondents for the present study. Data were collected by personally interviewing the respondents with the help of pre-tested structured interview schedule in face to face situation. Collected data were tabulated with appropriate tools like frequency, percentage, mean etc. The majorresults of the study were, 46.67 per cent of the respondents belonged to medium adoption category in sweet potato cultivation. In case of specific adoption of recommended cultivation practices, cent per cent had fully adopted the recommended planting method and irrigation interval. Further a greater majority (90.83%) of the respondents fully adopted the recommended June-July planting season,(81.67%) recommended spacing and 70.83 per cent adopted seed rate per acreand 43.33per cent of the respondents partially adopted the plant protection measures against leaf spot disease, followed by non-adoption (36.67%) and full adoption (20.00%), respectively. Lastly three forth (75.83%) of the respondents fully adopted the recommended harvesting time followed by 24.17 per cent of the respondents fell under partial adoption category. Problems faced by the farmers in production were of non-availability of labour, high cost of fertilizers and lack of finance. While price fluctuation, distant market and middlemen exploitation were the problems of marketing in sweet potato cultivation.Keywords
Adoption, Constraints, Recommended Cultivation Practices, Sweet Potato Growers.References
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- Socio-Economic Profile and Marketing Behaviour of Sweet Potato Growers in Belagavi District of Karnataka
1 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), IN
Agriculture Update, Vol 14, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 265-271Abstract
The present study was conducted in Belagavi district of Northern Karnataka during the year 2018-19 to find out the socio-economic characteristics and marketing behaviour of sweet potato growers. Based on the highest area under cultivation two taluks namely Belagavi and Khanapur were purposively selected and from each taluk, three villages were selected and from each village, twenty sweet potato growers were selected randomly. Thus,the total sample size constitutes 120 respondents for the study. The data were collected using pre tested structured interview schedule personally by researcher. The collected data were analysed using appropriate statistical tools. The results of study revealed that 63.33 per cent of the sweet potato growers were middle age group, 42.50 per cent of the respondents were studied upto middle school. Further, 38.33 per cent of the respondents had semi medium land holding, nearly half (48.33%) of the respondents belonged medium farming experience, nearly two fourth (47.50%) of the respondents had medium economic motivation, slight more than two fifth (42.50%) of the respondents had medium risk orientation and more than half (55.00%) of the sweet potato growers had medium cosmopoliteness. In marketing behaviour, 50.00 per cent of the respondents get marketing information from others who visit the market, majority (84.17%) of the respondents transport their produce through minitempo, cent per cent sell their produce immediately after harvest, nearly three forth (88.33%) of the respondents sell their produce to commission agent and cent per cent sell their produce at APMC, more than two third (70.83%) of the respondents said middlemen involvement was higher extent, slight more than three fourth (76.67%) of the respondents determined their price through open auction, Three fifth (60.83%) of the respondents take self-decision for selling their produce and cent per cent of the respondents get delayed payment for their produce.Keywords
Socio-Economic Characteristics, Marketing Behaviour, Sweet Potato Growers.References
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