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Joshi, N. K.
- Seedling Conditioning for Improved Outplanting Survival in Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent)
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 5 (1996), Pagination: 371-376Abstract
In two experiments on conditioning of chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) laid out to raise seedlings for monsoon and winter plantings, seven month old seedlings were subjected to three undercutting depths (7 cm, 12 cm and 17 cm) followed by three wrenching regimes (control, weekly and biweekly) and combination of lateral and box pruning (control, lateral pruning at 6 cm and box pruning at 6 cm from seedlings) and three irrigation intensities (irrigation just after fortnight wrenching, 12 hours after fortnight wrenching and 18 hours after fortnight wrenching). The experiments were laid out in split-split plot design with two replications. Treated plants on providing a rest period of four weeks after final wrenching were outplanted in field at 1.5 m × 1.5 m spacing. Different treatment combinations exhibited varying responses on survival of the outplanted seedlings, recorded after one year. Wrenching frequency significantly improved survival of seedlings. Maximum and highly significant survival was recorded in seedlings wrenched weekly followed by those wrenched fortnightly. Undercutting depth also significantly influenced outplanting survival. Maximum survival was recorded for seedlings undercut at 12 cm followed by those undercut at 17 cm. The results of treatments-lateral pruning, box pruning and irrigation showed non-significant effects on field survival rates.- Effect of Nitrogen and Spacing on Growth and Development of Acer oblongum Wall. Seedlings
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 11 (1996), Pagination: 1028-1032Abstract
Acer oblongum seedlings were exposed to four levels of Nitrogen (0,40,80 and 120 kg ha-1) in combination with four planting spacings (10×10cm; 15×l0cm, 15×15 cm and 20×20cm) to elucidate their effect on growth, biomass production, nitrogen content and uptake. The most significant result was that combination of 80 kg N ha and 20×20 cm spacing is more appropriate for raising better nursery stock of Acer oblongum.- Seed Colour Variation and Pretreatment Methods in Germination Behaviour of Robinia pseudoacacia
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 12 (1996), Pagination: 1136-1139Abstract
In this study excellent results were obtained in black colour, when seeds were pretreatcd with concentrated sulphuric acid for 30 minutes, however, in nurseries without previous experience of acid scarification, it is recommended the boiling water for presowing treatment in Robinia pseudoacacia.- Effect of Growth Regulators in Rooting Performance of Stem Cuttings of some Shrub Species of Western Himalaya
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Indian Forester, Vol 120, No 2 (1994), Pagination: 105-109Abstract
All the three shrub species under study recorded better results with regard to sprouting, call using and ischolar_maining under prolonged dip treatment in IBA and NAA for 24 hours as compared to a quick dip. The best ischolar_maining treatment in cuttings of species investigated is as follows- Woodfordia prolonged dip in 100 ppm NAA, Debregeasia prolonged dip in 50 ppm IBA and Coriaria prolonged dip in 100 ppm IBA. The number of ischolar_mains in Woodfordia and Coriaria was maximum with a prolonged dip in NAA and in Debregeasia a quick dip in IBA provided maximum number of ischolar_mains. Average ischolar_main length was maximum with quick dips in NAA for all the three shrub species under study.- Nutrition of Robinia pseudacacia L. as Influenced by Phosphorus and Molybdenum
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Indian Forester, Vol 120, No 12 (1994), Pagination: 1080-1083Abstract
Effect or four levels of phosphorus (0, 30, 45 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1) and three levels of molybdenum (0,40 and 80 g Mo ha-1) has been studied on concentration and uptake of N, P, K and Mo by R. pseudacacia seedlings. N, P, K and Mo concentration as well as their uptake enhanced significantly with the application of phosphorus whereas with molybdenum application, only P, K and Mo showed significant enhancement. However, combined application of both, phosphorus and molybdenum proved highly effective in increasing P, K and Mo content and uptake in R. pseudacacia.- Vegetative Propagation of Terminalia bellirica Roxb. And Terminalia chebula Retz. by Stem Cuttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 119, No 5 (1993), Pagination: 360-366Abstract
Tbe cuttings of Terminalia bellirica were planted in the month of July, October and March but all the cuttings were failed irrespective of month of planting hormone treatments and portion of the cuttings. This species can be categorised as under obstinate to ischolar_main under field condition. The cuttings of T chebula planted in July and October failed completely. While in March, the middle portion of the cuttings with combination of 400 ppm IBA produced the better results.- Factors Affecting Natural Regeneration of Ban Oak (Quercus leucortichophora A. Camus Ex. Bahadur) : I. Seed Fall, Infestation, Losses and Regeneration
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Indian Forester, Vol 119, No 12 (1993), Pagination: 986-993Abstract
The seedfall observed from Dec.10,1989 to Feb.18,1990 followed, in general, an unimodal pattern assuming maxima on January 9. The sound and infested seeds showed more or less similar pattern with the progress of sampling date. The total seedfall was estimated to be 11.51 seeds/m2 in site-I and 14.76 seeds/m2 in site-II. The average contribution of sound and infested seed to total seedfall was computed to be 34.98 and 65.02 per cent in site-I and 29.01 and 70.99 per cent in site-II respectively. Seed infestation on forest floor as well as tree crown exceeded 50 per cent; the latter was on average relatively lower by 13.18 per cent in site-I and 10.06 per cent in site-II. The per cent seed loss from Feb. to July, 1990 was estimated to be around 73 per cent. The maximum germination took place between July to November. The total number of newly germinated seedlings after one year of seedfall was 0.63/m2 in site-I and 0.36/m2 in site-II.- Multiplication of Indian Chir Pine Seedling by Cuttings in Nursery Beds
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Indian Forester, Vol 118, No 2 (1992), Pagination: 89-95Abstract
Multiplication of Indian Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) cuttings was studies in the nursery beds 5 percent IBA-talc with 10 percent sucrose, 5 percent capaf and 25 peccent perhydroxybenzoic acid (phenol) resulted in 57.13 percent ischolar_maining and 91 67 percent callusing of non-ischolar_mained cuttings compared to 7.14 percent ischolar_maining and 35.35 percent callusing in control. IBA at low concentrations (one percent) induced higher ischolar_maining when side shoots of seedlings were gridled at base and auxin powder formulation rubbed at gridled and finally covered with black tape. Cuttings planted around earthen backed water filled pots have further improved ischolar_maining both quantitatively and qualitatively. Many cuttings developed a strong main ront similar to tap ischolar_main in seedlings.- Studies on the Effect of Auxin and Season on Rooting Stem Cuttings of some Important Shrubs in Nursery Beds
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Indian Forester, Vol 118, No 12 (1992), Pagination: 893-900Abstract
This paper describes the results of experiments on ischolar_maining of stem cuttings of Debregeasia hypoleuca, Coriaria nepalensis, Woodfordia floribunda and Berberis lycium as affected by season and auxin application. 100 mgl-2 IBA and 100 mgl-1 NAA gave maximum ischolar_maining in D. hypoleuca and W floribunda respectively during spring whereas, 100 mg-1; IBA resulted in better ischolar_maining of C. nepalensis during rains. Rooting of C. nepalensis was enhanced when cuttings were dipped in 0.5 per cent IBA-AC during rainy season. B lycium failed to initiate ischolar_mains irrespective of season and auxin application.- Response of Black Locust (Robinia pseudacacia Linn.) to Phosphorus and Modybdenum Application under Nursery Conditions
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