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Gera, Mohit
- Are Forestry CDM Projects Cost Effective?
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Indian Forester, Vol 135, No 6 (2009), Pagination: 729-744Abstract
Financial efficacy of a CDM forestry project for realization of carbon benefits on account of carbon sequestration service provided by the afforestation or reforestation interventions under CDM has been studied for four different sized projects. All the costs associated with the preparation of these projects such as costs on project development, validation, registration, monitoring, verification & certification, issuance of CERs, adaptation levy and the Tax implications have been taken into account and benefits were estimated assuming a carbon sequestration rate of 2tC/ha/year under two price scenarios. The results have shown that all the project sizes are financially viable with higher values of B/C ratios, in the range of 3.94 to 14.28 and the IRRs, in the range of 55% to 110%. The results also confirmed that with in a given category of the project size, the returns increase with the size of the project. The authors are of the opinion that investment in forestry A&R projects development and registration under CDM is not only a financially viable option but also the regular returns on account of CER revenue could help in sustenance for the CDM project interventions.Keywords
CDM Projects, Forestry, Cost-effectiveness- Valuation of Recreational Benefits from Valley of Flowers National Park
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Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
Indian Forester, Vol 134, No 1 (2008), Pagination: 26-35Abstract
The Valley of Flowers National Park spread over an area of around 87.5 km2 ensconced within the upper Himalayan ridges between the altitudes of 3,200 to 6,675 m is visited by on an average around 3,000 visitors annually from all over the country as well as from out side. The study was carried out to estimate recreational benefits derived from the national park by employing two valuation techniques, viz., travel cost method (TCM) and the contingent valuation method (CVM). Application of TCM estimated a recreational value of Rs. 194.68 per visit and when extrapolated to the total number of visitors, the total recreational benefits of Rs. 5,88,332 were obtained. The recreational value estimated by application of CVM gave an average willingness to pay of Rs. 1833.83 which when extrapolated to the total number of visitors become Rs. 55,41,834. The reason for significant higher value obtained by the CVM may be due to the hypothetical nature of this valuation technique and the strategic bias where the nature loving respondents tend to place a much higher value on a site like Valley of Flowers National Park. In view of the weighted average travel cost being a small fraction of the average income of the visitors, the authors recommend an increase in gate fee and utilization of these funds for improvement in the management of the park.Keywords
Valley of Flowers National Park, Recreational Value, Travel Cost Method (TCM),Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
- Defining 'Forest' in Indian Context as per CDM Requirements
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Indian Forester, Vol 133, No 8 (2007), Pagination: 1005-1013Abstract
Out of the three mechanisms designed to boost cost effectiveness of climate change efforts only CDM as relevant to India. Significant increase in CO2 sequestration can be realized by changing lower biomass land use to tree based system as agro-forestry. In this context the term 'forest' has been defined to receive CDM benefits which comprises 'minimum crown cover with tree height and minimum area' concepts within certain limits. The present article discusses the provisions of these two requirements and their likely effects. After careful consideration it suggests the area 0.1 to 0.2 h, which is likely to include highly productive farmlands, crown cover 20% and minimum tree height 3 m so that small trees in arid areas also become eligible. Detailed scientific study before adoption is also recommended.- Comparative Study on Quality of Bamboo Seedlings in Root Trainers and Polythene Bags
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Indian Forester, Vol 133, No 3 (2007), Pagination: 306-312Abstract
Comparative study on quality of Bamboo seedlings of two species, viz., Dendrocalamus strictus and Bambusa bambos raised in different sized ischolar_main trainers, polythene bags kept of mounted angle iron (MAI) beds and nursery beds has shown that significant variations exist in almost all seedling morphological parameters, viz., height, collar diameter, number of tillers, shoot biomass, fibrous ischolar_main biomass, rhizome biomass and total ischolar_main biomass among all the treatments. When compared on the basis of seedling quality parameters, viz, sturdiness, ischolar_main/shoot ratio, ratio of fibrous to total ischolar_main biomass and rhizome to total ischolar_main biomass, the seedlings raised in 300 cc ischolar_main trainers and polythene bags kept on MAI beds performed better. The study has shown that good quality Bamboo seedlings can be raised in ischolar_main trainers on large scale. The limited space available to the plant in ischolar_main trainers had no adverse effect on rhizome development. The system also facilitates mass propagation of Bamboo stock through macroproliferation.- Production of Quality Seedlings Using Improved Polythene Bag Seedling Production System
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Indian Forester, Vol 131, No 2 (2005), Pagination: 170-182Abstract
Comparative study on quality of seedlings of six important tree species, viz., Acacia catechu, Albizia lebbek, Azadirachta indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Pinus roxburghii and Prosopis julifiora raised in different sized ischolar_main trainers, polythene bags kept on mounted angle iron (MAI) beds and nursery beds has shown that significant variations exist in almost all seedling morphological parameters, viz., height, collar diameter, number of nodules, tap ischolar_main length shoot biomass, fibrous ischolar_main biomass, tap ischolar_main biomass and total ischolar_main biomass among all the treatments. When compared on the basis of seedling quality parameters, viz., sturdiness, ischolar_main/shoot ratio and ratio of fibrous to total ischolar_main biomass, it was observed that the seedlings raised in ischolar_main trainers and polythene bags kept on MAI beds performed better. The study has shown tbat seedlings of higher quality can be raised in polythene bags kept on MAI beds as compared to those on nursery beds. The seedlings raised in ischolar_main trainers were however, not only significantly smaller in dimensions of height and collar diameter when compared with seedlings raised on MAI beds but also require significantly higher capital investment. Raising of quality seedlings in 11×20 em sized polythene bags kept on MAI beds is recommended on account of better quality and long term cost effectiveness.- Status of Collection, Cultivation and Marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Pithoragarh, Uttaranchal
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Indian Forester, Vol 131, No 3 (2005), Pagination: 346-357Abstract
The status of collection, cultivation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants was studied in Pithoragarh District of UttaranchaI. The primary information was collected as per structured questionnaires from collectors/cultivators belonging to twelve villages spread over two blocks namely Munsiyari and Didihat. The important species being collected were observed to be Jhula, Reetha and Tejpat. The cultivators seem to be growing greater quantities of Atees, Gudhvach, Indrayan, Jambo, Jatamansi, Kalajeera, Kutki, Pashanbhed, Reetha, Same va and Tejpat. The most favoured market channel was observed to be Producer Middlemen Trader Consumer which was being adopted by 50% collectors and 90% cultivators. The producer's share in consumer's rupee in case of collection varied between 45.76.47% for different species with an average of 56.22%. Similarly the producer's share in consumer's rupee for cultivated species varied between 32.67- 89% with an average of 60.88%. The paper also discusses thc recent changes introduced by Uttaranchal Govt. in markcting of these medicinal and aromatic plant species.- Economics of Cultivation of some Commercially Important Medicinal Plants
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Indian Forester, Vol 131, No 3 (2005), Pagination: 358-370Abstract
Agro technologies for cultivation of a number of medicinal plant species have been developed but large-scale cultivation on farmlands is yet to begin. Amongst other causes for this gap, lack of reasonably correct information on economics of cultivation of these species is one important cause. The economics of cultivation of five medicinal plant species, viz., Kalmegh, Buch, Safed musli, Ashwagandha and Akarkara was studied on farmer's field in Haryana. The net benefits calculated for each species were also subjected to sensitivity analysis in relation to fall in price by 25%, 50%, 75% increase in wage rate by 10%, 20%, 30% and increase in rental value of land by 20%, 40% & 60%. The results showed that maximum net benefits of Rs 36,140 and Rs. 19,016 per acre could be received by cultivation of Safed musli and Kalmegh respectively. The cultivation of Kalmegh and Ashwagandha were observed to be more resilient to the adverse factors of price fall, increase in wage rate and rental value of land, compared to other species. On the basis of initial investment involved and resilience to adverse market conditions, the cultivation of Kalmegh and Ashwagandha is recommended for small farmers. The large farmers who can afford greater risk may cultivate Buch and Safed musli and Akarkara for higher returns.- Recreation Value of Fri Estate - an Application of Travel Cost Method
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Indian Forester, Vol 131, No 6 (2005), Pagination: 765-772Abstract
FRI estate spread over an area of around 450 ha in the sylvan surroundings of the Doon valley offers opportunities for recreation not only to the local population but also to the tourists from far off places. The estate is visited by 55-60,000 visitors on an average per year. The FRI main building, an impressive edifice of the Greco-Roman and Oriental architecture spread over a plinth area of 2.5 ha, with the outer Himalayas forming its backdrop is the main attraction for the visitors. This colonial era piece of architecture is probably the most photographed building in the Dehra Dun city. The building houses six forestry museums, a Xylarium with 18,000 specimens and a world class herbarium with 3,30,000 specimens. The study was carried out to estimate recreational benefits; the society derives from the FRI estate by application of Travel Cost Method. A recreational value of Rs. 27.10 per visit was obtained and when extrapolated to the total number of visitors, the recreational benefits from FRI estate have been estimated to be Rs. 16,26,190/-.- Seed Source Variation as Observed under Scanning Electron Microscope in Leaf Characters of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.
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Indian Forester, Vol 130, No 5 (2004), Pagination: 498-512Abstract
Twenty seed sources of Dalbergia sisson Roxb. Scattered over a wide range of its occurrence in India were studied for the pattern of variation in micro leaf characters, viz., upper stomatal frequency, lower stomatal frequency, upper stomatal size and lower stomatal size under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The subjective observations were also recorded on other micro leaf characters such as nature and type of cuticle, stomatal openings and presence of macro/micro-hairs. The results revealed the presence of highly significant variations among the characters studied. All the quantitative characters observed under SEM showed higher values for genotypic variance and genotypic coefficient of variation as compared to the corresponding values of environmental variance and environmental caefficient of variation. There were also accompanied by high values of heritability and large amounts of genetic gain, indicating that these parameters are under strong genetic control, which can be exploited successfully for selection and further genetic improvement in this species. Lower values of stomatal frequency on lower leaf surface were recorded in the seed sources from Muzaffarnagar, Lucknow, Hyderabad and Kanpur, which has performed well in the filed. This is explained by the fact that the low stomatal frequency ofthe lower surface has led to conservation of moisture in the plants being tested under un-irrigated and semi-arid conditions. This has resulted into enhanced growth in these seed sources. The thickness of cuticle also appears to have contributed to the control of water loss from the underlying cells.- Market Information System for Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants
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Indian Forester, Vol 129, No 1 (2003), Pagination: 102-108Abstract
Medicinal plants, by complementing timber based management, offer a basis for managing forests in a sustainable manner. One of the important steps in realizing this prospect is to ensure better economic returns to collectors and cultivators of medicinal plants. Availability and access to market information is key to improving returns to producers of medicinal plants. The information is needed on demand, supply, end uses, distribution channels, product promotion, prices, marketing environment and institutions related to marketing. Even simple interventions such as better methods of collection, storage, grading and local level value addition can substantially improve returns to local communities. The paper discuss about to importance of market information, marketing capabilities, establishment of community based market information system (MIS), collection of market information, institutional and infrastructural support dissemination of market information and level of MIS.- Carbon Sequestration Through Community Based Forest Management - a Case Study from Sambalpur Forest Division , Orissa
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Indian Forester, Vol 129, No 6 (2003), Pagination: 735-740Abstract
The worldwide concern over global warming led to the formation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992 to deal with GHG emissions. As per the Kyoto protocol of 1997 , the industrialized countries are expected to reduce the GHG emissions by 5.5% by 2008-12 over 1990 levels. Such countries are expected to buy carbon credits from developing countries under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Global negotiations are on for operationalisation of the CDM mechanism. Afforestation and reforestation have already been included under CDM , and forest conservation activities are also likely to be considered under adaptation measures. A study was carried out to estimate the creation of carbon sinks and sequestration achieved in community-protected forests of Sambalpur Forest Division , Orissa. The results have shown that 1.53 to 3.01 tonnes of carbon is being sequestered per ha per year with only protection , which can be enhanced through proper implementation of the management prescriptions. Enormous opportunities exist to sequester carbon and to mitigate climate change patterns through regeneration in India's forests.- Some Useful Nursery Equipment
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Indian Forester, Vol 129, No 9 (2003), Pagination: 1171-1174Abstract
No abstract- Cost Effectiveness of Different Containerized Nursery Technologies
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Indian Forester, Vol 129, No 10 (2003), Pagination: 1201-1210Abstract
Modern nursery methods of seedling production , viz. , 150cc and 300cc ischolar_main trainers , improved polythene bag seedling production system (Mounted Angle Iron beds) were compared with the conventional nursery production system by raising of seedlings of four tree species viz. , Acacia catechu , Albizia lebbek , Azadirachta indica and Pinus roxburghii , on the basis of costs involved and benefits rcceived. In order to bring commonality of comparisons , the study involved raising of 8000 seedlings every year using selected seedling production systems on continuous basis for ten years. The results have revealed that seedlings raised on Mounted Angle Iron (MAI) beds recorded not only appreciable values on height and collar diameter but also gave better values on seedling quality parameters. Also , the seedlings raised on MAI beds were found to be most cost effective when compared with other nursery systems on the basis of benefit cost analysis.- Preliminary Observations on Field Trial of Root Trainer Raised Seedlings
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 1 (2002), Pagination: 19-26Abstract
The interest to produce quality seedlings is gaining momentum in recent years. Modern nursery methods such as ischolar_main trainers, improved polythene bag planting systems are being introduced. In order to compare the different seedling production systems, seedlings of three different tree species namely Acacia nilotica, Dalbergia sissoo and Albizia procera were raised through seven different methods including ischolar_main trainers. The seedlings were assessed for quality parameters, viz., sturdiness, number of nodules, ischolar_main/shoot ratio and ratio of fibrous to total ischolar_main biomass, before field planting. Root trainer raised seedlings were found to be better in sturdiness whereas nodulation was observation to be better in seedlings raised on MAl beds for all species. Maximum ischolar_main/shoot ratio was observed in ischolar_main trainers raised seedlings whereas no distinct differences were observed in the ratio of fibrous to total ischolar_main biomass. The field assessment of the seedlings after one and a half year of plantiug revealed that ischolar_main trainer raised seedlings registered maximum growth increment for all species except collar diameter in case of Dalbergia sissoo.- Effect of Seed Grading on Germination Pattern of some Multi-purpose Tree Species of Jammu Region
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 5 (2002), Pagination: 509-513Abstract
A study was conducted in Seed Laboratory of Seed Development Division , Jammu to investigate the effect of seed grading , by size and weight , on germination of four multipurpose tree species , viz. Acacia catechu , Pinus roxburghii , Albizia lebbek and Robinia pseudoacacia. The results have shown that medium sized seed grade gave higher values of initial germination , total germination and germination values for all the species studied , except in case of Robinia pseudoacacia , where comparative values of total seed germination were recorded for small and medium sized seed grades. Grading of seeds before sowing is recommended to obtain uniform nursery stock in these species.- Genetic Variation in Biochemical Contents in Foliage of Twenty Seed Sources of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 7 (2002), Pagination: 726-737Abstract
Twenty seed sources of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. scattered over a wide range ofits occurrence in India were studied for the pattern of biochemical characters in foliage , viz. , total protein , proline , polyphenols , starch and total carbohydrate. The results revealed the presence of highly significant variations among the characters studied except starch content. Genotypic coefficients of variance and variability were large compared to the environmental coefficients of variance and variability for total protein , proline , polyphenols and total carbohydrate , indicating that these are under genetic control. Starch content was observed to be under the influence of environment. The estimates of heritability and expected genetic gain were high for all characters , except starch content , which registered lower values of heritability and genetic gain. The correlations of starch content with survival and growth at phenotypic level were positive and significant. The seed sources from Lucknow and Muzaffarnagar exhibited good performance and are recommended for immediate planting programmes in this region.- An Improved Method for Development of Seed Production Areas of Chir Pine
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 11 (2002), Pagination: 1174-1182Abstract
Tree improvement is effected through a series of operations leading to genetic upgrading of the species. Development of Seed Production Areas (SPAs) is the first level of genetic improvement and ensures to fulfil interim seed requirement. SPAs have been selected on the basis of ocular judgement in the past. An improved method of scoring has been introduced recently by F.R.I. which is said to overlook certain unimportant features such as elimination of deceased, forked, over-mature trees. A combination of these two methods, i.e., ocular judgement and scoring is being applied in marking of seed stands and individual trees in case of Chir pine in J & K State. The new method sounds robust, is user friendly and takes care of shortcomings of the earlier procedures and has been sescribed in detail in this article.- Standardization of Pricking Stage of Chir Pine and Khair Germinants in Root Trainers
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 4 (2002), Pagination: 398-402Abstract
A trial was carried out to standardize the best stage for transplanting the germinants of Pinus roxburgii (Chir pine) and Acacia catechu (Khair) in the ischolar_main trainers to obtain maximum survival. Transplanting of germinants of Chir pine in 11-13 days and of Khair in 10-12 days after sowing, gave maximum survival percent. Poor survival of transplanted germinants was recorded in case of direct sowing in both the species and transplantation at first leaf (needle) stage in case of Chir pine.- Variation in Rooting Response of Different Clones of Casuarina equisetifolia
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 3 (2001), Pagination: 289-294Abstract
The ischolar_maining response of 20 different clones of Casuarina equisetifolia under different concentrations of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) was studied in a factorial RBD experiment. Significant variations in ischolar_maining per cent and number of ischolar_mains were recorded among the different clones, treatments and their interactions. The variations observed in ischolar_main length were significant among the clones only and non-significant among treatments and clone-treatment interaction. The treatment IBA 4000 ppm performcd the best for all the parameters studied. The treatment increased ischolar_maining by 88.38% and number of ischolar_mains per cladode by 73.33% over control. The findings indicate the importance of including ischolar_maining ability of a clone (genotype) as an important criterion for its selection and evaluation.- Compost Making Unit
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 3 (2001), Pagination: 367-369Abstract
No abstract- Estimation of Variability in Growth Characters of Forty Clones of Tectona gralvdis L.F.
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 6 (2001), Pagination: 639-644Abstract
Three and a half-year-old plants of 40 clones of Tectona grandis were quantitatively measured for plant height, collar diameter and survival per cent to assess the variability. Significant variations were recorded in all the three parameters studied. The extent of variations in growth parameters of height and collar diameter was large compared to survival per cent. Plant height and collar diameter gave comparable values for genotypic and phenotypic variations and coefficient of variation indicating that these parameters are under genetic control. Maximum heritability was observed for height (85.50%) followed by collar diameter (74.02%) compared to 23.07% in survival per cent. Both the growth attributes, i.e., height and collar diameter were found to be heritable and there is a scope for considerable genetic gain through selection. Plant height and collar diameter also recorded the higher genetic gains 46.63% and 36.83% respectively, indicating effectiveness of these parameters for selection of best individuals/ clones.- Quality of Seedlings Raised in Root Trainers under Semi-arid Conditions of Central India
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 7 (2001), Pagination: 743-748Abstract
Root trainers are increasingly being used to deal with the problems of ischolar_main coiling and distortion, common to the polythene bag planting system. Experimental seedlings of three multipurpose tree species namely Acacia nilotica, Albizia procera and Dalbergia sissoo were raised in ischolar_main trainers (150 cc Hiko pots) in a randomized block design. The seedlings were assessed for quality parameters, viz. Sturdiness quotient, ischolar_main-shoot ratio, ratio of secondary + tertiary ischolar_main biomass to the total ischolar_main biomass and number of nodules. The quality of experimental seedlings was compared with seedlings raised in polythene bags kept on mounted angle iron beds. Root trainer raised seedlings were found to be better in sturdiness whereas seedlings raised in polythene bags showed higher nodulation. The results of the other two quality parameters assessed were comparable. No conclusive results could be drawn on the superiority of the two systems, whieh however, is possible once the seedlings are assessed for growth and survival after two to three years of fields planting.- Intra-population Variation in Albizia procera : POD, Seed and Germination Characteristics
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 9 (2001), Pagination: 963-972Abstract
In order to estimate intra-population variability, some mother trees of Albizia procera of Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) region were evaluated for their pod, seed and germination characteristics. Significant variation within the population was recorded with respect to almost all morphological characters of pod, seed and germination. Large amount of variation was observed in mother trees dbh, seed weight per pod, percentage of deformed seed, germination per cent, percentage of hard and dead seed and field emergence. No significant relationship between mother tree dbh and any of the parameter studied was observed except for percentage of hard seed. Selection of superior trees based on germination testing in addition to tree characters like dbh has been emphasised for quality seed collection.- Rooting Response of Root Cuttings of some MPT Species under Low Cost Mist Conditions
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Indian Forester, Vol 126, No 2 (2000), Pagination: 171-174Abstract
Rooting trial was carried out using ischolar_main cuttings of seven multipurpose tree species in low cost mist chamber designed and developed in Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. Maximum ischolar_maining (84.44%) was obtained in ischolar_main cuttings of Dalbergia sissoo whereas Tectona grandis gave a very poor ischolar_maining response (10.00%). Albizia lebbek and Albizia procera, which are otherwise difficult to ischolar_main species through branch cuttings, gave 56.67% and 66.67% ischolar_maining through ischolar_main cuttings respectively. The findings of the present study highlight the importance of vegetative propagation through ischolar_main cuttings and its substantial scope in tree improvement programmes. The technique enables successful vegetative propagation through ischolar_main cuttings of multipurpose tree species including some of the difficult to ischolar_main species without the assistance of growth hormones.- Improved Seedling Quality of Polybag Plants of Albizia procera - Use of Mounted Angle Iron Beds
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Indian Forester, Vol 126, No 9 (2000), Pagination: 943-947Abstract
A trial was carried out to study the effect of polybag size and number of perforations at the bottom on different seedling growth and quality parameters in case of Albizia procera seedlings raised on Mounted Angle Iron beds. Highly significant differences in seedling growth parameters viz., height, collar diameter, length oftap ischolar_main, ischolar_main and shoot biomass, and seedling quality parameters viz. sturdiness, ischolar_main/shoot ratio, number of nodules and ratio of secondary + tertiary ischolar_main biomass to total ropot biomass, were observed among different treatments. The treatment T3 (Polybag size 23 x 11 cm with 4 perforations at bottom) performed the best in respect of seedling growth parameters with height 81.33 cm, collar diameter 0.76 cm, length of tap ischolar_main 16.90 cm, shoot biomass 14.36 gm and ischolar_main biomass 11.67 gm. However the treatment T12(Polybag size U x 6 cm with 6 perforations at bottom) recorded best values for most of the seedling quality parameters viz. sturdiness 82.03, ischolar_main/shoot ratio 1.21 and ratio of secondary + tertiary ischolar_main biomass to the total ischolar_main biomass 0.44.- Preliminary Observations on Genetic Variability and Character Association in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb
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Indian Forester, Vol 126, No 6 (2000), Pagination: 608-615Abstract
Twenty provenances/seed sources of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. scattered over a wide range of its natural occurrence in India were studied for the pattern of genetic variation and character association after two and a half years of field planting in a statistically laid out trial. The results revealed the presence of highly significant variations among the provenances for height, number of branches and survival per cent. There are fair differences between phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variability indicating that these parameters are sensitive to environmental changes. The estimates of heritability and expected genetic gain were low to moderate for all the characters, except number of branches which registered comparatively higher values of heritability (61.95%) and genetic gain (28.45%). The correlations among most ofthe characters at phenotypic level were positive and significant indicating that simultaneous improvement of these characters can be brought about easily. The provenances from Lucknow and Muzaffernagar exhibited good growth performance and are recommended for immediate planting programmes in this region until the final results are obtained.- Opportunities for Carbon Sequestration Benefits from Growing Trees of Medicinal Importance on Farm Lands of Haryana
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Indian Forester, Vol 136, No 3 (2010), Pagination: 287-300Abstract
Forestry CDM projects involving afforestation and reforestation offer opportunities for CO2 mitigation by removal of accumulated CO2 in atmosphere and sequester it in vegetation, soil and wood products. Besides being grown for longer periods, tree species of medicinal importance are associated with recurring benefits to the growers, on account of fruits, seeds and other products. The potential of involvement of low income communities in growing these tree species for sustainable economic returns make these plantations a promising activity under CDM framework. The present study on plantation of tree species of medicinal importance such as Amla, Arjun, Bael, Bahera, Harar, Jamun, Neem and Reetha has shown that there is significantly large sequestration potential in the range of 3.05 to 11.01 tons of CO2 per ha per year with corresponding carbon benefits of Rs. 702/- to Rs. 2532/- and Rs. 1404/- to Rs. 5064/- under carbon prices of $5 and $10 per ton of CO2 respectively on annual basis for a project period of 30 years. The study has further shown that the increase in returns due to carbon benefits can motivate the small farmers to opt for plantation of these species on farm bunds. The eligibility requirements of these plantations as required under the definition of Forest' as accepted by India is also discussed.Keywords
Carbon Sequestration, CDM Project, Poplar, Evcalyptus, Haryana, Medicinally Important Tree Species- Carbon Benefits from Growing Trees of Medicinal Importance in Punjab
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Indian Forester, Vol 136, No 7 (2010), Pagination: 861-876Abstract
Forestry CDM projects involving plantation of native species offer opportunities for CO2 mitigation by removal of accumulated CO2 in atmosphere and sequester it in vegetation, soil and wood products. Besides being grown for longer periods, tree species of medicinal importance are associated with recurring benefits to the growers, on account of fruits, seeds and other products. The present study on plantation of tree species of medicinal importance such as Amla, Arjun, Bael, Bahera, Harar, Jamun, Neem and Reetha on forest as well as the private lands have shown that there is significantly large sequestration potential in the range of 3.56 to 16.77 tons of CO2 per ha per year with corresponding carbon benefits of Rs. 819/- to Rs. 3,858/- and Rs. 1,638/- to Rs. 7,716/- under carbon prices of $5 and $10 per ton of C02 respectively, on per ha per annum for a project period of 30 years. The study has further shown that the increase in returns on account of carbon revenue is likely to motivate the smallfarmers to optforplantationof these speciesoncommunitylandsandfarm bunds.Keywords
Carbon Benefits, Tree Species of Medicinal Importance, Clean Development Mechanism, Punjab- Carbon Sequestration Potential under Agroforestry in Rupnagar District of Punjab
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Indian Forester, Vol 132, No 5 (2006), Pagination: 543-555Abstract
The paper reports study on carbon sequestration potential and cost effectiveness of tree growing operations on farm lands of Rupnagar District of Punjab. Project based-comprehensive mitigation analysis process (PRO-COMAP) was used to estimate the sequestration potential between 2005 and 2030. The results show that there is a potential to sequester 821,961 tons of carbon during the period of analyses on farm lands of Rupnagar. The whole of this potential could be achieved at a negative cost where non-carbon revenue is sufficient to offset the direct costs. Agroforestry options seems to be attractive for the district as large number of farmers and land area is dedicated to agriculture, supported by availability of irrigation facilities and high productivity of land. The development of agroforestry, however, faces certain barriers due to unorganized markets, poor technical and financial support and lack of extension activities by the Government, which must be addressed before the mitigation activity is undertaken.- Phytosociological Analysis of Arnigad Micro-watershed in Mussoorie Hills of Garhwal Himalayas
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Indian Forester, Vol 132, No 1 (2006), Pagination: 19-30Abstract
The present study was carried out in Arnigad micro-watershed covering an area of 13.43 km2 in Mussoorie hills of Garhwal Himalayan region. For the purpose of characterizing the species composition, vegetation structure and floristic diversity by land use categories, the entire watershed was delineated into four land uses, viz., forest, scrub forest, degraded and agricultural lands. In all, 64 species belonging to 63 genera and 56 families were found to be growing in the micro-watershed. The vegetation analysis showed that Quercus leucotrichophora, Acacia catechu, Eucalyptus spp. and Juglans regia were found to be dominant in forest, scrub forest, degraded and agriculture lands respectively for the tree stratum. Similarly Berberis aristata and Lantana camara were observed to be dominant in the shrub communities of forest and scrub forests respectively. Lantana camara was also found to be dominant in the shrub communities of degraded land. Results of the diversity index, concentration of dominance and equability on the three land uses, viz., forest, scrub forest and degraded land indicated that maximum diversity was observed in forest with respect to tree stratum followed by scrub forest and degraded lands, whereas in case of shrub and herb strata, scrub forest showed the maximum diversity. The maximum values on dominance were recorded for all the three strata of vegetation on degraded land indicating the presence of single or few species. The vegetation recorded on scrub forest was found to be more equitable compared to vegetation on forest and degraded land.- Genetic Variability and Character Association in Acacia catechu Willd
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Indian Forester, Vol 132, No 7 (2006), Pagination: 785-794Abstract
Twenty genotypes of Acacia catechu Willd. scattered over Jammu region in their natural range were studied for the pattern of genetic variation. Higher values of genotypic varianceand genotypic coefficient of variation as compared to environmental variance and environmental coefficient of variation in germination and growth characters, indicating that they are under genetic control. The heritability and expected genetic gain were also observed to be high for these characters, except germination per cent. The correlations between germination per cent, seedling height, collar diameter and biomass at phenotypic level were positive and significant. The families F4, F5, F12, F13, F14 and F15 exhibited good performance and are recommended for further genetic improvement program in this species. The positive relationship between dbh of the CPT and the important parameters of the progeny, i.e, seed weight, germination per cent and seedling height can be utilized for meeting the interim seed requirement of the species as the seed collected from the trees with higher dbh is expectedto perform better at nursery stage- Improved Seedling Quality of Polybag Plants - Use of Mounted Angle Iron Beds
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 2 (1998), Pagination: 116-122Abstract
Polybag raised seedlings have many disadvantages viz., ischolar_main coiling and distortion, scanty lateral ischolar_main development and frequent shifting operations. To deal with the problem, Mounted Angle Iron (MAI) beds have been designed. Polybags with perforations at the bottom are placed on these beds. The tap ischolar_main is expected to get exposed through the perforations and air-pruned leading to development of fibrous ischolar_main system. A trial was carried out to compare the performance of polybag seedlings of Albizia procera S1, Acacia nilotica S2, Sesbania grandiflora S3. And Sesbania sesban S4., raised on MAI beds with those raised on nursery beds. The observations suggest that the seedlings raised on MAI beds recorded higher fibrous ischolar_main biomass i.e.I.08g, 0.79g, O.94g and 0.82g per plant as compared to 0.49g, 0.30g, 0.36g and 0.30g of control (nursery bed seedlings) for S1, S2, S3. and S4. respectively; and number of nodules i.e. 75.3, 20.6, 55.2 and 52.9 as compared to 24.5, 9.3, 25.4 and 11.5 in control for S1, S2, S3. And S4 respectively. In case of ischolar_main length, leaf biomass and primary ischolar_main biomass, the nursery bed raised seedlings recorded higher values for all the four species. No difference was observed in case of seedling height, collar diameter, stem, biomass and total biomass. The improved polybagseedlings production system has enhanced the quality parameters of seedlings i.e. fibrosity and nodulation.- Variation in Rooting Response in ten Provenances of Azadirachta indica A. Juss
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 9 (1998), Pagination: 696-701Abstract
The ischolar_maining response of ten indigenous provenances of Azadirachta indica under the effect of different treatments viz., IAA, IBA and Thiamine was studied in a factorial RBD experiment. Signifiant variations in almost all parameters were recorded among the different provenances, treatments and their interactions. The treatment IBA 1000 ppm performed the best for all the parameters studied. The treatment increased ischolar_maining by 85.5%, number of ischolar_mains per cuttings by 240.8%, maximum ischolar_main length by 68% and ischolar_main dry wt. by 218.7% over control. The provenance Mandore, Rajasthan (P9) showed overall best ischolar_maining response with 64.17% ischolar_maining, 9.64 number of ischolar_mains per cutting, 6.15 em maximum ischolar_main length and 0.075% gmIcutting ischolar_main dry wt. The interaction of provenance Midnapur, West Bengal (P5) with treatment IBA 1000 ppm (T3) gave best results in respect of number of ischolar_mains per cutting (17.67), maximum ischolar_main length (7.61 cm) and ischolar_main dry weight (0.163 gm/cutting). However, the provenance Dodaballapur, Karnataka (P10) with treatment IBA 1000 ppm (T3) gave the maximum ischolar_maining (96.67%). The findings indicate that it is desirable to include ischolar_maining ability of a provenance as an important criterion for its selection and evaluation.- Preliminary Screening of Dalbergia sissoo Seedlings from Different Seed Sources for Resistance to Defoliator Plecoptera reflexa Gue (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)
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Indian Forester, Vol 125, No 4 (1999), Pagination: 401-406Abstract
Dalbergia sissoo seedlings from nine different seed sources were screened against defoliator, Plecoptera reflexa Gue. It was observed that Kanpur (U.P.) origin exhibited maximum resistance closely followed by Khoshala (Orissa) seed source. The performance of the origin was relatively better in all five parameters viz. damage seedlings, leaves, leaf area consumed, larval population and chemical analysis (Polyphenol, protein, phosphorus, calcium and potassium).- Path Analysis in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.
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Indian Forester, Vol 125, No 7 (1999), Pagination: 660-664Abstract
In the integrated structure of the plant, the overall correlation observed between two variables is a function of a series of direct and indirect relationships between different variables. To understand the specific forces in building up the total correlation towards productivity in case of Dalbergia sissoo, Path coefficients analysis was carried out. Fourteen characters were included to find out their direct and indirect effects on field height (i.e. productivity). The analysis revealed that the characters polyphenol, number of branches, pod length and germination per cent had higher direct or indirect effects on field height and could be collectively used as selection criteria for improving productivity in Dalbergia sissoo.- Seed Source Variation in Germination and Early Growth Among Ten Indigenous Populations of dalbergia sissoo Roxb.
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Indian Forester, Vol 125, No 12 (1999), Pagination: 1190-1197Abstract
Ten provenances/seed sources of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Scattered over a vide range of its natural occurrence were studied for germination, nursery and early field performance. Significant variations among the provenances were observed in parameters, viz., germination per cent, seedling height and collar diameter, and field height and survival per cent. Variations for most of the traits studied were non-clinal type, except seed germination per cent, which showed significant negative correlation with altitude. Low germination among the seeds of higher elevation populations was found to be due to higher dormancy existing in these seedlots. The inverse relationship observed between seed germination percent and field height and collar diameter seems to be the result of poor germination due to dormancy existing in higher elevation seed sources. Such relationship may not be observed if the seeds are properly treated before sowing. The provenance T9 (Oachghat, Solan), Tl (Kukrail, Lucknow) and T4 (Orai, U.P.) were found to be more vigorous on the basis of field performance and can be used for meeting the immediate seed requirement for afforestation programmes.- Tetrazolium Test for the Seeds of Acacia nilotica Willd. Ex. Del
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 12 (1998), Pagination: 1039-1042Abstract
The paper deals with the standardization of evaluation criteria for the tetrazolium test on the seeds of Acacia nilotica Willd.ex.Del. Chipping of seed coat was found necessary for satisfactory imbibition and staining. Seeds were soaked in distilled water for 24 hours followed by soaking in 1% 'ITZ solution and incubated at 30°C in dark for 24 hours. Six staining patterns were recognized. Root mean square method was applied to determine the viable categories. Three staining patterns represented viable and three non-viable seeds.- Leaf-shedding and Emergence Pattern in Five Clones of Populus deltoides Marsh under Central Indian Conditions
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 12 (1998), Pagination: 1025-1031Abstract
Newly introduced five clones of Poplar (Populus deltoides Marsh) from Northern India to Central India, were studied for their leaf shedding and emerg.::mce behaviour during winter and spring seasons. The clones namely G-3, G-48, D-121 and S7-Cl remained in complete leafless condition for 2, 5, 7 and 6 weeks respectively. The leaf emergence in these clones started in first week of March and rapid leaf formation was recorded in subsequent weeks during March and April. The clone 65/ 27 has maintained its evergreen status under Central Indian conditions with minimum no. ofleaves during the months of January and February. These observations suggest the existence of a very short deciduous period in all the clones under Central Indian conditions. It has been further suggested that the deciduous condition has definite role in deciding the suitability of the clone under tropical conditions of Central India.- Rooting Trial of Azadirachta indica A.juss through Shoot Cutttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 123, No 9 (1997), Pagination: 860-862Abstract
No abstract- Performance of Seventeen Different Multipurpose Tree Species Under Semi Arid Region of Central India
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 3 (1996), Pagination: 250-257Abstract
A field screening trial of seventeen different multi-purpose tree species was conducted with the objective to identify best adaptable species with desirable characters that could be used in various afforestation, Agroforestry and Social Forestry programmes for semi-arid regions of Central India. The species evaluated were Azadirachta indica, Bauhinia variegata, Eucalyptus F.R.I.-4, Albizia procera, emblica officinalis, Pongamia pinnata, Gmelina arborea, Dalbergia sissoo, Dendrocalamus strictus, Albizia lebbek, Eucalyptus F.R.I.-5, Acacia benthami, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia auriculiformis, Tectono grandis, and Acacia catechu, Results suggested that Gmelina arborea, Azadirachta indica and Leucaena leucocephala were among the fastest growing species with maximum MAI (Mean Annual Increment) making them promising candidate, for Agro and Social Forestry plantations. Acacia catechu, Albizia procera, Bauhinia variegata, Tectona grandis and Acacia benthami showed slow growth. Tectona grandis and gmelina arborea species were found to be promising species for maximum survival. However Eucalyptus F.R.I.-5,Acacia auriculiformis and Bauhinia variegata are poorly adapted to the region (on the basis of survival).- Some New Equipments for Improved Nursery Practices
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 8 (1996), Pagination: 696-705Abstract
In wake of increasing emphasis on Tree improvement and production forestry, attempts have been made to aid the field foresters, private planters and nurserymen with improved techniques, tools and equipments for enhancing the quality of planting stock. The article also aims at offering cost effective technology to user agencies for vegetative multiplication of selected material by employing the modern methods of mist propagation and shade house systems.- A Trial on Improved Polybag Seedling Production System
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 11 (1996), Pagination: 992-998Abstract
Polybag raised seedlings have many disadvantages viz., ischolar_main coiling and distortion. Scanty lateral ischolar_main development and frequent shifting operations. To deal with the problem, mounted angel Iron (MAI) beds have been designed. Polybags with perforations at the bottom are placed on these beds. The tap ischolar_main is expected to get exposed through the perforations and air pruned leadling to development of fibrous ischolar_main system. A trial was carried out to compare the performance of polybag seedlings of Dalbergia Sissoo raised on MAI beds with those raised on nursery beds. The observations suggest that the seedlings raised on MAI beds recorded significantly higher fibrous ischolar_main biomass (dry wt.t.78 gm/seedling). Number of ischolar_mains (47/seedling) and number of nodules (131/seedling) as compared to 0.84 gm./seedling, 31/seedling and 29/seedIing respectively, in nursery bed raised polybag seedlings. In case of ischolar_main length and primary ischolar_main biomass, the nursery bed raised seedlings recorded significantly higher values of 47.2 cm and 3.10 gm dry wt/seedling respectively as compared to 22.5 cm and 2.22 gm/seedling respectively in seedlings raised on MAI beds. No significant differenec was observed in case of seedling height, collar diameter, leaf biomass and total biomass. The improved polybags seedling production system has significantly enhanced the quality parameters of Dalbergia sissoo seedlings i.e. fibrosity and nodulation.- Study on the Pattern of Seed Germination of Various Subspecies Cum Provenances of Acacia nilotica Willd. Ex. Del. Under Nursery Conditions
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Indian Forester, Vol 121, No 1 (1995), Pagination: 29-38Abstract
Seed germination pattern of 30 provenances belonging to 5 subspecies of A. nilotica namely tomentosa, indica var. jaquemontii, indica var. cuppressiformis, nilotica, and indica from 5 countries namely India, Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen and Senegal were studied in nursery conditions. Provenances of A. nilotica from Pakistan showed a very good performance and depicted a parabolic (asymptotic) type of germination curve. However subsp. indica var. cuppressiformis from Pune (Maharashtra, India) gave maximum percentage of seed germination (75%). Significantly a good correlation was evident between cumulative seed germination&number of days elapsed. Relative delay in the initiation of seed germination was found maximum in provenances of subsp. tomentosa and subsp. nilotica.- Carbon Sequestration Potential of Selected Plantation Interventions in Terai Region of Uttarakhand
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Indian Forester, Vol 137, No 3 (2011), Pagination: 273-289Abstract
Selected afforestation and reforestation interventions have been studied in the Terai region of Uttarakhand with the objectives to assess their carbon sequestration potential, and cost-effectiveness exclusive and inclusive of carbon benefits. The excel spreadsheet model "Project Based Comprehensive Mitigation Assessment Process" was employed to workout the annual incremental carbon sequestration, cost effectiveness indicators and likely benefits under different carbon price scenarios for each selected afforestation and reforestation intervention. The results have shown a wide range of sequestration potential, which varied from 0.74 tC/ha/yr in case of amla block plantation to 2.34 tC/ha/yr for Triphala block plantation, calculated for the assessment period 2008-38. However, for the 'with wood products' scenario, the maximum sequestration potential was observed for poplar block plantation (2.41 tC/ha/yr), closely followed by Eucalyptus block (1.73 tC/ha/yr), while teak block plantation showed sequestration potential of 1.50 tC/ha/yr. Among the selected plantation interventions under 'without wood products' scenario, Triphala block, NTFP block, and NTFP bund were observed to be associated with maximum carbon benefits, viz., Rs. 1976/-, Rs. 1841/- and Rs. 1518/- per ha per year respectively. The study has demonstrated that plantation interventions involving NTFP species associated with appreciable recurring non-carbon benefits are more likely to succeed as afforestation and reforestation CDM project interventions compared to fast growing commercial tree species, viz., popular and Euealyptus on furmlands.Keywords
Carbon Sequestration, Terai Region, Climate Change, Potential, Uttarakhand- Physical Fitness: An Essential Component of Forestry Training and Profession
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Indian Forester, Vol 139, No 4 (2013), Pagination: 331-334Abstract
Physical fitness has long been accepted as one of the vital requirements of forestry profession at all levels. Higher levels of physical fitness ensures that a person taking up forestry profession is able to endure the unique and tough conditions of the service wherein one may have to walk miles in remote areas, climb mountains and face hardships of rigorous life while serving in remote areas with limited resources. The article tracks the ischolar_mains of physical fitness from the ancient times and discusses the physical training needs at the entry level as well as during the service period of a forester. Physical training needs for women foresters have also been highlighted. The article concludes that the benefits of physical activity have been shown to be effective across the gender and lifespan, which must motivate the young forestry trainees to take up physical training more seriously and make it a regular habit in order to ensure higher levels of performance and enjoy the sustained health benefits.Keywords
Physical Fitness, Strength, Cardiovascular Endurance, Agility, Speed, Power- Provenance Trial of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb
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1 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, FRI Campus, Dehradun, 248006, IN
2 Silviculture Division, FRI Dehradun, IN
1 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, FRI Campus, Dehradun, 248006, IN
2 Silviculture Division, FRI Dehradun, IN
Indian Forester, Vol 142, No 3 (2016), Pagination: 213-220Abstract
Around 55 provenances / seed sources of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. were collected from vast expanses of India and Nepal as part of National Provenance Trial by ICFRE in 1994 - 1995, and 40 seed sources were planted in Basantar Bela, Samba district of Jammu region of J&K in July 1995 in a randomized complete block design. The seed sources have been evaluated during January 2010 for survival and growth parameters. It was observed that the parameters of diameter, height and volume over bark varied significantly with regard to seed sources, but not with regard to replications. The wide variations observed in the trial cannot be explained unambiguously from climatic differences between the locations of these seed sources alone, as evidenced by correlation studies. It was further established that seeds from Mirzapur, Nepal and Pratapgarh manifested distinct advantages concerning the survival, height, diameter and volumes of the stems, thus demonstrating their utility in bolstering mass plantation in the north western Indian region and elsewhere. Further studies appear obligatory to apprehend this indication.Keywords
Dalbergia sissoo, Provenance, Seed Source.- Progeny Trial of Acacia catechu
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1 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, IN
2 Silviculture Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, IN
1 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, New Forest, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, IN
2 Silviculture Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, IN