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Tripathi, Manish Kumar
- A Review on in Vitro Screening Assay for Inhibitory Effect against Venom Enzymes Using Medicinal Plants
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1 Department of Biological Science and Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, IN
1 Department of Biological Science and Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, IN
Toxicology International (Formerly Indian Journal of Toxicology), Vol 23, No 3 (2016), Pagination: 207-211Abstract
The usage of medicinal or herbal plants has been a particular application throughout human life, whose information, collected through the involvement of countless generations. Medicinal or herbal plants signify a vital source of bioactive constituents which are useful to the treatment of snake bites patient, or indirectly, applicable as boosts to conventional serum therapy. The tribal and local healers use the Indian medicinal plant extract and its active constituents against snake venom has been not established by experimentally. Defensive activity of several of traditional medicinal plants against snake venoms has been scientifically confirmed by enzymatic assays. In general, enzymatic and biochemical analysis of these plants inhibitors, as useful another or supplemental treatments to conventional serum therapy. However, some assays should be considered to evaluate antivenom efficiency of medicinal plants against a variety of snake venoms. The current review deals with the in-vitro screening assay work performed in the recent years involving use of different natural plants extracts and products against snakebite.Keywords
Snake Venom, Medicinal Plants, Anivenom, Enzymatic Assay.References
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