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Girish Kumar, M.
- A New Approach Based on Wavelet Packet Transform, ANN and Genetic Algorithm Applied to End Milling of Mild Steel on Vertical Milling Machine
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1 CAD/CAM, VIT University, Tamilnadu, IN
2 Noise and Vibration Laboratory, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Bangalore, Karnataka, IN
3 SMBS, VIT University, Tamilnadu, IN
1 CAD/CAM, VIT University, Tamilnadu, IN
2 Noise and Vibration Laboratory, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Bangalore, Karnataka, IN
3 SMBS, VIT University, Tamilnadu, IN
Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 15, No 6 (2016), Pagination: 3-14Abstract
Surface quality is the most significant characteristic in the manufacturing industry for components produced by any of the machining processes which is indicated by surface roughness. Surface roughness is mainly affected by cutting parameters, machine tool vibrations and tool geometry. In this work efforts have been made to acquire vibration data on spindle housing of a vertical milling center while machining by kistler tri-axial accelerometer using Data Physics eight channel analyzer with recording option, measure surface finish and analyze the influence of cutting parameters on machine tool vibration and surface finish using ANOVA in MINITAB for the designed experiments using Taguchi method. Later the vibration signals are imported into MATLAB. Wavelet toolbox is used for further identification of numerically quoted fault frequencies of the machine tool from the signals one by one using a new method based on wavelet packet transform to find the peak to peak amplitudes of the signals. Further these cutting parameters with the amplitudes are used for the prediction of surface roughness using ANN. The cutting parameters are then optimized, which are being sent to CNC machine to improve the surface roughness and control vibration. This work will provide an engineer who designs a machining center with a tool to predict the vibrations and also provide a guideline for industrial engineers.Keywords
Vibration signals, Wavelet Packet Transform, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) etc.- A Study on Ground Vibrations Induced by Metro Train Movement
Abstract Views :282 |
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1 Nano Manufacturing Technology Centre, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, IN
1 Nano Manufacturing Technology Centre, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, IN
Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 13, No 7 (2014), Pagination: 3-7Abstract
Nanotechnology deals with particles and system with dimensions of approximately 1 to 100 nanometers. The environment factors like ground vibration, temperature, humidity, acoustics, air velocity, Electro Magnetic Interference, Illumination and cleanliness will limit the performance of equipments used in nano manufacturing. Among all the environmental factors, ground vibration plays a major role in limiting the performance of the equipment. Some aspects of nanomanufacturing facilities like nanofabrication, nanometrology requires extremely stable environment with very stringent limits of ground vibration. This paper is focused on the study of vibrations induced by metro train movement. The study reveals that, the vibration induced by metro train is exceeding the limits as per the standard set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).Keywords
Vibration, Rail, Nano Metrology, Nanotechnology, Nanomanufacturing.- Addressing the Environmental Challenges of Nanometrology Laboratories
Abstract Views :282 |
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1 Nano Manufacturing Technology Centre, CMTI, Bangalore, IN
1 Nano Manufacturing Technology Centre, CMTI, Bangalore, IN
Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 13, No 4 (2014), Pagination: 18-25Abstract
Nanometrology deals with measurements and analysis of dimensions of approximately 1 to 100 nanometres as well as measurement of force, electrical, magnetic and optical properties and to correlate the measured size with properties. Some aspects of this work require extremely stable environments. Very stringent limits are often required on environmental vibration and noise, temperature, EMC, Illumination and Clean Room requirements. The environmental requirements of Nanometrology from the perspective of designing of an advanced Nanometrology laboratory are studied and reviewed in this paper. A desirable environment at a site may be adversely affected by ground vibration from a variety of sources such as road traffic, metro train movements, utility plants and the construction. The environment inside the lab is also affected by temperature fluctuation, humidity, acoustics disturbances, air velocity, EMC, Illumination and cleanliness. All these factors affect the nano level measurements. This paper addresses various environmental conditions, its potential effect on nano level measurements and environmental conditions to be maintained for a nano metrology laboratory.Keywords
Ground Vibration, Nano Metrology, Noise, Temperature, Humidity, Metro Train, EMI/EMC, Airflow, Cleanroom, Vibration Isolation.- A Study on Environmental Conditions for Nanometrology Labs
Abstract Views :306 |
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1 Micro Engineering and Nano Technology Dept, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, IN
1 Micro Engineering and Nano Technology Dept, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore, IN
Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 12, No 1 (2013), Pagination: 12-21Abstract
Nanometrology deals with measurements and analysis of dimensions of approximately 1 to 100 nanometres. Some aspects of this work require extremely stable environments. Very stringent limits are often required on environmental vibration and noise, temperature, EMC, Illumination and Clean Room requirements. The environmental requirements of Nanometrology from the perspective of designing of an advanced Nanometrology laboratory are studied and reviewed in this paper. A desirable environment at a site may be adversely affected by ground vibration from a variety of sources such as vehicle traffic, rail, utility plants and the construction. The environment inside the lab may be also affected by temperature fluctuation, humidity, acoustics disturbances, air velocity, EMC, Illumination and cleanliness. All these factors affect the nano level measurements. This paper addresses various environmental conditions to be maintained for establishment of a nano metrology laboratory and its potential impact on nano level measurements.Keywords
Nano Metrology, Vibration, Noise, Temperature, Humidity, Traffic, Rail.- Development of an Analytical Method for Dynamic Balancing of Rotors
Abstract Views :256 |
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1 MNT Dept., CMTI, Bangalore, IN
1 MNT Dept., CMTI, Bangalore, IN