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Arun, M.
- Diverse Encryption Plans in Conveyed Stockpiling
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. M.G.R Educational & Research Institute University, IN
Software Engineering, Vol 7, No 7 (2015), Pagination: 199-200Abstract
Distributed computing is client to store huge measure of information. The information security and security of the put away information is kept up by the cloud administration supplier. For a solitary cloud a specific encryption and unscrambling norms are been utilized. The insights about the principles utilized are known by the cloud administration supplier (CSP). The client won't have a thought regarding the security benchmarks utilized as a part of the cloud for his information. Distinctive client needs diverse sorts of security level for his/her information. We propose a framework, in which different sorts of encryption and unscrambling measures are been utilized as a part of a specific cloud. The client is utilized to choose the measures that must be utilized for his/her data's. The principles rely on the key length.
Encryption, Unscrambling, Guidelines, Key Length.- Multi Hashing Low Power Bloom Filter Architectures for Network Applications
1 Department of ECE, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, IN
2 KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, IN
Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 1, No 8 (2009), Pagination: 219-225Abstract
A Bloom filter is a simple space-efficient randomized data structure for representing a set in order to support network and database query systems. Although Bloom filters were invented in the 1970's and have been heavily used in database applications, they have only recently received widespread attention in the networking literature. Software applications frequently fail to identify so many signatures through comparisons at very high speeds. We introduce a low power bloom filter architectures which is space and power effective in hardware platforms. Instead of working on programming phase or technology, our work concentrated on look up techniques of Bloom filters. We have chosen better hash function to be utilized in hardware applications of Bloom filter by FPGA implementation. Power analysis shows that decrement in number of hash functions per stage results in power gain.Keywords
Bloom Filter, False Positive, False Negative, Ndis, String Matching, Hash Function.- Voice Recognition System and Remote Controller Based Wheel Chair for Physically Challenged
1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, IN
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, IN
3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, UG Scholar, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, IN
Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Vol 7, No 5 (2015), Pagination: 121-125Abstract
This paper describes an intelligent motorized wheel chair for handicapped person using voice and touch screen technology. It enables a disabled person to move around independently using a remote control and a voice recognition application which is interfaced with motors through microcontroller. When we want to change the direction, the touch screen sensor is modeled to direct the user to required destination using direction keys on the screen and that values are given to microcontroller. Depending on the direction selected on the buttons, microcontroller controls the wheel chair directions. This can also be controlled through simple voice commands using voice controller. The speech recognition system is easy to use programmable speech recognition circuit that is the system to be trained the words (or vocal utterances) the user wants the circuit to recognize. The speed controller works by varying the average voltage sent to the motor. This is done by switching the motors supply on and off very quickly using PWM technique. The methodology adopted is based on grouping a microcontroller with a speech recognition system and touch screen.
- Advanced Eye Gaze Detector
Automation and Autonomous Systems, Vol 8, No 7 (2016), Pagination: 209-212Abstract
This paper addresses the eye gaze tracking problem using a low-cost and more convenient web camera in a desktop environment, as opposed to gaze tracking techniques requiring specific hardware, e.g., infrared high-resolution camera and infrared light sources, as well as a cumbersome calibration process. In the proposed method, we first track the human face in a real-time video sequence to extract the eye regions. Then, we combine intensity energy and edge strength to obtain the iris centre and utilize the piecewise eye corner detector to detect the eye corner. We adopt a sinusoidal head model to simulate the 3-D head shape and propose adaptive weighted facial features embedded in the pose from the orthography and scaling with iterations algorithm, whereby the head pose can be estimated. Finally, the eye gaze tracking is accomplished by integration of the eye vector and the head movement information. Experiments are performed to estimate the eye movement and head pose on the BioID dataset and pose Dataset, respectively. In addition, experiments for gaze tracking are performed in real-time video sequences under a desktop environment. The proposed method is not sensitive to the light conditions. Experimental results show that our method achieves an average accuracy of around 1.28◦ without head movement and 2.27◦ with the minor movement of the head.