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Rawat, M. S.
- Identification of Provenances Based on Leaf Morphology in Tectona grandis
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 4 (1998), Pagination: 248-251Abstract
The natural zone of Teak is divided into three areas e.g. Myanmar, Laos and Thailand; Indonesia and third is Indian peninsula which is considered the centre of diversity also. Keen study of leaf morphology has revealed certain diagnostic characters/genetic markers on the basis of which different provenances/sources can easily be identified.- Genetic Improvement of Teak (Tectona grandis) in Forest Research Institute : an overview
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Indian Forester, Vol 124, No 8 (1998), Pagination: 633-636Abstract
Teak was taken as a priority species for genetic improvement since the inception of Genetics Section. a Branch and now a Division. in FRI. Since then a lot of work has been done in the different aspects of this species and salient features of tbe same have been given in chronological order.- Sex Reversal in Populus gamblei Dode. Following Grafring
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Indian Forester, Vol 125, No 5 (1999), Pagination: 533-535Abstract
No abstract- Radiosensitivity of Acacia catechu Willd. to Gamma Rays
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 1 (1996), Pagination: 90-91Abstract
No abstract- Identification of Wavy Grained Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus) at Nursery Stage
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 9 (1996), Pagination: 831-833Abstract
Highly wavy grained wood of Red Sanders fetches fabulous prices in the export market, particularly Japan. While the straight grained or normal grained is sold at a very cheap rate. Hence, to increase the frequency of highly wavy grained trees it is necessary to multiply them for large scale plantations, directly or indirectly. A method has been suggested to identify the highly wavy grained plants at nursery stage.- Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Grafting and Budding of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F)
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Indian Forester, Vol 121, No 6 (1995), Pagination: 510-513Abstract
Cleft grafting and Patch budding are highly successful methods for clonal propagation of Teak provided that work is carried out at 21.3° - 26.3°C temperature and 45.5 -62 per cent relative humidity. Cleft grafting is less economical method in terms of time, material and work as compared to patch budding which is far more easier and cheaper technique. The work is generally carried out in open field condition and for Dehra Dun, April and May were found most suitable period to obtain the maximum success. The percentage of success can be increased by the use of greenhouse or Mist chamber.- Use of Coppice Shoots in Seed Production Areas of Teak : a New Concept
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Indian Forester, Vol 121, No 6 (1995), Pagination: 469-471Abstract
Creation of seed production areas is an important step in the Tree Improvement Programme for the interim supply of superior seed for afforestation till the seed orchards become fully productive. In Teak seed production areas the production of seed is not only insufficient but its collection is also difficult and expensive. Hence a new approach has been suggested, keeping in view the excellent coppicing capacity of Teak, for higher production of seed per tree and making the collection easier and cheaper.- Macropropagation in Forestry Species
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Indian Forester, Vol 120, No 2 (1994), Pagination: 124-137Abstract
The present article reviews the work undertaken, for various tree species, on vegetative propaption together with its advantages and limitations. Various methods of vegetative multiplication are outlined along with the respective example of classified tree species. The problems faced while practising the techniques in the field have been briefly discussed together with their possible solutions. The article also deals with the after care of the ramets and emphasizes various operation for economically maximising the goal value under Indian conditlions.- Macropropagation of Teak (Tectona grandis L.F.)
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Indian Forester, Vol 120, No 2 (1994), Pagination: 146-151Abstract
With growing trends towards more and more plantation forestry and genetic improvement of economic forest trees, it has become necessary to develop quick and economic methods of producing planting material. In teak macropropagation by cleft grafting, budding and branch cutting has been successfully employed for establishing clones of desired quality. Almost 80 to 100 per cent success was obtained in case of cleft grafting and bud grafting however, maximum 60 per cent success was recorded by ischolar_maining of branch cuttings. The other methods of propagation like air layering etc. were not successful in this species.- Fruit/Seed Setting in Teak (Tectona grandis L.F) : a Point to Ponder
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Indian Forester, Vol 120, No 12 (1994), Pagination: 1076-1079Abstract
Teak is the most important timber species of the Indian sub-continent and one of the most important of the world. With the ever increasing demand of more and more wood of superior quality it has become the need of paramount nature to produce superior seed for better and always increasing plantation targets. As seed production is much below the expectations the reasons for the same have been given along with some very interesting observations.- Variation Studies in the Model Teak Seed Orchard, New Forest, Dehra Dun
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Indian Forester, Vol 118, No 1 (1992), Pagination: 60-65Abstract
In forest tree species like Teak, to save time, work on selection of plus trees, establishment of grem plasm banks and creation of seed orchard has to be taken up simultaneously. Genotypic differences, for various parameters, between clones assembled in a first cycle seed orchard create lot of problems and as a consequence seed production is much less than expected. Experiences gained from the model seed orchard of Teak at New Forest, Dehra Dun-first ever seed orcbard in the country - have been presented in this paper to provide information on the performance of various clones to serve as guiding factors for the creation of second cycle seed orchards.- Crotalaria psoralioides - a New Record for North-west Himalaya
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Indian Forester, Vol 118, No 9 (1992), Pagination: 680-680Abstract
No abstract- Occurrence of Abnormal Seedlings in Pinus wallichiana AB Jacks; their Significance in Tree Breeding
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Indian Forester, Vol 117, No 1 (1991), Pagination: 18-23Abstract
Characterlstic branchy hablt of cotyledons was observed in seedlings of Pinus wallichiana AB Jacks, a first ever record in tbe Himalayan pine and probably in conifers. Differences between these normal cotyledons wlth ultrastructure studies are highlighted. Also the abnormal seedlings, recovered during germination studies of the seeds obtained from open pollination, are reported under specific beads as 'lethats' and non-lethats'. The present paper reports tbe appearance of abnormal seedlings and discusses probable explanation for their appearance under various experiments. The need of c1assifying these abnormal seedlings is advocated so that uniform terminology can be adopted to ensure tbe morbid types recovend for understanding the reflection of genetic structure of the population.- Teak Plus Trees for Specific Traits
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Indian Forester, Vol 114, No 3 (1988), Pagination: 168-169Abstract
No abstract- Vegetative Propagation of Sandal by Root Cuttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 111, No 3 (1985), Pagination: 145-148Abstract
Sandal(Santalum album) can be propagated vegetatively with considerable case. Of the various method described so far vegetative propagation by ischolar_main cuttings under report is easy to perform and results in fair amount of success(i.e. upto 60%). The application of Seradix B2 was advantageous and time of planting also seemed to have some influence, i.e. response from cuttings planted in the first week of April was the best as compared to those planted in May. An interesting feature was the emergence of ischolar_mains from the base of one stem which indicates the possibility of mound layering and ischolar_main krafting also. The minimum time taken for sprouting was recorde as 23 days and for ischolar_main development less than 100 days.- Evaluation of Budding and Field Planting Periods for Teak Seed Orchard Establishment
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Indian Forester, Vol 111, No 5 (1985), Pagination: 328-332Abstract
The present study provides valuable information about the optimum time of budding and out planting of the prebudded stumps in field, under local condition, that is March and July respectively. The statistical approach of recommending the findings minimises the chances of arriving at deviated result at different places of the country. The study is indespensable to all who are engaged in tasks of Teak Seed Orchard establishment for necessary guidance.- Somatic Multiplication in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Through Leafy Cuttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 110, No 1 (1984), Pagination: 56-60Abstract
Viewing the increasing demand of eucalypts planting under various recently developed programmes. This article presents the importance of somatic multiplication through ischolar_maining of cuttings in Eucalyptus camaldulensis, enabling the scientists to conserve & multiply the plus phenotypes and varieties developed and the consumer to barvest the best in shortest possible span of time.- Natural Chlorophyll Mutants in Albizzia lebbek Benth.
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Indian Forester, Vol 108, No 4 (1982), Pagination: 289-292Abstract
Occurrence of three kinds of natural chlorophyll mutants Viridis, Xantha and Albina in Albizzia lebbek Benth. is reported; the first of its kind in this tropical forest tree species. Such Chlorophyll mutations can be of potential vaue as early genetic marker in seed orchard management.Keywords
Benth.- Studies on Variation in Fibre Morphology in Wavy-grained and Straight Grained Trees of Red Sanders
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Indian Forester, Vol 102, No 7 (1976), Pagination: 441-446Abstract
Wood samples extracted at breast height from 7 wavy-grained and 3 normal grained trees in red sanders were examined for possible variation in fibre morphology from pith to periphery. The data obtained was analysed by an analysis of variance using the mean values and grouping the trees into two groups of wavy and non-wavy, into three groups of highly wavy, medium wavy and non-wavy and finally without any grouping. The mean value of lumen diameter appeared to be larger in the wavy grained trees as compared to that from normal grained trees and difference between the mean values was found to be very highly significant. This is likely to be a useful character for screening the saplings if it is confirmed after an examination of a larger number of trees.- Studies on Field Grafting and the Growth of the Grafts in Red Sanders
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Indian Forester, Vol 102, No 11 (1976), Pagination: 761-765Abstract
Grafts were successfully established in Red Sanders using cleft grafting method. The scions used were from 15 wavy grained trees showing different grades of waviness. The grafting work carried out in the month of March over two years gave an overall higher establishment as compared to that done in the month of February during three years. Comparison of rate of annual growth increment in the grafts showed that there was no significant difference between the clones in this character.- Effect on the Earthquake of April 1905 in Fatehpur Range Kumaun Forest Division' Central Circle
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Indian Forester, Vol 31, No 9 (1905), Pagination: 499-499Abstract
No abstract- Some Studies on the Shrinkage of Bambusa nutans
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Indian Forester, Vol 90, No 3 (1964), Pagination: 182-188Abstract
No abstract- A Note on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ougeinia dalbergioides (Sandan) from Dehra Dun
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Indian Forester, Vol 92, No 11 (1966), Pagination: 694-697Abstract
no abstract- Field Grafting and Budding in Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.)
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Indian Forester, Vol 94, No 3 (1968), Pagination: 259-262Abstract
In the genetic improvement of forest trees vegetative propagation methods particularly grafting, assume great importance in that it enables the tree breeder to assemble the select clones in the seed orchard. In teak, grafting and budding trials were carried out in the field to find out the time when the 'take' would be the highest and also to assess the relative merits of the two methods. During the months of April and May in Dehra Dun, the 'take' in budding and grafting was observed to be very high. Both these methods are recommended for use in the establishment of seed orchards in teak.- Study of Landslide Hazard Zonation in Mandakini Valley, Rudraprayag District, Uttarakhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS
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M. S. Rawat
D. P. Uniyal
R. Dobhal
Varun Joshi
B. S. Rawat
Anil Bartwal
Devendra Singh
Ashok Aswal
1 Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology, Vigyan Dham Jhara, Dehradun 248 007, IN
2 Guru Govind Singh Indra Prastha University, Sector 16C, Dwaraka, New Delhi 110 078, IN
3 Dayanand Brijendra Swarup (PG) College, Dehradun 248 001, IN
4 Mandakini Hydropower Project, Phata 246 471, IN
5 Uttarakhand Space Application Centre, Vasant Vihar, Phase II, Dehradun 248 006, IN
1 Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology, Vigyan Dham Jhara, Dehradun 248 007, IN
2 Guru Govind Singh Indra Prastha University, Sector 16C, Dwaraka, New Delhi 110 078, IN
3 Dayanand Brijendra Swarup (PG) College, Dehradun 248 001, IN
4 Mandakini Hydropower Project, Phata 246 471, IN
5 Uttarakhand Space Application Centre, Vasant Vihar, Phase II, Dehradun 248 006, IN