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Singh, Kushal
- Rooting of Hardwood Cuttings of bougainvillea Peruviana Cv. Shubra with Growth Regulator Treatments
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H. S. Grewal
Kushal Singh
1 Department of Floriculture and Landscape, Punjab Agricultural University, LLudhiana Punjab, IN
2 Department of Floriculture and Landscape, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Punjab, IN
1 Department of Floriculture and Landscape, Punjab Agricultural University, LLudhiana Punjab, IN
2 Department of Floriculture and Landscape, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Punjab, IN
The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Vol 8, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 491-493Abstract
In Bougainvillea peruviana cv. Shubra, hardwood cuttings were given quick dip treatment with various concentrations of NAA, IBA and their combinations. The treatment of cuttings with IBA2000 ppm (60.00%) was significantly better than the control and all the other treatments with respect to ischolar_maining of cuttings (i.e. per cent ischolar_maining 60.00%, average number of ischolar_mains per cutting 8.55 and average length of ischolar_mains 36.92 cm) and establishment of the plants (55.50%), irrespective of the method of plantation. Among the method of plantation i.e. polybags and sand beds, the differences were non-significant with respect to per cent ischolar_maining, however, average number of ischolar_mains per cutting (6.09) and average length of ischolar_mains (30.46 cm) was significantly more in the cuttings planted in sand beds than polybags and establishment of plants was significantly more in the cuttings planted in polybags (28.07%) than the sand beds (23.40%), irrespective of growth regulator treatmentKeywords
bougainvillea, Hardwood Cuttings, Plant Growth Regulators- Optimizing Harvesting Stage of Gladiolus Spikes for Wet Refrigerated Storage
Abstract Views :575 |
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Kushal Singh
Ranjit Singh
1 Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Punjab, IN
1 Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Punjab, IN
The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Vol 8, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 561-564Abstract
Spikes of gladiolus cv. White Prosperity were harvested at four stages of floret development viz., S1- tight bud stage (when 1-2 basal florets showed color); S2-when 5-7 florets showed color; S3- when basal floret was half open; and S4- when one basal floret was fully open. The spikes were subjected to wet refrigerated storage at 4±0.50C for 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days. Increase in storage duration hastened opening of the basal floret, increased vase life and per cent opening of florets on the spike. The spikes harvested at S1 exhibited the minimum vase life and floret opening. The spikes harvested at S2, S3 and S4 exhibited long post-storage vase life and opening of florets and were hence, found suitable for storage. In case of S2 spikes, the florets did not exhibit complete opening till 9 days of storage. The spikes harvested at S3 and S4, however, exhibited an early opening of the basal floret i.e. after 3 to 6 days of storage and hence, could only be used for local marketing because open florets on the spike are highly prone to damage during transport. The spikes harvested at S1 exhibited maximum starch content. These spikes also showed low levels of total as well as reducing sugar content in the tepols which exhibited increase in the spikes harvested at S2, S3 and S4.Keywords
Gladiolus, Storage, Stages of Harvest- Factors Affecting Propagation and Plant Survival in Rose Cv. RAKATAGANDHA
Abstract Views :304 |
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H. S. Grewal
Kushal Singh
1 Department of Floriculture and Landscape, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Punjab, IN
1 Department of Floriculture and Landscape, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Punjab, IN
The Asian Journal of Horticulture, Vol 8, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 782-784Abstract
In rose cv. Raktagandha, plant survival was significantly more in conventional method (88.19 %) than cuttage-buddage (43.33 %), although the later was more useful in large scale propagation. The treatment of budded cuttings with IBA 2000 mg/l resulted in significantly more plant survival (77.96%) as compared to the control (64.44%). The treatment of budded cuttings with IBA 2000 mg/l and IBA 3000 mg/l were at par with respect to plant survival. The plant survival was significantly more (77.76%) in bud treatment with BA 50 mg/l as compared to the control (74.81%). The ischolar_maining of cuttings and bud take was significantly more under protected condition as compared to the open conditions resulting in higher plant survival.Keywords
Rose, Propagation, Cutting-buddage, Growth Regulator- Integration of Laser Technology with Dimensional Metrology for Generation of CAD Data
Abstract Views :179 |
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1 Defence Research & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad, IN
1 Defence Research & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad, IN