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Patel, Kiran
- An Assessment of Balloon Spirometer as an Aid in Chest Physiotherapy
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
2 NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, IN
3 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 7, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 27-28Abstract
Objective: To assess the role of balloon spirometer as an aid for providing chest physiotherapy.
Material and method: Data was collected from sixty cases of 18 to 60 years of age of both sexes, who underwent major abdominal surgery in a predrawn and pretested proforma.
Findings and interpretation: On analysis it was recorded that in control group chest complications were in 60 % of cases in comparison to only in 13 % of cases in incentive spirometry group. At probability of 0.05 these complication rate was highly significant (p = 0.0001). Thus incentive chest physiotherapy proved beneficial in comparison to no physiotherapy.
Recommendation: Authors recommend that in developing countries like India routine prophylactic Balloon type of chest physiotherapy can be used as an aid in preventing post pulmonary complications.
Balloon Spirometry (B.S.), Chest Physiotherapy.- Effectiveness of Treatment versus Non Treatment in Post Surgical Recovery Period after Major Operative Procedures
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
2 G.R. Medical College, Gwalior, IN
3 NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, IN
4 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 7, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 35-37Abstract
Objective: Does treatment (chest physiotherapy) as an intervention have any beneficial effect in post surgical recovery period after major surgical operations?
Material and method: Data was collected from ninety cases of 18 to 60 years of age of both sexes, who underwent major abdominal surgery in NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur. Variables: Duration of surgery, length of incision, Naso Gastric tube duration and dose of analgesia in mg.
Findings and interpretation: On analysis of the recorded data it was found that in treatment group only 14 percent was the attack rate in comparison to their non treatment 60 percent counterparts which was statistically significant
Conclusion and Recommendation: Hence physiotherapy found beneficial than no physiotherapy. Authors recommended in developing countries like India routine prophylactic Balloon type of chest physiotherapy can be used as an aid in preventing post pulmonary complications.
Treatment in Form of Chest Physiotherapy, Non Treatment.- Evaluation of Incentive Spirometer as a Tool in Chest Physiotherapy
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
2 NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, IN
3 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 7, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 38-39Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the role of incentive spirometer as tool for providing chest physiotherapy.
Material and method: There were 53 patients of 18 to 60 years of age, who underwent major abdominal surgery taken as sample in NSCB Medical college Hospital, Jabalpur (M.P.). Data was collected in a predrawn proforma and analyzed. Appropriate statistical analysis was done.
Findings and interpretation: On analysis it was recorded that in control group chest complications was in 60 % of cases in comparison to only in 13 % of cases in incentive spirometry group. At probability of 0.05 these complication rate was highly significant (p = 0.0001). Thus incentive chest physiotherapy proved beneficial in comparison to no physiotherapy.