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Ramanathan, K.
- Modeling of Standalone Hybrid PV-Fuel Cell Power System for Standalone Application
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1 Dept. of EEE, Saveetha School of Engineering, IN
1 Dept. of EEE, Saveetha School of Engineering, IN
Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 6, No 9 (2014), Pagination: 251-255Abstract
This paper describes a study on the application of a stand-alone hybrid model of photovoltaic and fuel cell power system. We have been analysis the operation of each renewable energy source under various weather conditions. We have been introducing the voltage regulator controller for regulating the voltage profile in renewable energy system for the period of nonlinear load condition. The proposed model has been modeled in Matlab simulation environment. The obtained results are evaluated for acceptable performance of the proposed system.Keywords
Modeling, Hybrid System, Solar Fuel Cell, Renewable Source.- Atomic Study on Fusarium incarnatum using Bioinformatics Tools
Abstract Views :295 |
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1 Department of Microbiology, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur-621212, IN
2 Department of Bioinformatics, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur-621212, IN
3 Department of Biochemistry, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur-621212, IN
4 Dept. of Plant Science, Avvaiyar Govt. College for Women, Karaikal-609602, Puducherry, U.T., IN
5 Department of Botany and Microbiology, A.V.V.M Sri Puspam College, Poondi, Thanjavur–613503, Tamil Nadu, IN
1 Department of Microbiology, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur-621212, IN
2 Department of Bioinformatics, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur-621212, IN
3 Department of Biochemistry, Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur-621212, IN
4 Dept. of Plant Science, Avvaiyar Govt. College for Women, Karaikal-609602, Puducherry, U.T., IN
5 Department of Botany and Microbiology, A.V.V.M Sri Puspam College, Poondi, Thanjavur–613503, Tamil Nadu, IN
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 2, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 78-82Abstract
We have been investigating that the atomic study of Fusarium incarnatum with the utilization of Bioinformatics tools. We have been involved in the insilico study on the plant pathogen the Fusarium incarnatum. The involvement of Nucleotides and atoms in this species can be identified with the help of Bioinformatics tools. We can also involved in the analysis of amino acids which are present in this species and calculated the start and stop codons in different frames.Keywords
Fusarium incarnatum, Bioinformatics Tools, Nucleotides, Atomic Study, Amino Acids, Frame Analysis.- Study of Intermolecular Interactions in Binary Mixtures of Lithium Hydroxide and Lithium Sulphate
Abstract Views :270 |
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1 Department of Physics, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Department of Physics, Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, IN
1 Department of Physics, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu, IN
2 Department of Physics, Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, IN
Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol 29, No 4 (2007), Pagination: 139-142Abstract
In this study the Ultrasonic velocity and density of different proportionate mixture of Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) and Lithium Sulphate (Li2SO4) are determined in the frequency range of 3MHz at room temperature using ultrasonic interferometer technique. With the values of velocity and density, the parameters like adiabatic compressibility, inter molecular free length, acoustical impedance, molar sound velocity, molar compressibility and molar volume have been calculated. It is observed that there is a complex nature of the mixture at a particular definite concentration.- Ultrasonic Study and Allied Properties of Cholesterol in Chloroform Solutions at 294K
Abstract Views :318 |
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1 Department of Physics, Sathyabama University, Chennai-115, IN
2 Department of Physics, Thiagarajar College, Madurai-15, IN
1 Department of Physics, Sathyabama University, Chennai-115, IN
2 Department of Physics, Thiagarajar College, Madurai-15, IN
Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol 28, No 2-4 (2006), Pagination: 40-45Abstract
The Ultrasonic velocities, Density and viscosity of cholesterol in chloroform solutions for varying concentrations have been measured at 294 K. From these data, Isentropic compressibility (Ks), Intermolecular free length (Lf), Molar volume (V), Molar sound velocity(R), Molar compressibility (W), Relaxation time (t), Relative association (RA), Free volume (Vf) and Degree of molecular interactions (α) have been calculated. These parameters are used, to explain the nature of interaction between the chloroform and cholesterol molecules of the mixtures. The variation of ultrasonic velocity shows a dip at a concentration of 9%. It is observed that the complex formation between unlike molecules occurs at the concentration of 8% and 9%. Sound velocities were evaluated based on Free Length theory and Nomoto's relation and gives good agreement with the experimental values for the system studied. Non-ideality in the liquid mixtures has been discussed in terms of U2exp/U2imix where Uexpand Uimix are the experimental and ideal mixture velocities respectively.- Ultrasonic Study of Mixed Salt Solutions of Ammonium Sulphate and Ammonium Chloride
Abstract Views :296 |
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1 Department of Physics, Thiayagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-15, IN
2 Department of Physics, Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, IN
1 Department of Physics, Thiayagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-15, IN
2 Department of Physics, Mahendra Engineering College, Mallasamudram, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu, IN
Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol 26, No 1 (2004), Pagination: 12-17Abstract
Ultrasonic study of mixture of ammonium sulphate and ammonium chloride in water at different concentrations have been carried out at a frequency of 2 MHz and at 303 K. Using the ultrasonic velocity and density, adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, acoustic impedance have been calculated. The graph between ultrasonic velocity (U) and mole fraction (Cm) of ammonium sulphate in the mixed solution shows dips at a composition of 60:40 . The observed variations with different composition of the mixture are discussed.- Effect of a Combined Exercise Intervention in the management of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo- A Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
Abstract Views :262 |
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1 Dr. M. G. R. Educational and Research Institute, Maduravoyal, Chennai – 600095, IN
2 School of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, IN
1 Dr. M. G. R. Educational and Research Institute, Maduravoyal, Chennai – 600095, IN
2 School of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol 12, No 4 (2019), Pagination: 1735-1739Abstract
Aim: To find the effect of a combined exercise intervention namely Brandt-Daroff exercise (BDE) combined with Cawthorne Cooksey exercises (CCE) for treatment of vertigo among posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) subjects. Materials and methods: A total of 20 male and female subjects in the age group of 25-45 years were included if they were diagnosed with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The recruited subjects were randomly divided into two groups. Group A (Experimental group) n=10 subjects received both BDE and CCE and Group B (Control group) n=10 subjects received only BDE. Results: The statistical analysis shows that both groups have significant improvement in their symptoms. Group A has greater improvement than Group B which is statistically significant. Conclusion: This study concludes that addition of Cawthorne -Cooksey habituation exercises along with Brandt-Daroff exercises is more effective in treatment of vertigo among posterior canal BPPV subjects.Keywords
Conservative Therapy, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Brandt-daroff Exercise, Cawthorne Cooksey Exercises.References
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