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Chandra, K.
- Iodine Content of Drinking Water in Gangetic West Bengal
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1 Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Laboratory, Department of Physiology, University College of Science and Technology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata - 700 009, IN
1 Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology Laboratory, Department of Physiology, University College of Science and Technology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata - 700 009, IN
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol 41, No 6 (2004), Pagination: 269-272Abstract
Iodine in trace amount is essential for normal development and function of the brain and maintenance of body heat and energy. Man gets iodine through food and water. Iodine deficiency in a region is characterised by iodine poor soil, less iodine in foods (animal or vegetable origin) and in drinking water, resulting in iodine deprivation of living organism. The major consequences of iodine deficiency are goitre (enlargement of thyroid gland than normal), still birth and miscarriages, mental defect, deaf-mutism, weakness and paralysis of muscles as well as lesser degree of physical and mental function.- An Appeal
Abstract Views :416 |
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1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 116, No 3 (2016), Pagination: i-iiAbstract
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) is a premier taxonomic research organization, under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, engaged in zoological research and documentation of the faunal resources of the country. It was established on 1st July 1916 to promote the survey, exploration and research on the fauna of the Indian Region.- An Appeal
Abstract Views :395 |
PDF Views:181
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 116, No 2 (2016), Pagination: i-iiAbstract
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) is a premier taxonomic research organization, under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, engaged in zoological research and documentation of the faunal resources of the country. It was established on 1st July 1916 to promote the survey, exploration and research on the fauna of the Indian Region.- An Appeal
Abstract Views :411 |
PDF Views:181
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 116, No 1 (2016), Pagination: i-iiAbstract
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) is a premier taxonomic research organization, under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, engaged in zoological research and documentation of the faunal resources of the country. It was established on 1st July 1916 to promote the survey, exploration and research on the fauna of the Indian Region.- An Appeal
Abstract Views :400 |
PDF Views:181
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 115, No 2 (2015), Pagination: i-iiAbstract
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) is a premier taxonomic research organization, under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, engaged in zoological research and documentation of the faunal resources of the country. It was established on 1st July 1916 to promote the survey, exploration and research on the fauna of the Indian Region.- An Appeal
Abstract Views :416 |
PDF Views:183
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 115, No 4 (2015), Pagination: i-iiAbstract
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) is a premier taxonomic research organization, under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India, engaged in zoological research and documentation of the faunal resources of the country. It was established on 1st July 1916 to promote the survey, exploration and research on the fauna of the Indian Region.- Dermaptera Fauna of Chhattisgarh with Some New Records
Abstract Views :497 |
PDF Views:202
1 Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 115, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 85-88Abstract
Chhattisgarh state is located in the central part of India surrounded by 05 states, viz; Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh and occupying an area of about 1,35,000 sq. k. m. A perusal of literature reveals that 103 species of different groups of insects are reported from Chhattisgarh (Ramakrishna et al., 2006). Recent reference (Srivastava, 2014) on Dermaptera of Achanakmar Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve of Chhattisgarh state reveals the record of 05 species only. Hence, an attempt has been made to explore the Dermaptera fauna of this state by studying the collections made during the recent surveys conducted by different survey parties of the Zoological Survey of India.- On an Account of Coreoidea (Heteroptera: Hemiptera) from Chhattisgarh, India
Abstract Views :511 |
PDF Views:203
1 Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, IN
Records of the Zoological Survey of India - A Journal of Indian Zoology, Vol 114, No 4 (2014), Pagination: 637-650Abstract
Reuter (1910) first established the Coreoidea as a superfamily of the Heteroptera and Leston et al. (1954) placed the Coreoidea within infraorder Pentatomomorpha. The superfamily includes fi ve families: Alydidae (broad headed bugs), Coreidae (Leaf-footed bugs or Squash bugs), Rhopalidae (Scentless plant bugs), Stenocephalidae (confi ned to Eastern Hemisphere) and Hyocephalidae (endemic to Australia), comprising of 2376 species from the world (Henry 2009). Of these, about 200 species under 60 genera are so far known from India including 78 endemic species.- Report of Litchi Stink Bug, Tessaratoma javanica (Hemiptera: Tessaratomidae) on Mahua Tree in Chhattisgarh
Abstract Views :446 |
PDF Views:209
1 Zoological Survey of India, Parnivigyan Bhavan, 535, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700 053, West Bengal, IN
1 Zoological Survey of India, Parnivigyan Bhavan, 535, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700 053, West Bengal, IN