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Viswnadham, K. K.
- Study of the Effects of Various Intraocular Pressure Reducing Drugs in Reducing Postoperative Rise in Intraocular Pressure after Cataract Surgery
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (CG) Bastar, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 2 (2012), Pagination: 116-118Abstract
Methods: This post operative randomized double masked clinical trial comprised patients with age related cataract having undergone extracellular cataract extraction (ECCE) with or without posterior chamber Intra ocular lense implementation (PC-IOL). They were randomly assigned to use topical timoilol or betaxolol or levobunalol or acetazolamide or intracameral pilocarpine (Group 1a/1b/1c/1d/.1e) respectively at the completion of the surgery. Two controls were taken- a. Intra-ocular pressure in the follow eye (Control-I) b. Intraocular pressure in the operated eye ,in which no Introcular pressure reducing drugs had been instilled (Control-II ) (Group-II). Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured 6 hours, 24hours, 3rd day, 7th day and 2nd month postoperatively. The anterior chamber was examined for the levels of cells and flare using slit lamp examination.
Results: Levobunalol was more effective in reducing post operative IOP rise at 6 hours of surgery, 3rd day, 7th day 1st month, and 2nd month where as Timolol was more effective at 24 hours. There were significant difference in IOP between Group-I (those patients who received topical iop reducing drugs) and group-II (operated patients without any IOP reducing drugs) post operatively (p<0.05). No excessive postoperative inflammation was observed in any group. In the control group-I (fellow eye), IOP remained constant throughout the period. This indicated that the drugs were not playing any major role in altering IOP of the fellow eye. In the control II (group-II), maximum mean pressure rise was 18 mm Hg at six hours. This indicated that it was the operative procedure that was causing the rise in IOP. Diurnal variation in IOP was playing no significant role.
Cataract, Intraocular Pressure.References
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- Shukla P., S. K. Shukla and Bansal A.K 'Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Study of Tribal and Nontribal People Of A Slum about Eye Health Care'. Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2011, 3(5), 289-291
- Status of Girl Child in Urban Slums
1 Community Medicine, Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital, Jalgaon Kh. (MS), IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C.G., IN
3 Department of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C. G., IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 4 (2012), Pagination: 218-220Abstract
Background: Since long discrimination among the children on account of sex is being practiced. There are the reports of aborting female fetus by indentifying sex and even killing new born female child in some communities. Midwife's tip is less than the new born is a girls rather than boy.
Objective: Is there any discrimination of children on account of sex in urban slums?
Material and Methods: The study was carried out in an urban slum. 248 (123 male and 125 female) children belong to one to three years of age were included in the study. All sampled children were weighed and then graded as per their age as suggested by Stuart and Stevenson.
Statically analysis: Simple Proportion.
Results: There were only 10.40 % female children of normal grade in comparison to their 12.19% male counterparts.
Conclusion: Education will help in bringing about a change in mind-set of people by eradicating lack of awareness, gender bias and low access to government facilities which ultimately help in uplifting the living standard of people at the base of pyramid.
Education, Multi-Taskers.References
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- (7) Barbara Schneider et. al. :Women, Better Multi-Taskers; Sunday Hindustan Times ,New Delhi, December 04,2011:pp16.
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- (10) Rita Aggarwal : Agni Pariksha of Housewives : The Hitavada, Woman's World, November 30,2011:pp-02.
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- An Analytical Study of Social Determents of Health
1 Community Medicine, Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital, Jalgaon Kh. (MS), IN
2 Department of Paediatric, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C. G., IN
3 Department of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C.G., IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 5 (2012), Pagination: 267-271Abstract
Back Ground: Social factors have a far reaching impact on health and disease of the community and its members. Matters like nutrition, child rearing and bearing practices, personal hygiene, seeking timely medical aid, utilization of govt. health facilities, gender bias, standard of sanitation etc. are some of the examples where their influence can be easily seen or felt.
Objective: What are various social determents which have an impact on the health of community?
Participants: Adult residents of both sexes belonging to all religion of an urban slum.
Variables: Lack of awareness, Religion, Nutrition, Tradition and culture, Lack of motivation, Obstacles and Miscellaneous.
Material and Methods: In this study, a broad approach "situational analysis" of operational research was used by interviewing the sampled population. The most appropriate answer was considered for interpretation of results.
Observations and Discussions: Non scientific ,undesirable ,age old ,deep ischolar_mained ,traditions believes and culture because of lack of awareness were found responsible for this sorry state of affairs of health of the community. For combating the unearthed reasons there is an urgent need to bring about change in knowledge, attitude and practices of the people through applying the technique of de-education and re-education. For this, a wise use of media mix i.e. modern and traditional media will yield positive results. Educating women is a tested solution for the treatment of all the ills of society, hence no stone left unturned to achieve this noble task of educating the women
Media–Mix, Telemedicine-Health, Jan-Bhagidari.References
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- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317.
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