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Dhruv, K. K.
- Role of Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Extent and Nature of Lesions in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accidents
1 Department of Radiology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 3 (2011), Pagination: 98-101Abstract
In 20 ischemic cases, site of involvement in decreasing order were Lobar and capsular 11 (39.2%) each, lentiform nucleus and thalamus 2 (7.1%) each, caudate nucleus and brain stem 1 (3.57%) each. In 20 ischemic cases, 18 (61.4%) lesions were located in the MCA out of 20 ischemic cases 9 showed loss of gray/white differentiation and 2 showed obscuration of lentiform nucleus. Out of 20 ischemic cases 2 (10%) showed hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign.Keywords
Ischaemic Lesion, Site, Vascular Territory, Frequency of Involvement.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March – April 2010; 201-202.
- Hart RG Easton JD Hemorrhagic infarcts, Stroke 17; 586-593, 1986.
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- Leys D, Pruvo JP, Godefroy O et al Prevalence and significance of hyperdense middle cerebral artery in acute stroke, stroke 23; 317-324, 1992.
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- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. – 2, No. – 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. – 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Anne G. Osborn: Imaging of Cerebral Ischemia and Infarction; Computed Tomography; Diagnostic Neuroradiology; Second Indian Reprint 2007; Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110065; 344-347.
- Govt. of India (2006) Health Information of India, 2005, Min. of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
- W.H.O.(1971),Tech.Rep.Series.,No.469.
- W.H.O. (1986),Tech.Rep. Ser.,No. 732.
- An Assessment of the Extent and Nature of Lesions in Hemorrhagic Cerebrovascular Accident by Computed Tomography
1 Dept. of Radiodiagnosis, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (C.G.) (Bastar). 494001(CG), IN
2 Dept. of Surgery, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar). 494001(CG), IN
3 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar). 494001(CG), IN
4 Dept. of Dermatology and STD, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar). 494001(CG), IN
5 Dept. of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar). 494001(CG), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 2 (2011), Pagination: 88-91Abstract
In 30 hemorrhagic cases sites of involvement in decreasing order were external and internal capsule 17 (28.3%), basal ganglia and lentiform nucleus 16 (26.6%), lobar 14 (23.3%), thalamus 4 (6.6%), Brainstem 1 (1.6%), vermis 1 (1.6%), cerebellum 1 (1.6%).
In 30 hemorrhagic cases, 27 (67.5%) lesions were seen in MCA territory. 4 (10%) in ACA territory, 3 (7.5%) in PCA territory, 6 (15%) in posterior fossa.
Haemorrhagic Lesion , Computed Tomography.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March – April 2010; 201-202.
- Atlas SW MRI is highly sensitive for acute subarachnoid hemorrhage… not! Radiology 168; 319-322, 1983.
- Bae HG et al Rapid expension of hypertensive itracerebral hemorrhage, Neurosurgery 31; 35-41, 1992.
- Leys D, Pruvo JP, Godefroy O et al Prevalence and significance of hyperdense middle cerebral artery in acute stroke, stroke 23; 317-324, 1992.
- Toffol GJ, BIller J, Adams HP JR et al Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in young adults. Arch Neurol. 44; 483-485, 1987.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol.– 2, No.– 3 & 4: 1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.– 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. – 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol.– 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.
- Anne G. Osborn Intracranial Haemorrhage; Computed Tomography; Diagnostic Neuroradiology; Second Indian Reprint 2007; Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110065; 158-160.
- Govt. of India (2006) Health Information of India, 2005, Min. of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
- W.H.O.(1971),Tech.Rep.Series., No.469.
- W.H.O. (1986),Tech.Rep. Ser., No. 732.
- An Assessment of the Functional Results of Supracondylar and Intercondylar Fractures of Distal Femur Treated with 95° Angle Blade Plate
1 Peoples College of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, IN
2 Peoples College of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, IN
3 Chiryau Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, IN
4 Peoples Dental Academy, Bhopal (M.P.), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 6 (2012), Pagination: 346-348Abstract
BACKGROUND: The knee has become the most vulnerable of all joints since man has taken to traveling at high speeds in a squatting position with the leading edge composed of flexed hind limbs. These fracture have assumed importance for continuing controversies regarding their management. These fractures are considered to pose difficult problems for their management because of their malalignment, incongruity and insatability. The aim of treatment in all cases is one to obtain stable, mobile and painless joint.OBJECTIVE: To assess the functional results of the fractures of lower femur fractured treated by 95° Angle Blade Plate fixation.
MATERIAL and METHOD: This is an experimental study was carried out in a Medical College Hospital. A total of 17 patients were taken as sample and treated by Angle Blade Plate fixation. Stastical Analysis: Simple proportion and ratio.
FINDINGS and INTERPRETATION: On analysis it was found excellent results in 82.35% cases and satisfactory in 11.76%. There was unsatisfactory results in 05.88% cases.The results of the present study were more or less in accordance of the findings of other studies conducted throughout globe by different authors.
Angle Blade Plate, Pain, Walking Capacity.References
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- Impact of Bilaterel Cutaneous Ureterostomy as a Urinary Diversion
1 Dept. of Surgery, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (BASTAR) – 494001, IN
2 Dept. of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (BASTAR) – 494001, IN
3 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (BASTAR) – 494001, IN
4 Dept. of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (BASTAR) – 494001, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 3, No 4 (2011), Pagination: 176-179Abstract
Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Cutaneous Ureterostomy as an urinary diversion? Material and Method: Five adult healthy dogs of both sexes ranging in weight from 10 to 16 Kg. were included and the study was conducted in Deptt. of Surgery, Pt. J. N. M. Medical college, Raipur. Results: On an average operation required 1 hour 46 minutes for completion of procedure. The mortality rate was 40 percent, however it carries the highest incidence (100 percent) of cutaneous ulcer around the stoma. The incidence of stomal stenosis in this method was (60%). Incidence of ascending urinary tract infection was (40%). Interpretation: Cutaneous Ureterostomy is an easy, simple and quick method is usually associatsd with ascending infectionand stenosis of ureterocutaneous stoma.Keywords
Stomal Stenosis, Cutaneous Ulceration.References
- Garg Narendra K. Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J. Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March - April 2010; 201-202.
- Feminella, J.G. & Lattimer, J.K. 1971 A retrospective analysis of 70 cases of cutaneous ureterostomy. J. Urol. 106; 538.
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- Bellis, C.J. 1966 Isolated ileal segment as urine conduct after extenteration for pelvic cancer. Further experiences with improved technique. Mer. J. Surg.111:691.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) knowledge, Belief and Practice: A study of Tribal mothers about feeding of infants; Tribal Health Bulletine (ICMR); Vol. - 2, No. - 3 & 4:1-2.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) effectiveness of ICDS in child care in Rural and Tribal areas of Chhattisgarh (M.P.) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 6, No.-B (Science) 61-65.
- Bansal A.K. and Saxena V.B.(2000) impact of I.C.D.S. on Pregnancy pattern of Tribal and Non Tribal women. J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 13, No.-B (Science) 54-58.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1993) utilization of Health Care delivery by Tribal and Non Tribal women of an ICDS block (1993) J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol.-6, No.-B (Science) 57-60.
- Bansal A.K., Agarwal Ashok K. and Govila A.K. (1998-99) Status of girl child amongst Tribal and Non Tribal in the unreached rural India; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 11-12, No.-B (Science) 31-36.
- Bansal A.K. and Agarwal A.K. (1994) impact of training the knowledge of Tribal and Non Tribal Anganwade workers; J. Ravi Shankar uni; Vol. - 7, No.-B (Science) 51-54.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. (1997) Immunization status of Tribal and Non Tribal Children of Raipur district, Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) Vol. - 3, No.-2; 12-14.
- Bansal A.K. and Chandorkar R.K. Impact of I.C.D.S. on morbidity due to Nutritional deficiency Diseases amongst Tribe and Non Tribe Children; Research J Science and Tech.; 2009: 1(2); 82-84.