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Masih, John
- A Comparative Study of Fundus findings in Ischemic Heart Diseases with or without Diabetes
1 Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
2 Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagda, IN
3 Dermatology and STD, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 5, No 1 (2013), Pagination: 36-38Abstract
On fundoscopy it was noted that 05.26 % and 08.33 % males and females respectively suffering from IHD with Diabetes were having hypertensive retinopathy in comparison to only 05.7% males and nil percentage of females suffering from IHD without Diabetes. Regarding hard exudates /microneurysm was observed in 07.89 and 08.33 percent males and females respectively of IHD without Diabetes in comparison to none of the patients of IHD with Diabetes. up Cataract /media hazy, on fundoscopy was observed only amongst 05.26 % IHD with Diabetics. Similarly, Tessellation was noted in 02.85 %males belong to IHD without Diabetes while none of the patient found in IHD with Diabetes. Almost equal proportion of patients belong to both group (IHD with Diabetes and IHD with Diabetes).It was further noted that as age advances proportion of tessellation goes except in 71 + years of age group patients.Keywords
Hypertensive Retinopathy, Tessilation, Media Hazy CataractReferences
- We have weaker hearts than Americans: study Sunday Times of India, New Delhi, April 22,2012:pp-15
- Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation Therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:2 (2) March-April;2010:201-202.
- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317
- Parson's diseases of the eye; Diseases of the retina;21st edition:Elsevir,A division of Reed Elsevier, India (Pvt.)Ltd. pp 302-332.
- John Herlitz, Klas Malmberg, Bjorn W. Karlson :Mortality and morbidity during a five year follow up of diabetics with Myo cardial Infarction; Act Med. Scand (1988):224:31-8.
- Goldschalager Nora, Goldman Marvin J.: Normal electrocardiogram ; principles of clinical electrocardiography :A lange medical book (1989),13TH edition:23-38.
- Ophthalmology: A.K. Khurana ;4th edition : Fundus examination: New age International (Pvt.)Ltd. Publication, New Delhi:pp477-478
- Golwala: Text book of Medicine: The Fundus :987-990
- Retrospective Analysis of Epidemiological Profile of Hypertensive Patients
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 5, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 106-109Abstract
Back Ground :Countless actors have hammed death by clutching their heart in imagined pain before collapsing ,yet this Bollywood over kill has had no effect on most Indians, who remain oblivious to the threat of cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke) till it comes knocking on their doors.Material and method: The study is retrospective in nature and was conducted in a tertiary care hospital. The data was collected in a pre drawn and pre tested proforma between May 2003 and May 2004.
Variables: Age, gender, Nature of diet, Obesity, Family history, Smoking, Alcoholism etc. Observations and Discussion: More than fifty percent patients were either normotensive or in pre hypertensive stage.18 % and 29 % were in hypertension stage-I, II and III. There were only five patients who gave history of hypertension running in their families.45 % were hypertensive obese out of these 67.85 % were suffering from Diabetes. 52.72 % smokers were found hypertensive.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Modifiable factors played an important role in causing hypertension along with some biological factors like obesity, diabetes etc. The impact of these factors can be minimized by changing their life style like spend at least 30 minutes in exercise every day, reduce their body weight etc.
Life style, WaistlinesReferences
- Sanchita Sharma ;Ticker Trouble : Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, May 20,2012 :pp-18.
- Turning fat in many ways ;Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, December 04,2011;pp-16
- Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation Therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:2 (2) March-April;2010:201-202.
- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November- December;2011:311-317
- JNC 7 guidelines and Indian scenario chapter 17, Apicon postgraduate Medicine: Vol.18 :2004.
- We have weaker hearts than Americans : Study; Sunday Times of India ,New Delhi, April 22,2012 : pp15
- Breastfeeding cuts Blood Pressure risk in women : The Times of India ,New Delhi, December 28,2011; pp13.
- Study moots salt tax to lower risk of stroke : Sunday Times of India ,New Delhi, April 22,2012 : pp15
- Intent of Ingestion of Poisonous Substances in India
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar), IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 5, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 140-142Abstract
History: The abuse of poisonous material is noted since long time. Objective: to analysis the intention behind abuse of various compound in the community.Material and methods: The study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital. 291 cases of both sexes and 11 and above years of age of poisoning who were brought to hospital for treatment taken as sample.
Variables: suicidal, accidental etc.
Statistical analysis: were expressed in simple terms of proportion
Findings: Most common intent of poisoning was noted suicidal followed by accidental. There were 12.72 % cases who didn't disclose the intention behind the ingestion of poison
Suicidal, AccidentalReferences
- Park J.E. Suicide ;Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine (A treatises of community health) 1st edition ;M/S. Banarsi Das Bhanot ,Jabalpur M.P. :449.
- Reddy Naryan K.S. The essentials of forensic medicine and toxicology 2003; 408; 428-431; 434; 435 and 488-492.
- Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation Therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics (2) March-April; 2010:201-202.
- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B.: Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317
- Siwach SB, Yadav DR, Arora B, Dalal S. Acute aluminium phosphide poisoning ;an epidemiological ,clinical and histopathological study ;JAPI 1998:36:No.10;594-96
- Chugh SN, Dushyant, Arora B et al .Incidence and outcome of patients of aluminium phosphide poisoning in a hospital study .IJMR 1991; 94:232-35
- Aggarwal Praveen ,Handa Rohini, Wall J.P..Common poisoning in India; JFMT ,Vol.XV.N0.1:Jan.-June 1998 :73-79.
- Epidemiological Profile of Diabetics
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 5, No 3 (2013), Pagination: 178-182Abstract
Back Ground: One person dies from diabetes and two more get the disease every 10 seconds in India. The number of diabetics in the country has crossed 60 million and is expected to reach 100 million mark by 2030.Objective: To study the epidemiological profile of diabetic patients.
Nature of study: Retrospective study.
Statistical Analysis: Expressed in terms of simple proportion.
Material and method: Diabetics who were admitted in a Medical College Hospital were taken as sample. Diabetics detail was taken in a pre drawn proforma. As per requirement, Random blood sugar, Serum cholesterol level of each patient was conducted. Collected data were analyzed and inferences were drawn.
Findings and Discussion: Higher proportion of females was the sufferers in comparison to their male counterparts. More than three-fourth patients were non vegetarian.68.42% males and 66.66%females were found obese.
Conclusion and recommendations: Thus, a great deal of emphasis is to be given for making aware the community about disease resulting early screening, diagnosis and proper treatment.
Mascots, Obese Paradox, Genetically LoadedReferences
- Kids soldiers for diabetes war; Sunday Times of India, New Delhi, July15, 2012:pp07.
- Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation Therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:2 (2) March-April;2010:201-202.
- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317.
- Powers Alvi C.:"Diabetes Mellitus"Harrison's Principles of internal medicine :Mc Graw Hill :2001,15th.edition : 2109-2137
- Gowenlock, Allan H.: Test for glucose &disorders of Glucose Metabolism: Varley's clinical Bio-chemistry: Heimemann professional publishing:1988"6th.edition:333-348
- Patel J.C.et al (1968) Dibetics in the Tropics: The diabetic association of India.
- Park J.E. :Text book of Preventive and Social Medicine,1st.Edition:M/S Banarsidas Bhanot,Jabalpur;pp444- 446.
- WHO (19650 Tech.Rep.Ser.No.310.
- Dungan G.G. (1959) Diseases of Metabolism, 4th.Edition, Saunders.
- Lilienfield A.M. Ed. (1965) Chronic Diseases & Public Health. The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore.
- Vaishnava H.,Dixit N.S. and Solomen S.K.:A study of Restrospective of Hospitalized patients of Diabetes Mellitus in South India: JAPI (1964);12 :255-276.
- Banerjee J.C.: Cardiovascular Complications in Diabetes Mellitus :Ind. Heart J. (1966):18:219-236.
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- Raheja B.S., Talwalker N.G. and Suttarwana S.K.: Ischaemic Heart Disease in Diabetes :JAPI;1970:18:261-267
- Caplashhe V.K., Khatri H.N., Bidwai P.S. and RASTOGI g.k.: Frequency in Ischaemic Heart Disease in patients with overt diabetes mellitus "JAPI(1975) 23:373-376
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- Assamnn G, Schulte H.: The Prospective Cardiovascular Munster Study (PROCAM) : Prevalence of hyperlipedemia in person with hypertension and or diabetes mellitus and the relationship to coronary heart disease. Am. heart J.(1988):116:1713-1714.
- Healthy you, Healthy India ; The Times of India, New Delhi, November 16,2012:pp04.
- Bansal A.K. and Garg Narendra K.: Information, Education ,Communication in context of reproductive and child health including HIV/AIDS; J.Ravi Shankar Uni.; Vol.14; No.B(Science) 2001;pp28-34.
- Garg Narendra K. and Bansal A.K.: Management information system in context of health care delivery :J. of Ravi Shankar Univ.; Vol.14; No.B (Science); 2001; pp35-40
- Thin diabetics may be more in danger than obese ones : Sunday Times of India, New Delhi, August 12,2012:pp09
- An Analytic Study of Epidemiological Profile of Obese Persons
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar (C.G.) 494001, IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 6 (2012), Pagination: 357-359Abstract
Back Ground: Irrespective of age or gender ,however ,as waistlines grow, so do health risks. Central obesity-storing fat around the waist-raises risk of heart attacks and diabetes, with Indian at high risk because of their genetic predisposition to sport potbellies.Material and method: All participants were obese and of both sexes. The data were collected in a pre designed and pretested Performa.
Statistical analysis: were expressed in simple term of proportion.
Observations and discussion: As age advances more and more persons fall victim of obesity irrespective of gender except in 71+ years category. On gender wise analysis it was found that more diabetic males were obese in comparison to their females counter parts where more non diabetic females were found obese. On analysis as per diet, it has been observed that 87.09% persons consuming non-vegetarian in comparison to only 12.90% vegetarians in the present study. It has been observed that there were no alcoholic females in the sample cases, of the alcoholic males, 68.00% were obese. In the present study there were only three female smokers. Out of these three female smokers 33.33% were obese while in case of 47 male smokers, 61.70% were found obese.
- (1). Sanchita Sharma; As waistlines grow, so do health risks:Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, December 04,2011:pp-16.
- (2). Turning fat in many ways; Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, December 04, 2011; pp-16.
- (3). Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation Therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics: 2 (2) March-April; 2010:201-202.
- (4). Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B.: Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317.
- (5). Mittal, S.R. and Maheswari Monika: Cardiovascular Risk assessment, classic risk factors, present status medicine up date, chairman scientific committee, Vol.14:Apicon-2004:22-25.
- (6) We have weaker hearts than Americans: Study; Sunday Times of India, New Delhi, April 22, 2012: pp-15.
- (7). Kids soldiers for diabetes war: Sunday Times of India, New Delhi, July 15, 2012: pp-07.
- (8). Want to cut flab? Try strict diet for just 2 days/week.
- (9). Sanchita Sharma: Ticker Trouble Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, May 20, 2012: pp-18.
- Status of Girl Child in Urban Slums
1 Community Medicine, Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital, Jalgaon Kh. (MS), IN
2 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C.G., IN
3 Department of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C. G., IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 4 (2012), Pagination: 218-220Abstract
Background: Since long discrimination among the children on account of sex is being practiced. There are the reports of aborting female fetus by indentifying sex and even killing new born female child in some communities. Midwife's tip is less than the new born is a girls rather than boy.
Objective: Is there any discrimination of children on account of sex in urban slums?
Material and Methods: The study was carried out in an urban slum. 248 (123 male and 125 female) children belong to one to three years of age were included in the study. All sampled children were weighed and then graded as per their age as suggested by Stuart and Stevenson.
Statically analysis: Simple Proportion.
Results: There were only 10.40 % female children of normal grade in comparison to their 12.19% male counterparts.
Conclusion: Education will help in bringing about a change in mind-set of people by eradicating lack of awareness, gender bias and low access to government facilities which ultimately help in uplifting the living standard of people at the base of pyramid.
Education, Multi-Taskers.References
- (1) Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; ResearchJrmacologyndarmacodynamics:2(2) March-April;2010:201-202.
- (2). Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317.
- (3). Stuart H.C. and Stevenson S.S.1959; Text Book of Paediatrics 7th Edition: Philadelphia Saunders : 12-61.
- (4). Gupta S.C. 1986; Proceedings of IUHE-SEARB :1st Regional Conference : 226-231.
- (5). Women in India - Surviving against odds 1989: Souvenir : IUHE-SEARB :2nd Regional Conference : 28-31.
- (6). Bansal A.K..Ashok K Agarwal and Govila A.K.; Status of the girl child amongst tribes and non tribes in the unreached rural India: J of Ravishankar University: Vol.11-12, No. B (Science) 1998-99 :pp 31-36.
- (7) Barbara Schneider et. al. :Women, Better Multi-Taskers; Sunday Hindustan Times ,New Delhi, December 04,2011:pp16.
- (8) Karin Hulshof :22% of mothers under 18,finds UNICEF study; The Times of India, New Delhi:02-03-2012;pp10.
- (9) Asha Bajpai: Is a kid helping in house chores a child labour? The Times of India, New Delhi, February 28,2012:pp-07.
- (10) Rita Aggarwal : Agni Pariksha of Housewives : The Hitavada, Woman's World, November 30,2011:pp-02.
- (11) Sir Michael G Marmot: Girl's education must to tackle malnutrition, say experts: Hindustan Times, New Delhi, February, 28, 2012: pp-06.
- (12). Chandramouli C.; Good news from census: Indians better off, but ignore sanitation; Hindustan Times, New Delhi, March 14, 2012, pp-10.
- An Analytical Study of Social Determents of Health
1 Community Medicine, Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital, Jalgaon Kh. (MS), IN
2 Department of Paediatric, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C. G., IN
3 Department of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur (Bastar) C.G., IN
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics, Vol 4, No 5 (2012), Pagination: 267-271Abstract
Back Ground: Social factors have a far reaching impact on health and disease of the community and its members. Matters like nutrition, child rearing and bearing practices, personal hygiene, seeking timely medical aid, utilization of govt. health facilities, gender bias, standard of sanitation etc. are some of the examples where their influence can be easily seen or felt.
Objective: What are various social determents which have an impact on the health of community?
Participants: Adult residents of both sexes belonging to all religion of an urban slum.
Variables: Lack of awareness, Religion, Nutrition, Tradition and culture, Lack of motivation, Obstacles and Miscellaneous.
Material and Methods: In this study, a broad approach "situational analysis" of operational research was used by interviewing the sampled population. The most appropriate answer was considered for interpretation of results.
Observations and Discussions: Non scientific ,undesirable ,age old ,deep ischolar_mained ,traditions believes and culture because of lack of awareness were found responsible for this sorry state of affairs of health of the community. For combating the unearthed reasons there is an urgent need to bring about change in knowledge, attitude and practices of the people through applying the technique of de-education and re-education. For this, a wise use of media mix i.e. modern and traditional media will yield positive results. Educating women is a tested solution for the treatment of all the ills of society, hence no stone left unturned to achieve this noble task of educating the women
Media–Mix, Telemedicine-Health, Jan-Bhagidari.References
- Mihir Shah. Good news from census: Indians better off, but ignore sanitation; Hindustan Times, New Delhi, March 14, 2012
- Sir Michael G Marmot : Girl's education must to tackle malnutrition ,say experts : Hindustan Times, New Delhi,February,28,2012 .
- Garg Narendra K.: Evaluation of the impact of emesis and emesis plus purgation therapy; Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:2 (2) March-April;2010:201-202.
- Garg Narendra K and Sharma A.B. : Epidemiological profile of patients attending a tertiary care hospital, Muktsar, Punjab (India); Research J Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:3 (6) November-December;2011:311-317.
- Park J.E. : Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine (Treatise on Community Health) 1st Edition (1970) ; M/S Banarsi Das Bhanot, Jabalpur,India:p.p.542-598.
- Bansal, A.K. and Govila, A.K. ; Quality of services under ICDS in a rural block : India :J of Ravishankar University : Vol.10,No. B (Science) 1997: pp 71-81.
- Bansal, A.K. and Chandorkar, R.K.; Immunization status of tribal and non tribal children of Raipur district ,Madhya Pradesh; Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) 1997 Vol.3 :No.2 pp12- 14.
- Bansal, A.K. and Chandorkar, R.K.; Knowledge, belief and practice :a study of tribal mothers about feeding of infants : Tribal Health Bulletin (ICMR) 1993 Vol.2 :No.3and6 pp1-2
- Karin Hulshof: 22% of mothers under 18, finds UNICEF study; The Times of India, New Delhi:02-03-2012;pp10.
- Bansal A.K., Ashok K Agarwal and Govila A.K.; Status of the girl child amongst tribes and non tribes in the un-reached rural India: J of Ravishankar University : Vol.11-12,No. B (Science) 1998-99: pp 31-36.
- PMO pushing to ramp up poor doc-patient ratio: The Times of India, New Delhi; 08-03-201 2: pp10.
- Delhi death rate among lowest; Sunday Times of India, New Delhi: 12-02-2012; pp06.
- Painkiller abuse drills holes in teen's stomach; The Times of India, New Delhi; 20-03-2012..
- Breast feeding cuts blood pressure risk in women; The Times of India, December 28, 2011; pp13.
- Mom's caffeine spikes breast milk; Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, and February 26, 2012: pp16.
- Fasting once or twice a week could help you live longer; The Times of India, New Delhi, February 27. 2012 : pp11.
- Want to cut flab? Try strict diet for just two days /week; Sunday Times of India, New Delhi.
- (18)Barbara Schneider et. al. :Women, Better Multi-Taskers; Sunday Hindustan Times, New Delhi, December 04,2011:pp16.
- "Popcorn is healthier than fruits" packs more punch than veggies with higher antioxidant content : Study ;The Times of India, New Delhi :28-03-2012; pp-12.
- Telemedicine to boost health services; The Times of India, New Delhi :19-03-2012 :pp06.
- Bansal A.K. and Garg Narendra K.: Information, Education and Communication in context of Reproductive and Child health including H.I.V./AIDS; J. of Ravishankar Uni.vol.14:No.B (Science)2001; pp.28-34.
- Carcinoma of Thyroid and Their Diagnosis
1 Govt. Medical College, Jagdalpur, Bastar (C.G.) 494001, IN
Research Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 4, No 1 (2012), Pagination: 40-44Abstract
Back ground: Cancer accounted for 5 lakh death in India alone in 2005 .More than two thirds of all cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries.
Objective: To assess the techniques of fine needle aspiration cytology and Imprint cytodiagnosis in thyroid cancers.
Study designs: four patients of thyroid lumps, attending O.P.D. of Hamidia, hospital, Bhopal were selected for the study. Convenient sampling was done .Patient’s detailed history, routine and special investigations as per need were carried out.
Statistical analysis: The analysis of data was done with the help of manual tabulation and for calculation of percentages.
Results: FNAC-The accuracy rate was 75 percent while in imprint cytodiagnosis an 100 percent accuracy rate was noticed.
Conclusion: The authors reached to the conclusion that F.N.A.C. save time, resources and patient anxiety. Admission for operation can be properly timed and the chances of missing thyroid cancers are much reduced. As there is paucity of data of imprint cytodiagnosis and in the present study too the sample was small so more study is to be done for getting comprehensive picture of the disease.