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Das, J. K.
- Problems & Perspectives of Financing Tourism Industry in West Bengal:An Empirical Study
Abstract Views :544 |
PDF Views:238
Sudipta Ghosh
J. K. Das
1 Department of Commerce, Maharani Kasiswari College, Kolkata, IN
2 Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, IN
1 Department of Commerce, Maharani Kasiswari College, Kolkata, IN
2 Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, IN
Review of Professional Management- A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management, Vol 15, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 9-16Abstract
Tourism encompasses economic activities viz. accommodation, transportation, food and beverage, information dissemination and entertainments etc. This sector generates a large investment and financing opportunities. As per the estimate of the World Tourism Organisation, India is projected to become the world's fifth largest business travel destination. Indian tourism sector is expected to get USD 109.30 billion investment by 2020. The growth of tourism is heavily depended upon the availability and accessibility of financial resources over above the geographic attributes for tourist attractions. West Bengal, a state of India has a great scope to be the destination of tourism due to well developed communication links&strategic location ; above all its diversified and rich tourism resources such as mountains, sea, jungle, mangrove area, religious sites, heritage, culture, fairs and festivals. Developing tourism and attracting tourists need substantial financing investment. Tourism projects require large initial investment and then tourism business organisations/tourism entrepreneurs need funds for staring entreprises. This paper is an attempt to analyse and understand empirically the financial aspects of the tourism industry of West Bengal. The present study is based on both primary and secondary data. The scope of tourism investment and financing at different nodes of tourism development across West Bengal have been identified on the basis of published reports by the Central Government, the State Government and private institutions. Primary data on financial perspective have been gathered through a survey on selected tourism business organisations/tourism entrepreneurs located in West Bengal to understand their views and opinions regarding tourism in West Bengal. Findings of this paper related to problems and prospects of the financial aspects of tourism shall help to formulate strategy for tourism development in West Bengal at desired level.Keywords
Tourism Industry, Tourism Financing, Tourism Investment, Strategy for Tourism.References
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- Factors Triggering Usage of Social Networks: An Empirical Study in West Bengal
Abstract Views :431 |
PDF Views:157
Moumita Dey
J. K. Das
1 Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Study, MAKAUT, IN
2 Professor, Department of Commerce and Director (IQAC), University of Calcutta, IN
1 Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Study, MAKAUT, IN
2 Professor, Department of Commerce and Director (IQAC), University of Calcutta, IN
Review of Professional Management- A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management, Vol 18, No 2 (2020), Pagination: 45-63Abstract
The paper is a study on Social Networks (SN) currently being used regularly by hundreds of millions of people worldwide–its usage patterns with respect to demographic characteristics, emotive issues and other functional factors such as health, politics, education, Business, work place and Cybercrime. Usage of SN has analyzed between three emotive factors e.g. loneliness, happiness, interpersonal with respect to functional factors viz., Health, Politics, Education, Business, Workplace and cybercrime. Also investigations have been done on differential impacts of social media usages on both demographic profiles and personality traits with respect to all nine attributes. Respondents of the study are mostly urban, young adults, single, belonging to nuclear families, gender wise more or less evenly divided, educationally graduate or postgraduate, mostly students or in service, with a majority earning up to Rs 20,000, though a significant 22.4% of them have incomes above Rs.100,000 pm. A majority of the respondents use social media between 2-4 hours, mostly between 9pm-12 midnight and mostly resort to smart phone for social media usage. Descriptive Statistics indicate that among the respondents loneliness factor and promoting interpersonal relationships are not so much important for using SN, while SN usage helps enhance their happiness, obtain education, health related information, expand their business, their workplace related activities, remain politically engaged and finally, help remain appraised on cybercrimes.Keywords
Social Networks, Personality Traits, Descriptive Statistics, Dependency and Social Networks Usage Factors.References
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