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1 Tourism Studies Department, Fayoum University, EG
International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, Vol 9, No 2 (2016), Pagination: 14-25
Over the last fifty years tourism has grown to be one of the major industries in the world, playing an important role in the economies of many countries. Recent tourism marketing researches focus mainly on competitiveness, attractiveness, tourist loyalty to a destination, tourist satisfaction and perceived service quality, and destination image. In this study, tourist behaviour can be regarded as an aggregate construct, comprising pre-visit determinants for destination choice (e.g., motivation); on-site experience (e.g., perception); post-visit evaluation (e.g., satisfaction); and future behavioural intentions (destination loyalty). Combined, these factors help to understand comprehensive destination visitor behaviour. Identifying motivations of visitors and increasing the service quality of destinations are viable ways for destinations to remain competitive. In order to secure or expand Egypt tourism market share, tourism marketers in Egypt should pay close attention to travelers' behaviour and their perceptions of Egypt as a tourism destination. This study aims to: Understand and examine the theoretical and empirical evidence on the causal relationships among tourist motivations, tourist perceptions and tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty and examine tourists' motivations and perceptions of Egypt as a tourism destination to gain a better understanding of tourists' behavior finally, examine the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. To achieve these aims a self field questionnaire was used to collect information. Path analysis used to study the relationships among variables. 400 tourists were investigated as a sample and the collected Questionnaires are 232 ones which represent a response rate of 58%. The important findings indicated that tourists' motivations and perceptions had an effective influence on satisfaction as well as willingness to return, both motivations and perceptions are significantly affecting satisfaction and also motivations, perceptions and satisfaction are significantly affecting loyalty.
Motivations, Perceptions, Satisfaction, Loyalty and Egypt.