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Gupta, H. K.
- Training of Front Line Staff in Himachal Pradesh
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Indian Forester, Vol 130, No 2 (2004), Pagination: 157-164Abstract
Front Line Staff in Himachal Pradesh is trained in its Forest Training School, ChaiI and Forest Training Centre, Sundarnagar in which there is fairly good developed training infrastructure. This paper provides details of trainees trained so far, their characteristics, training programmes and training needs of the Front Line Staff.- Set Rot of Dalbergia sissoo Rooted Cuttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 129, No 8 (2003), Pagination: 1021-1024Abstract
A new set rot disease of ischolar_mained cuttings of Dalbergia sissoo caused by Fusarium equiset has been described. The disease was found to be encouraged by excessive soil moisture as provided through channels around the raised beds. Soil drenching with 0.05% bavistin or benlate can control the disease when it is observed in beds. A preventive approach can be treating the ischolar_main suckers for about 10 minutes in 0.1% solution of bavistin or benlate before putting them in ischolar_maining medium.- A New Twig Canker Disease of Eucalyptus camaldulensis from India
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Indian Forester, Vol 132, No 1 (2006), Pagination: 121-124Abstract
No abstract- FPGA Based Development of a High Speed Digital Data Recorder for Detonation Velocity Measurement in Field Applications
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1 DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar, IN
2 Department of Electronics and Communication, DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar, IN
3 Defense Research & Development Organization, IN
1 DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar, IN
2 Department of Electronics and Communication, DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar, IN
3 Defense Research & Development Organization, IN
Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Vol 2, No 11 (2010), Pagination: 208-214Abstract
In this paper an approach is made to describe the designing, simulation & synthesis of a high speed Digital Data Recorder using VLSI technology. The realization of the recorder which records high speed data (up to 20MHz) is done by using VHDL (Hardware Description Language). The synthesized design is implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array by using XILINIX 4005. Hardware reduction, reprogrammability, RS-232C interface, single chip solution, high reliability, less weight, smaller size, calibration of number of parameters are the salient features of the equipment.