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Shamet, G. S.
- Refinement of Container Type and Potting Medium Mixture for Production of Quality Seedlings in Chilgoza Pine (Pinus Gerardiana Wall.)
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Medium, Dry Temperate, Himachal Pradesh.
Indian Forester, Vol 135, No 9 (2009), Pagination: 1180-1184Abstract
Pinus gerardiana Wall. (Chilgoza pine) is an important species of dry temperate zone of North-West Himalaya valued chiefly for its edible nuts. Study was conducted to determine the effect of container types viz. ischolar_main trainer 275 cc (k1), ischolar_main trainer 300 cc (k2), bottom hole polybabgs (BHP) - 23 x10cm ((k3), and bottom hole polybabgs (BHP) - 16 x10cm ((k4), and growing medium chilgoza forest soil (CFS) (M1), CFS+Sand+moss - 1:1:1 (M2) and CFS+Sand+moss+FYM - 1:1:1:1 (M3) on seedling growth parameters under nursery. Use of BHP - 23×10 cm filled with CFS+sand+mass+FYM proved best for most of the seedling growth parameters under nurseryy condition.Keywords
Pinus Gerardiana Wall. (chilgoza Pine), Quality Stock, Root Trainer, GrowingMedium, Dry Temperate, Himachal Pradesh.
- Seed Stratification of Pinus gerardiana Wall. : Effect of Stratification Duration and Temperature
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Indian Forester, Vol 134, No 8 (2008), Pagination: 1072-1078Abstract
Seeds of Pinus gerardiana are highly dormant when freshly harvested. To break the dormancy, six stratification periods and four stratification temperatures were used to enhance the germinability of Pinus gerardiana seeds. Treatment of seeds for 45 days as outdoor pit temperature (16.5°/4.5°C : d/n) in moist sand followed by 60 days enhanced the germination behaviour of the species.Keywords
Pinus gerardiana, Seed Stratification, Germinability- Macropropagation of Ban Oak - Quercus leucotrichophora Camus, Through Stem Cuttings
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Indian Forester, Vol 129, No 9 (2003), Pagination: 1109-1116Abstract
Ban Oak (Quercus leucotrichohora Camus), a principal forest tree species of North-West Himalayan forest eco-system, was used to investigate the effect of chemical treatment, season, donor plant and shoot position on ischolar_maining and primary ischolar_main number, and subsequent survival of the ischolar_mained cuttings. The per cent ischolar_maining and primary ischolar_main number improved markedly upon application of chemical treatment. maximum per cent ischolar_maining (35.25) was recorded in the rainy season planted seedling cuttings treated with chemical formulation of 0.8% IBA + 0.2% p-HBA + 5% sucrose + 5% captan. Irrespective of chemical treatment, season and position, seedling cuttings demonstrated significantly better per cent ischolar_maining and primary ischolar_main number than tree cuttings. Primary ischolar_main number were more in lower portion of the shoot cuttings, while per cent ischolar_maining was higher in cuttings collected from the upper portion of the shoot. The seedling cuttings collected from upper portion of the shoot during rainy season displayed better survival than others. From the present study, it can be concluded that for achieving maximum ischolar_maining and survival of the ischolar_mained propagules, the cuttings should be collected during rainy season from the upper portion of the seedling shoot and treated with chemical formulation of 0.8% IBA + 0.2% p-HBA + 5% Sucrose + 5% Captan.- Vegetative Propagation of Juvenile Chir Pine Cuttings Under Intermittent Mist
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Indian Forester, Vol 122, No 1 (1996), Pagination: 39-42Abstract
The paper deals with the effect of six ischolar_maining formulations including control on ischolar_maining behaviour of cuttings from juvenile chir stock. Cent per cent ischolar_maining was recorded when cuttings from 1.5 years old ortets were treated with 0.5% IAA-talc and stuck in mist unit during June.- Effect of some Selected Nursery Practices on Growth and Development of Marinoo (Ulmus laevigata) Seedlings
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Indian Forester, Vol 121, No 12 (1995), Pagination: 1118-1123Abstract
The paper describes the effect of four spacings with four levels and two split application of nitrogen on growth and biomass production of Ulmus laevigata seedlings. Applications of 80 kg N/ha in two equal splits (½ at transplanting + ½ after 30 days of transplanting) with 20 × 15 cm spacing proved most promising for producing more biomass per plant and healthy and vigorous nursery stock.- Studies on the Effect of Auxin and Season on Rooting Stem Cuttings of some Important Shrubs in Nursery Beds
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Indian Forester, Vol 118, No 12 (1992), Pagination: 893-900Abstract
This paper describes the results of experiments on ischolar_maining of stem cuttings of Debregeasia hypoleuca, Coriaria nepalensis, Woodfordia floribunda and Berberis lycium as affected by season and auxin application. 100 mgl-2 IBA and 100 mgl-1 NAA gave maximum ischolar_maining in D. hypoleuca and W floribunda respectively during spring whereas, 100 mg-1; IBA resulted in better ischolar_maining of C. nepalensis during rains. Rooting of C. nepalensis was enhanced when cuttings were dipped in 0.5 per cent IBA-AC during rainy season. B lycium failed to initiate ischolar_mains irrespective of season and auxin application.- Effect on Auxins (IAA, IBA and NAA) on Rooting Behaviour of Grewia optiva Burrett Stem Cuttings under Intermittent Mist
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Indian Forester, Vol 117, No 1 (1991), Pagination: 44-47Abstract
Grewia optiva Burretta fodder cum fuel species can be propagated successfully by stem cuttlngs under Intermittent mist. Soaking the cutting base for 20 hours In 100 mg/l IAA has given a maximum rooling of 77.5 per cent in June. The technique can be used for mass multiplication of superior clones foroperational ischolar_maining of the species for plantation and seed orchard establishment.- Rooting Studies of Punica granatum and Dalbergia sissoo Cuttings under Controlled Phyto-environment Conditions
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Indian Forester, Vol 114, No 6 (1988), Pagination: 331-334Abstract
Exogenous application of auxins promoted ischolar_main formation in cuttings taken from one-year old branches of Punica granatum and Dalbergia sissoo under controlled conditions. All the concentrations of IBA, 10,000 and 15,000 mg/l of IAA and 2,000 mg/l of NAA were most effective when applied as quick dip method. Auxins not only enhanced ischolar_main formation but also increased the number of ischolar_mains per cutting and average ischolar_main length.- Propagation of Soapnut (Sapindus mukorossi) by Cutiings and Seeds
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Indian Forester, Vol 137, No 8 (2011), Pagination: 1015-1019Abstract
Application of 0.4 % NAA + 2% captan + 2% sucrose-talc to the lower type of sapling origin cuttings of Sapindus mukorossi in monsoon (July-August) resulted in the highest 73.33 per cent ischolar_maining in the species. The pre-sowing seed treatment of soaking seeds of same species in 1 % KNO3 for 24 brs produced superior germination and seedling growth under nursery condition.Keywords
NAA, Sapindus Mukorossi, Rooting, Pre-sowing, Germination- Effect of IBA- Chemical Formulations and Cutting Types on the Rooting Behaviour of Erythrina suberosa Roxb. in Relation to Biochemical Changes
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Indian Forester, Vol 137, No 7 (2011), Pagination: 847-854Abstract
The study was conducted to determine the effect of IBA- chemical formulations and cutting types on ischolar_maining behaviour of Erythrina suberosa during monsoon and spring seasons. Cuttings set in spring exhibited overall better performance in all the ischolar_maining characteristics. Application of 0.6% IBA + 1% captan + 2% sucrose- talc significantly maximized sprouting, callusing, ischolar_maining and ischolar_main characteristics (ischolar_main number, ischolar_main length and ischolar_main dry weight). Cuttings of lateral type showed significantly better performance as compared to the terminal and sub- terminal ones. Maximum ischolar_maining (43.33%) and mean ischolar_main dry weight (15.17 mg) were achieved when lateral cuttings were treated with 0.6% IBA + 1% captan + 2% sucrose- talc and planted in spring. The study also revealed that cuttings with higher levels of total phenol, total carbohydrate and C/N ratio and low level of nitrogen performed better.Keywords
Biochemicals, Erythrina suberosa, IBA- Chemical Formulation, RBD, Rooting Behaviour- Studies on Cone Maturation and Pre-sowing Seed Treatment on Germination Behaviour of Chilgoza Pine (Pinus gerardiana Wall.)
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1 Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, 173230 (HP), IN
1 Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, 173230 (HP), IN
Indian Forester, Vol 139, No 11 (2013), Pagination: 1030-1033Abstract
Present study deals with the treatment of seeds with growth regulators and chemicals to enhance germinability of seeds of chilgoza pine (Pinus girardiana) which is an endemic but highly endangered species of North-Western Himalaya. The study revealed that significantly higher germination (73.23%), germination capacity (78.45%), germination energy (43.09%) and germination value (3.11) in chilgoza pine seed coincided with 4th collection date i.e. 4th October. At this stage the decreased cone specific gravity (0.87) and moisture content (43.09%) was found to have a promotry affect on germination behaviour of the seed. Application of 100ppm GA3 proved to be the most effective pre-sowing treatment, resulting in highest success in chilgoza pine seed. Similarly, twenty four hour soaking proved to be more effectiveas compared to twelve hours soaking for improving germination parameters in chilgoza seed.Keywords
Seed Treatment, Chilgoza Pine, Germination, Pinus gerardianaReferences
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