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Adhikari, D.
- Ethno-Medico-Botany of Chakmas in Arunachal Pradesh, India
Abstract Views :387 |
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Indian Forester, Vol 132, No 4 (2006), Pagination: 474-484Abstract
Namdapha National Park in Arunachal Pradesh is one of the largest reservoirs of plant biodiversity in the North-East India. A large number of medicinal plants, rare and endemic taxa occur here in the wild. The Chakma community inhabiting the North-western periphery of the park has been utilizing a large number of medicinal plants from the park area for their day-to-day life. This paper documents the medicinal use of 63 plant species belonging to 38 families in different ailments by the Chakma community in Arunachal Pradesh. It is suggested that the traditional ecological knowledge pertaining to the medicinal plant utilization needs further exploration and warrants recognition of an incentive based community conservation of medicinal plants.- Preface
Abstract Views :649 |
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Current Science, Vol 114, No 03 (2018), Pagination: 468-469Abstract
Conservation of Threatened Plants of India
Development of appropriate scientific principles and their application of these principles to develop technologies for the maintenance of biological diversity are two main goals of conservation biology. Although the origin of plant conservation is traced back to the beginning of agriculture when farmers started saving selected seeds for future use, conservation biology as a scientific discipline evolved only in the late 1970s. The realization that there is a need to save all the species to halt biodiversity loss has made conservation biology a frontline scientific discipline in the recent years.
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- Geographic Distribution Pattern of Threatened Plants of India and Steps Taken for their Conservation
Abstract Views :603 |
PDF Views:157
1 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi 110 003, IN
1 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi 110 003, IN
Current Science, Vol 114, No 03 (2018), Pagination: 470-503Abstract
In spite of its importance in nation-wide conservation planning, comprehensive information on geographic distribution of threatened plants in India is lacking. Even the threat status of these plants is ambiguous and the country’s effort to conserve them is not widely known. A critical analysis of these aspects is essential for identifying gaps in threatened plant conservation. Keeping these in view, we present a review of the existing knowledge on geographic distribution pattern of threatened plants of India, their threat status, and conservation action undertaken to recover these species. Using the available data, we unravel patterns of distribution of these threatened plants in different states of India. When ranking of the families was done based on the total number of species under different threat categories, Orchidaceae (644), Fabaceae (185), Poaceae (164), Rubiaceae (103), Asteraceae (88), Euphorbiaceae (72), Asclepiadaceae (62) and Acanthaceae (60) constituted more than half of the total threatened plant species of India. A review on conservation efforts so far undertaken in different parts of the country revealed that the biodiversity-rich phytogeographic regions such as the Himalayas, North East India, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands had lesser conservation efforts in comparison to the Western Ghats, Vindhyas and Peninsular regions of India. The skewed distribution of threatened plants in different states did not truly reflect their absolute presence or absence; rather it is the result of incomplete survey because of the difficult geomorphological and associated geo-climatic conditions, tough terrain and remote locations. In addition, the current data on threatened plants suffer from methodological shortcomings such as classification without using the population data that are so crucial in modern day threat classification, and lack of long-term observational data. The review emphasizes the use of modern tools such as ecological niche modelling for population inventory, area of occupancy and extent of occurrence, and trends in population size and regeneration for precise threat classification conforming to globally accepted methods (e.g. IUCN version 3.1). The works undertaken through the support of Department of Biotechnology, GoI for conservation of 156 threatened plant species under different disciplines of conservation biology during the past three decades have also been compiled and reviewed. A successfully tested protocol following an integrated approach for threatened species conservation is recommended for future conservation action.Keywords
Conservation Strategy, Geographic Distribution Pattern, Threatened Plants.References
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- Inventory and Characterization of New Populations through Ecological Niche Modelling Improve Threat Assessment
Abstract Views :573 |
PDF Views:179
D. Adhikari
Z. Reshi
B. K. Datta
S. S. Samant
A. Chettri
K. Upadhaya
M. A. Shah
P. P. Singh
R. Tiwary
K. Majumdar
A. Pradhan
M. L. Thakur
N. Salam
Z. Zahoor
S. H. Mir
Z. A. Kaloo
S. K. Barik
1 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190 006, IN
3 Department of Botany, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Agartala 799 022, IN
4 G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Himachal Unit, Mohal-Kullu 175 101, IN
5 Department of Botany, Sikkim University, Gangtok 737 102, IN
6 Department of Basic Science and Social Science, School of Technology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
1 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Department of Botany, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190 006, IN
3 Department of Botany, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar, Agartala 799 022, IN
4 G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Himachal Unit, Mohal-Kullu 175 101, IN
5 Department of Botany, Sikkim University, Gangtok 737 102, IN
6 Department of Basic Science and Social Science, School of Technology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
Current Science, Vol 114, No 03 (2018), Pagination: 519-531Abstract
Categorization of species under different threat classes is a pre-requisite for planning, management and monitoring of any species conservation programme. However, data availability, particularly at the population level, has been a major bottleneck in the correct categorization of threatened species. Till date, threat assessments have been mostly based on expert opinion and/or herbarium records. The availability of primary data on distribution of species and their p opulation attributes is limited in India because of inadequate field survey, which has been ascribed to resource constraints and inaccessibility. In this study, we demonstrate that ecological niche modelling (ENM) can be an economical and effective tool to guide surveys overcoming the above two constraints leading to the discovery of new populations of threatened species. Such data lead to improved threat assessment and more accurate categorization. We selected 14 threatened plants comprising 5 trees (Acer hookeri Miq., Bhesa robusta (Roxb.) Ding Hou, Gynocardia odorata Roxb., Ilex venulosa Hook. f. and Lagerstroemia minuticarpa Debb. ex P.C. Kanjilal), 8 herbs (Angelica glauca Edgew., Aquilegia nivalis Falc. ex Jackson, Artemisia amygdalina DC., Begonia satrapis C.B. Clarke, Corydalis cashmeriana Royle, Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo, Podophyllum hexandrum Royle, and Rheum australe D. Don), and 1 pteridophyte (Angiopteris evecta (Forst.) Hoffm.) having distribution range in North East India, Eastern and Western Himalaya, and Jammu and Kashmir. The study was carried out between 2012 and 2016. ENM-based survey led to the discovery and characterization of 348 new populations. The data so obtained helped in assigning conservation status to 10 species, which earlier were never classified due to data deficiency. Using the new population and distribution data of the remaining four species, only one was confirmed regarding its existing status and two species were classified as ‘Critically endangered’ instead of the present classification as ‘Endangered’. The fourth species was classified as ‘Critically endangered’ against the earlier category of ‘Least concerned’.Keywords
Niche Modelling, Population Characterization, Threatened Plants, Threat Assessment.References
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- Metapopulation Modelling of Threatened Plants to Assess Conservation Status and Determine Minimum Viable Population Size
Abstract Views :456 |
PDF Views:156
1 Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Department of Botany, University of Sikkim, Gangtok 737 102, IN
1 Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Department of Botany, University of Sikkim, Gangtok 737 102, IN
Current Science, Vol 114, No 03 (2018), Pagination: 532-538Abstract
Use of metapopulation modelling in conservation of threatened plants has been demonstrated in this article taking Paris polyphylla Smith as an example. The metapopulation data collected from Sikkim Himalaya over a period of four years were analysed using RAMAS Metapop 5.0 software. Demographic projection, assessment of extinction probability, population viability analysis, and analysis of impact of disturbance on the metapopulation were undertaken. The metapopulation had 11 populations of which seven were in continuous forest (CF) and four were in forest fragments (FF). All the analyses were done in two model scenarios, viz. base-model (M1) representing the disturbed condition, and alternate model (M2) representing the undisturbed condition for three distinct layers of P. polyphylla populations, i.e. CF, FF in isolation, and collectively as metapopulation. The outputs of the deterministic population models in respect of CF and FF populations revealed that both the populations had contribution of growth and survival of plants to such decline was greater than the fecundity in both the models. Stochastic simulations revealed an extinction risk of >10% in 100 years in M1 scenario, which put the species under vulnerable category. The extinction risk of metapopulation significantly varied between the two models (M1 = 0.85; M2 = 0.42), conforming the hypothesis that disturbance and forest fragmentation have detrimental effect on the persistence of P. polyphylla. Recovery of species was most promising when reproductive individuals were introduced to the M2 model. Thus, both introduction of individuals in the field and protection of the populations with emphasis on the reproductive subset would result in achieving minimum viable population size or low threat status of the species.Keywords
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- Improving Macropropagation and Seed Germination Techniques for Conservation of Threatened Species
Abstract Views :497 |
PDF Views:185
P. C. Panda
S. Kumar
J. P. Singh
P. Gajurel
P. K. Kamila
S. Kashung
R. N. Kulloli
P. P. Singh
D. Adhikari
S. K. Barik
1 Taxonomy and Conservation Division, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar 751 015, IN
2 Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Light Industrial Area, Jodhpur 342 003, IN
3 Department of Forestry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli 791 109, IN
4 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
1 Taxonomy and Conservation Division, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar 751 015, IN
2 Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Light Industrial Area, Jodhpur 342 003, IN
3 Department of Forestry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli 791 109, IN
4 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
Current Science, Vol 114, No 03 (2018), Pagination: 562-566Abstract
Populations of threatened plants are declining rapidly in natural habitats due to various anthropogenic activities. Reinforcement of the dwindling populations through reintroduction is a promising aspect for conservation of threatened plants. However, due to lack of standardized propagation methods of such plants, mass production of planting materials has become a challenge, thereby constraining the replenishment process. Identification of factors constraining the seed germination of threatened plants and addressing it effectively, are among the most cost-effective strategies for large-scale multiplication and subsequent conservation of the threatened species. Similarly, conventional low-cost vegetative propagation techniques such as grafting, air layering, and regenerating plantlets from ischolar_main-suckers, apical meristems, and stem cuttings often prove more successful for multiplication than relatively costly micropropagation techniques. In this article, we present a few case studies on low-cost mass propagation techniques of threatened plant species of India through seed, stem/apical shoot cutting and airlayering, that helped in the restoration of the species.Keywords
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- Classifying Threatened Species of India Using IUCN Criteria
Abstract Views :554 |
PDF Views:153
1 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur 515 003, IN
3 Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bengaluru 560 064, IN
1 Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793 022, IN
2 Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur 515 003, IN
3 Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bengaluru 560 064, IN
Current Science, Vol 114, No 03 (2018), Pagination: 588-595Abstract
Assigning threat status to a species is essential for prioritization of species under any conservation programme, and therefore, a pre-requisite for species conservation. In India, due to inadequate data, threat status has not been assigned to several plant species, although their population sizes are quite small and they are considered important from conservation point of view. Besides, there is a need for reassessment of threat status assigned by various agencies using updated data on population size, number of mature individuals, area of occupancy, and geographic extent of occurrence. This is crucial as the natural habitats as well as populations of such species are being affected by anthropogenic activities, exotic species invasion, and climate change. In the present study, we assessed the threat status of 59 selected plant species following the IUCN criteria (ver. 3.1). The species were selected after consultation with various experts throughout the country. Field surveys were carried out in various ecoregions of India to locate the species. Population size and number of mature individuals were enumerated following quadrat/plot-based sampling. The exogenous and endogenous factors leading to decline in population and rarity were identified based on field observations as well as laboratorybased seed viability and germination tests. Based on these studies, 20 species were classified under critically endangered category, 21 under endangered, 11 under vulnerable, five under near threatened, and one species each under data deficient and least concern category. Threat assessment for 41 species was done based on number of locations and geographical range of occurrence, while for 18 species it was done based on restricted population and number of mature individuals. Over-exploitation and habitat degradation or loss were the dominant exogenous factors leading to decline in natural populations of the selected species. The major endogenous factors that lead to population decline and species rarity were low seed viability and germination, long dormancy period, less seedling recruitment, low population size, habitat specificity and narrow niche leading to restricted distribution.Keywords
Area of Occupancy, Extent of Occurrence, IUCN Classification, Population Size, Threatened Plants.References
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