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Manoj Kumar, C.
- Performance Analysis of FTTH BPON System with Triple Play
1 ECE Department, Govt Polytechnic College for Girls, Jalandhar, IN
2 ECE Department, DAVIET, DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar, IN
Wireless Communication, Vol 1, No 5 (2009), Pagination: 197-204Abstract
In this paper, we demonstrate a FTTH B-PON system with triple play broadcast catv 64-QAM at 1550-nm and voice over ip and high speed internet at 1.25GBPS data link at 1500-nm, downstream configuration with 1:64 splitting and 20-km reach. Our investigations aim at finding the cost effective solutions for fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) network deployment. Ftth b-pon system using 64-QAM shows total attenuation from fiber spans and splitters is about 29.698 dB for data and for video is 29.296 dB and input power to the receiver is about -25.707dBm for data and for video is -25.520dBm. This article follows the progress in moving fiber toward the home using FTTH and major architectural changes that have reduced costs while increasing capabilities to meet today's needs.
Broadband Passive Optical Network (BPON), Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH), Optical Line Termination (OLT), Optical Network Termination (ONT), Passive Optical Network (PON).- Development of Factorial Model for Green Compression Strength of Moulding Sand
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVSR Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad, IN
Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 18, No 11 (2019), Pagination: 26-30Abstract
Sand casting process is one of the most versatile process in manufacturing process where molten metal is poured into the expendable sand mould cavity to get complex shapes. In this process green compression strength is considered to be one of the important mechanical property for mould preparation in sand casting. These moulding sand properties play a vital role in determining the optimum moisture content for making green sand casting mould.
To optimize green compression strength the process variables like clay, moisture and sand composition are varied by selecting design of experiments (DOE) technique to find out effect of input parameters on green compression strength.
The present work aims to determination of green compression strength by varying silica sand, clay and water. Using factorial method number of experiments to be conducted is determined and design matrix is created. Using design matrix regression coefficients are calculated and student’s t-test is carried out to check significance of each regression coefficient. Contribution of each factor on output is determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Green Compression Strength, ANOVA, DOE, Sand Casting.References
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