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Krishnan, C.
- Evaluation of Potting Mixtures for Raising Dalbergia sissoo Seedlings under Root Trainer System
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Indian Forester, Vol 128, No 5 (2002), Pagination: 523-532Abstract
Experiments were conducted to standardize appropriate potting medium for raising Dalbergia sissoo seedlings under ischolar_main trainer seedling production system. In two different experiments , two kinds of potting media were tried , one with various combinations of sand , soil and compost and the other with charcoal , rice husk and compost. A multivariate approach was adopted considering the seedling quality parameters i.e. sturdiness , ischolar_main shoot ratio , ratio of fibrous/total ischolar_main biomass , Dickson quality index , and ischolar_main surface area , apart from the various growth and biomass traits of 3 month nursery growth. Dalbergia sissoo being a versatile and primary coloniser in riverine concession , came up very well in sand and compost combination (20% sand + 80% compost). However , it also performed well in other combinations of sand , soil and compost in the ratio of 1:1:3 ,1:0:4 and pure compost alone. In respect to the organic ingredients , combinations of charcoal , compost and rice husk in the ratio of 1:3:1 and 1:4:0 appeared satisfactory. Comparing the performance of both the types of potting media , it came to the notice that the sand , soil and compost combinations are fairly better for raising D. sissoo than the charcoal , rice husk and compost. The seedlings achieved significantly better growth , biomass and quality parameters when raised in sand , soil and compost than when raised in the potting mixture containing charcoal and rice husk. For the species like Dalbergia sissoo which is known to be a species of sandy alluvium soil , the ingredients like sand , soil and compost should be encouraged in the potting medium for raising in nursery.- Standardization of Proper Volume/size and Type of Root Trainer for Raising Dalbergia sissoo Seedlings: Nursery Evaluation and Field Trial
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 5 (2001), Pagination: 580-590Abstract
Seedling quality is a key factor in the success of any tree plantation programme, which ultimately depends upon the ischolar_main system. Root trainers are increasingly being used to deal with the problem of ischolar_main coiling and distortion commonly encountered in polybag grown seedlings. Due to the lack of species specific results for Indian conditions and species, ischolar_main trainers are still at the initial stage of use in Indian nurseries. In the present investigation, a multivariate approach has been adopted to find out the right size/volume and type of ischolar_main trainer for raising Dalbergia sissoo seedlings in the nursery. Root trainers of various type and cell sizes like Hiko trays 90 cc, 150 cc, 300 cc, Book type 200 cc and single cell bullet type 290 cc were tried and the growth and biomass production of D. sissoo seedlings in 3 months time period was studied. The quality parameters of seedlings in various treatments were figured out. The seedlings raised under different size and type of ischolar_main trainers were also observed in the field for two consecutive years. Though the Hiko tray 300 cc cell volume scored maximum points in respect of seedling quality parameters upto the nursery stage, field performance of Hiko tray 150 cc volume was found the best. The Hiko tray 150 cc cell volume raised seedlings achieved maximum plant height and collar diameter after field planting although the performance of Hiko tray 300 cc and 150 cc cell volume was statistically at par in respect offield survival. The results have indicated that though the nursery stage growth performance has scored maximum points in respect of Hiko tray 300 cc cell volume due to greater space available for the ischolar_main system, the field performance of 150 cc volume is significantly better than the 300 cc one. Thus the Hiko tray 150 cc volume is the best size/volume and type of ischolar_main trainer for raising D. sissoo seedlings in nursery. The Hiko tray 300 cc volume comes out in the second category.- Standardization of Proper Volume/size and Type of Root Trainer for Raising Acacia nilotica Seedlings: Nursery Evaluation and Field Trial
Abstract Views :393 |
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 8 (2001), Pagination: 920-928Abstract
Root trainers are increasingly being used to deal with the problem of ischolar_main coiling in polybag grown seedlings. However, the technology has not been standardized for most of the tropical tree species. In a multivariate investigation involving 5 type of ischolar_main trainers namely Hiko pots 90 cc, 150 cc, 300 cc, Book type 200 cc, and Single cell bullet type 290 cc, growth performance of Acacia nilotica seedlings was assessed on the basis of seedling quality parameters. The performance of the seedlings was also assessed in the field for two years.The seedlings raised in 300 cc Hiko pots performed the best in nursery as well as in the field. However, the performance of Hiko tray 150 cc cell volume and Single cell 290 cc appeared statistically equal with the Hiko tray 300 cc cell volume after two years field performance of seedlings. The results are indicative that, though Hiko trays 300 cc cell volume is the best size and type of ischolar_main trainer for A. nilotica, however, when there is a space constraint in nursery and the objective is to raise more number of seedlings per unit area of the nursery space, the Hiko tray 150 cc volume is equally good.- Selection of Proper Potting Mixture for Raising Acacia nilotica Seedlings under Root Trainer Seedling Production System
Abstract Views :427 |
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Indian Forester, Vol 127, No 11 (2001), Pagination: 1239-1250Abstract
The containerized seedling production technology , especially the ischolar_main trainers , is dependent upon suitable growing media for raising quality seedlings in nurseries. Due to lack of species specific results for Indian conditions and species , the use of ischolar_main trainers is still in the initial stage. In the present investigation , experiments were carried out to findout the proper combination of sand , soil , compost and combinations of charcoal , rice husk and compost as a organic medium , to be used as growing media under ischolar_main trainers for raising A. nilotica seedlings. The growth , biomass production of Acacia nilotica seedlings in 3 months period was studied and the quality parameters of seedlings raised in various treatments (Potting mixture combinations) were figured out. In respect of sand , soil and compost , combination of sand and compost in the ratio of 1:4 (20% sand + 80% compost) produced the best results and scored maximum points in respect of quality parameters. Testing the organic ingredients , combination of charcoals and compost in the ratio of 1:4 (20% charcoal + 80% compost) was another good growing medium. Thus two potting mixtures with different ingredients were standardized. The results on use of pure compost as a potting medium were not very much appreciable. The compost is required to be supplemented with 20% charcoal or 20% sand for making it more effective in raising Acacia nilotica seedlings. Improper choice of potting mixture may result in poor quality seedling production in nurseries.- Tribal Transformation through Microfinance:An In-Depth Impact Study of an NGO Sponsored Microfinance Programme in Kerala
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C. Krishnan
T. S. Silvi
1 Govt. College, Kodanchery, Kerala - 673580, IN
2 University of Calicut, Kerala, IN
1 Govt. College, Kodanchery, Kerala - 673580, IN
2 University of Calicut, Kerala, IN
The Microfinance Review, Vol 2, No 2 (2010), Pagination: 132-149Abstract
More than a decade of deepening engagement with microfinance programmes throughout the world has brought home the message that microfinance goes beyond finance and compels attention and action from a larger development perspective. It is considered as a tool for the emancipation of the poor and the marginalised. At this juncture, a study has been carried out in Kerala to examine the impact of group based microfinance in transforming the tribal communities. A comparison between the target households with the control household had formed the basis of analysis where the target households were the households in which one of the family members was a participant in the selected microfinance programme; and the control group included households where none of the members were under any microfinance programmes. The study focuses on the microfinance activities of an NGO, viz., Shreyas. The study found that the impact of microfinance on the income, saving, employment and migration is encouraging. Similarly, the expenditure pattern reveals higher level of expenditure by the target group over the control group. Microfinance also acts as a catalyst in the livelihood diversification among the tribal folks. In the matter of economic empowerment, reduction of poverty and social empowerment, the beneficiary households claim positive changes, yet, miles to go to mainstream them. Given the same socio-economic fabric among the target and control groups under study, the positive impact of microfinance on the target group is a real testimony to the magical effect of microfinance.- Role of Microfinance in Women Empowerment:A Study of Selected Experiments in Kerala
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1 Department of Economics, Government College, Kodanchery, Calicut, Kerala-673580, IN
1 Department of Economics, Government College, Kodanchery, Calicut, Kerala-673580, IN