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Dixit, Bharati
- Finger Parts Based Hand Gesture Recognition
1 Pune University, IN
2 MIT College of Engineering, Pune, IN
Digital Image Processing, Vol 7, No 8 (2015), Pagination: 247-251Abstract
Hand gesture is an interface between human and computer. It allows complex operation using hand gesture movement. Aim of this paper is to develop a scheme that recognizes bare hand gesture and perform certain actions depending on finger count. Bare hand gesture is used for recognition instead of using color glove or data glove. We are controlling the winamp player using finger count and angle. For gesture recognition we are performing noise removal, thresholding. Thresholding is occurs on the basis of skin tone selection. So depending on skin color object image is black and other background image is white. After that using circular profiling architecture we are recognizing the gestures. Proposed scheme can effectively reduce the response time and improve the accuracy.
Hand Gesture, Preprocessing, Thresholding, Skin Tone.- Facial Expressions Based Emotion Recognition System with Outcome Usability in Healthcare
1 Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, IN
2 PG Department of E&TC, DCOER, Pune, IN
Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Vol 4, No 12 (2012), Pagination: 536-542Abstract
Facial expressions are form of non verbal communication which conveys the emotional state/ mood of a person. Emotions are integral part of human personality. Scientists have established that emotions can play pivotal role in rational intelligence (memory, decision making etc) and social intelligence (Communication, adaption etc). Study of emotions of any person can be interlinked with learning capabilities, behavioral aspect of that person. Efficient monitoring of human emotional states may provide important and useful medical information with diagnostic value which can be very useful for clinical practices.
Existing health care systems do not take in to account the emotional state of the patients while treating them but potential of emotional aspects of health can be incorporated in disease prevention, therapy and rehabilitation.
Useful outcomes of the proposed system add value to clinical practices, health care systems and services.
This paper is basically literature survey paper revealing the work done so far in the area of emotion recognition through facial expression recognition with applicability in healthcare domain.
Emotions, Face Recognition, Human Health, Action Units.- Role of Active Learning Techniques in Development of Problem Solving Skills
1 Computer Engineering and Technology, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, IN