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Rawat, B. S.
- Variability in Cone and Seed Characteristics and Germination Behaviour in Various Provenances of Himalayan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa Don)
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Characteristics, Variability, Germination Behaviour
Indian Forester, Vol 134, No 11 (2008), Pagination: 1455-1467Abstract
Five provenances of Cupressus torulosa collected from Garhwal Himalaya were studied for their cone and seed characteristics and germination behaviour. The three different sizes of cones i.e., large (1.98 x 1.71 - 2.23 x 1.78 cm), medium (1.61 x 1.38 - 1.81 x 1.60 cm) and small (1.38 x 1.71 - 1.60 x 1.49 cm) were observed in this species. The cone moisture content varied from 46.55-62.05%. The largest seeds were observed in Mandal provenance (0.48 ± 0.004cm x 0.44 ± 0.007cm) and the smallest (0.25 ± 0.007cm x 0.22 ± 0.005cm) in Gwaldam provenance. The seed mass was maximum (1.11 ± 0.036g /100 seeds on fresh weight basis) in New Tehri provenance and minimum (0.540 ± 0.011g/100 seeds on the fresh weight basis) in Mandal provenance. The highest germination (66.0 ± 3.68%) was observed in Mandal provenance at 10°C under prechilled conditions and the lowest germination (14.0 ± 1.00%) at 20°C in Mandal provenance under controlled conditions.Keywords
Himalayan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa Don), Provenances, Cone and SeedCharacteristics, Variability, Germination Behaviour
- Poplar Tree Improvement Programme
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Indian Forester, Vol 120, No 2 (1994), Pagination: 97-104Abstract
Populus deitoides clones were introduced in India in 1952 to increase the availability of wood for match and plywood industries. Clones introduced. from U.K. and Europe did not perform well while the clones from U.S.A and Australia grew well. By 1970, Poplars started being planted under irrigated conditions and grew faster than any other indigenous or exotic species. Clones G-3, G-48, D-100 and D-121 presently form the backbone or the Poplar planting programme which has spread in farm-lands. To increase the genetic base the production of indigenous clones and introduction of more clones from suitable area of U.SA was carried out. The crosses of P. deltoides with Populus ciliata have also been produced and are being tried at several locations. Large number of clones obtained from U.S.A. also include cuttings from wild populations. These are under testing and some of these clones are promising. Cutting from male and female clones of Populus euphratica obtained from Pakistan are growing well at TERI field research station and are in flower at present. The genetic base has now been widened and newer clones will continue to be available for several generations. The effort for selecting, new clones and their testing must continue.- Studies on Working Qualities of Indian Timbers-V
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Indian Forester, Vol 108, No 1 (1980), Pagination: 60-78Abstract
The Present paper is in continuation of the earlier ones (2,3,5&6) on the subject, in which working qualities of 29 Indian Species have already been reported, under four wood working operations. Following the same procedure. Working qualities of ten more species namely Anogeissus latifolia H.P.), Anogeissus latifolia (A P.) Cedrus deodara, Chloroxylon swietenia, Dysoxylum malabaricum, Gmelina arborea, Grewia tiliifolia, Melia dubia. Pterocarpus marsupium and Xylia xylocarpa have been reported in this paper. The working quality index and ease of working for each or the species, have also been calculated and given for overall comparison of the species under study.- A Note on the Development of Multicoloured Laminated Decorative Wood Articles
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Indian Forester, Vol 103, No 8 (1977), Pagination: 550-556Abstract
This paper gives ia brief the idea of developing a variety of reproduceable multicoloured decorative wood articles using small pieces of different kind of timbers of varying colours. The material requirement and necessary drawings have been given for makiag Lamp Stand, Table lamp and Flower base. The information will be useful for setting up cottage industry for manufacturing such articles.- Studies on Working Qualities of Indian Timbers
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Indian Forester, Vol 102, No 1 (1976), Pagination: 43-56Abstract
This is in continuation of the earlier papers (3, 4) by the authors in which working qualities of nine species were given. Following the same procedures, the working qualities of ten more species viz. Acacia catechu, Acer oblongum, Cinnamomum camphora, Dipterocarapus turbinatus, Grevillea robusta. Lagerstroemia speciosa. Morus alba, Shorea rob-usta, Terminalia arjuna and Terminalia alata have been reported in this paper. On the basis of the quality of the worked surface obtained after different operations and ease of working, a working quality index has been obtained for an overall comparison of the species.- Physical and Mechanical Properties of Terminalia bellirica
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Indian Forester, Vol 87, No 9 (1961), Pagination: 553-554Abstract
No abstract- Strength of Bamboos: Bambusa nutans
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Indian Forester, Vol 88, No 1 (1962), Pagination: 67-73Abstract
No abstract- Strength Tests on Indian Canes-(i) Calamus tenuis
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Indian Forester, Vol 91, No 1 (1965), Pagination: 70-72Abstract
no abstract- A Note on the Working Qualities of some Indian Timbers
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Indian Forester, Vol 98, No 11 (1972), Pagination: 669-676Abstract
Briefly surveying the work done on evaluation of working qualities of Indian timbers so far, the method of testing and evaluation followed for the present study has been described. Working qualities of four species viz. Tectona grandis, Adina cordifolia, Mangifera indica and Terminalia myriocarpa have been given under four major operations namely planing, turning, boring and mortisting.- A Study on Power Requirement in Thickness Planing
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Indian Forester, Vol 99, No 1 (1973), Pagination: 23-32Abstract
Briefly surveying the work done on the problems of planing of timber, the various relationships between power requirement and variables of planing and strength characteristics of timber have been worked out on the basis of a study done of sixteen species. The relationships between cutter marks frequency-a characteristics often taken as quality index in planing-and feed speed have also been given for various standard type of planing machines manufactured in India.- A Note on Time-motion Study in Saw Milling
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Indian Forester, Vol 99, No 4 (1973), Pagination: 218-234Abstract
Time-motion studies were carried out on a Horizontal Log Band Mill in a local Saw Mill. The study covered 74 Sal (Shorea robusta) logs. Observations for various time elements were recorded. Percentages or various time elements with respect to total time and relationships obtained between cutting area and cutting time and between volume of log and total sawing time are described in the present paper.- Study of Landslide Hazard Zonation in Mandakini Valley, Rudraprayag District, Uttarakhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS
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M. S. Rawat
D. P. Uniyal
R. Dobhal
Varun Joshi
B. S. Rawat
Anil Bartwal
Devendra Singh
Ashok Aswal
1 Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology, Vigyan Dham Jhara, Dehradun 248 007, IN
2 Guru Govind Singh Indra Prastha University, Sector 16C, Dwaraka, New Delhi 110 078, IN
3 Dayanand Brijendra Swarup (PG) College, Dehradun 248 001, IN
4 Mandakini Hydropower Project, Phata 246 471, IN
5 Uttarakhand Space Application Centre, Vasant Vihar, Phase II, Dehradun 248 006, IN
1 Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology, Vigyan Dham Jhara, Dehradun 248 007, IN
2 Guru Govind Singh Indra Prastha University, Sector 16C, Dwaraka, New Delhi 110 078, IN
3 Dayanand Brijendra Swarup (PG) College, Dehradun 248 001, IN
4 Mandakini Hydropower Project, Phata 246 471, IN
5 Uttarakhand Space Application Centre, Vasant Vihar, Phase II, Dehradun 248 006, IN