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1 Department of Psychology, Christ College Autonomous, Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, Kerala, IN
Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Vol 11, No 2 (2020), Pagination: 71-74
Man is searching for all ways to develop in all aspects of life in which individual development remains the basic construct. Grit is a growing non-cognitive psychological factor, closely related to the achievement, success and well-being of an individual which has gained interest in studies of the recent past. There has been an increased interest in knowing the influence of different factors upon the grit of an individual to help a person develop better and be able to taste the sweetness of personal success. The purpose of this study was to find the influence of parent's grit upon the grit of the adolescent students and understand the influence of various socioeconomic factors upon this relation. 200 college students belonging to six different colleges within the Thrissur district of Kerala and their male and female parents were the samples considered for the study. The short grit S scale (2009) and Kuppuswamy socioeconomic scale (2018 version) were the tools used in the study and the results were analysed statistically using Pearson's correlation test. The results revealed that the grit of an adolescent student is positively correlated to the grit levels of both their male and female parents even within the categorisations of populations based on a variety of socioeconomic status, mother's education and mother's job. The high level of achievement and success in the life of a student is revealed to be influenced by the achievement, determination, success and well-being of their parents.
Student's Grit, Parent's Grit, Socioeconomic Status, Mother's Employment, Mother's Education.