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Vaidya, Alpana
- Quality of life and emotional intelligence among arts and commerce students
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1 Department of Psychology, Symbiosis College of Arts & Commerce, Pune, IN
1 Department of Psychology, Symbiosis College of Arts & Commerce, Pune, IN
Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, Vol 4, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 337-339Abstract
Good health is the key to happiness and prosperity. It holds at any point in one's life time. The present paper is an attempt to study the relationship between quality of life and emotional intelligence among arts and commerce students in Pune city. The total sample consisted of 313 students from various colleges of Pune city where this course is taught. They were administered Quality of life scale and Emotional Intelligence scale. The quality of life was measured with the help of Comprehensive Quality of Life scale Adult (ComQol- A-5, 1997) developed by Robert Cummins. Emotional Intelligence was measured with the help of Schutte et al. (1998) scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18 for windows. Pearson's Product moment correlation was used to test the correlational hypotheses and Anova used to find out gender differences and faculty wise differences in quality of life and emotional intelligence. Results showed significant gender differences on Subjective Quality of Life (SQOL) but gender differences were not found on Objective Quality of Life (OQOL) and Emotional Intelligence (EI). Regarding faculty wise differences, obtained results showed that girls from arts faculty scored higher on SQOL.Keywords
Quality of Life, Emotional Intelligence, Well Being- Effects of Classical Yoga Intervention on Resilience of Rural-To-Urban Migrant College Students
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1 Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, IN
2 Department of Psychology, Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra, IN
1 Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, IN
2 Department of Psychology, Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra, IN