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Narwal, Ravinder
- Comparison of Inspiratory Muscle Training and Rib Raising Technique in Pulmonary Diseases Subjects
1 Physiotherapy college, Dehradun, UK, IN
2 HIHT University, Dehradun, UK, IN
3 HIHT University, Dehradun -UK, IN
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, Vol 7, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 145-150Abstract
Aims & Objectives: Epidemiological data shows that the pulmonary diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The Pathophysiology of respiratory disease most commonly associated with decrease in the thoracic mobility and muscle strength .Therefore use of manipulative techniques such as rib raising technique and muscle strengthening techniques will be helpful in setting up a better exercise protocol for pulmonary rehabilitation.Methodology: This experimental study was carried out with 30 subjects of COPD and RLD including both male and female subjects with a ratio of 5:1% at chest ward of Himalayan hospital-Dehradun. The data was collected by taking outcome variables in form of Heart rate, Mean Chest Expansion, Dyspnea, SPO2, Respiratory Rate, 6MWD test. Data Analysis: Data was analyzed with the help of parametric test in form of T-test and ANOVA followed by Post hoc test Bonferroni where required .The significant level set at (p?0.05).
Result: The comparison of result among all groups shows significant changes from day1 to day 3. IMT showed more significant improvement in form of functional capacity. Other than functional capacity no other variable has been able to differentiate among all groups.
Discussion: It states that IMT group showed better result as compared to other groups in improving functional capacity. The physiology behind IMT group's better result is increasing accessory muscles and inspiratory muscle strength which are the main affected target structures in pulmonary diseases.
Conclusions: IMT is better in improving functional capacity as compared to other groups, so it should be a valuable and compulsory tool of pulmonary rehabilitation.Keywords
COPD {Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases}, RLD {Restrictive Lung Diseases}, IMT {Inspiratory Muscle Training}, RRT {RIB Raising Technique}, RR{Respiratory Rate}, HR{Heart Rate}, SPO2 {Saturation of Partial Pressure of OxygenReferences
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- Accessory Inspiratory Muscles Energy Technique effect on Pulmonary Function in COPD Subjects
1 Ram Pyari Orthopaedic Hospital, Ranchi, JHA
2 Pulmonary Medicine, HIHT University, Dehradun, IN
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, Vol 7, No 3 (2013), Pagination: 192-197Abstract
Aim & Objectives: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) accounts 17 million lives in India, which will rise to 22 million by 2016 & it kills 250 people every hour. Global initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) portrayed skeletal muscle dysfunction as a significant contributor to severity in these patients resulting in reduced exercise capacity and impaired Quality of life. Muscle Energy technique (MET) had been a well known treatment in musculoskeletal disorders, yet literature supporting its use in chronic respiratory disorders is limited. So the present research is design to study the effects of MET on pulmonary function in COPD subjects and describes its impact on Conventional chest Physiotherapy.Method: 30 Moderate & Severe staged COPD patients in 40-60 years age group were allocated into two groups: Conventional Chest Physiotherapy (CPT) and Conventional Chest Physiotherapy with MET(CPT + MET) group. Chest expansion, Dyspnea, Exercise tolerance, Respiratory rate, Heart rate, Oxygen saturation and Quality of life were the variables that recorded prior and after the intervention for three days.
Results: Significant improvement was seen in both groups on all 3 days with greater improvements in CPT with MET group in form of increased chest expansion, reduced Dyspnea, increased exercise tolerance, regulation of autonomic dysfunction and improved Quality of life.
Discussion: Study reveals the potential benefits of MET on pulmonary function and its efficacy in upgrading the Conventional chest Physiotherapy in COPD subjects. It also recognizes the importance of management of Accessory Inspiratory muscle dysfunction in providing a better Quality of life in COPD patients.
Conclusion: MET proved to be a highly magnificent technique in improving pulmonary function and must be thus incorporated as a basic part of pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD subjects.
COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, MET- Muscle Energy Technique, Accessory Inspiratory Muscle Dysfunction, CPT- Conventional Chest PhysiotherapyReferences
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- A Study of Effects of Buteyko Breathing Technique on Asthmatic Patients
1 HIHT University, Dehradun, UK, IN
2 Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Army Hospital (R & R) New Delhi, IN
3 Sai Institute of Paramedical and Allied Sciences, Dehradun, UK, IN
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, Vol 6, No 4 (2012), Pagination: 224-228Abstract
Aim&Objective: The increasing prevalence of asthma is a global phenomenon. Prolonged hyperventilation causes a resetting of the body's acceptable level of carbon dioxide&allowing the respiratory system to maintain chronic over breathing. This larger volume of breathing is the primary element in producing asthma symptoms. Therefore, shallow breathing exercise, in the form of Buteyko Breathing Technique in asthmatic patients may be helpful in reversing hyperventilation&reducing symptoms.. So this study is design to evaluate the role of Buteyko breathing technique in improving the lung function, and relieve dyspnea in asthmatic subjects.
Methodology: This experimental study is based on the sample of 30 subjects with mean age of 30 years&diagnosed as having asthma. Patients with known causes of COPD and others respiratory problems were excluded. They were randomly divided into two groups. Group - A, comprising of 15 subjects were treated with Buteyko Therapy and 15 subjects of Group - B were treated with Diaphragmatic Exercise (DE) and Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise (PLBE). Both groups were given treatment 6 days a week for 6 weeks. Parameters were recorded before commencement of treatment and subsequently at completion of 2nd week, 4th week and 6th week of treatment by PFT&dyspnea scale .
Data Analysis: Data was analyzed by using SPSS ver.14.0.Comparision between groups is done with help of 't' test. The level of significance was set at p ? 0.05.
Result: Group - Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT) group-A showed significant improvement in the FEV1 and PEFR, and a significant decrease in the levels of dyspnea, where PLBE with DE Group - B showed no significant changes in any of the three measurements.
Discussion&Conclusion: Butyeko Breathing Technique has given a logical treatment for reversing hyperventilation disorders which is responsible for recurrent asthmatic attack, So it can be concluded that Buteyko Breathing exercise when done regularly and properly can stop or reverse the decline in the lung function and reduce dyspnea in asthmatic patients.
Asthma, Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT), Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise (PLBE) , Diaphragmatic Exercise (DE) , DyspneaReferences
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- Effect of Aerofic Exercise on Functional Capacity in Asymptomatic Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors Subjects
1 Ortho, MPT-Cardiopulmonary, Lecturer, HIHT University, Dehradun, GB
2 Cardio, MPT-I/C Physiotherapist,Kaushal Hospital,Mohali, IN
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, Vol 6, No 3 (2012), Pagination: 228-233Abstract
Aim&Objective: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) accounted for 43% in India in 2001and the burden of this chronic non-communicable disease is going to increase day by day. Moreover, current prediction estimate that by the year 2020, CAD will become the leading global cause of total disease burden in the form of mortality and morbidity. Fortunately, Coronary Heart Disease can be prevented or controlled. This fact sheet gives an overview of Coronary Heart Disease and its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. This study is a part of cardiovascular disease preventive rehabilitation program and is based on three time-honored classical coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors: hypertension stage-1, overweight, and smoking.Methods: Sample of 30 asymptomatic subjects with 30-40 years age group were allocated and assigned into three groups- Overweight Group(OWG), Smoking (SM) and Hypertensive Group (HTG). Vo2 Max,Heart rate, blood pressure were measured by treadmill test and pacer test to compare the effect of four weeks endurance exercise training period. Data was analyzed by using SPSS. T-test and ANOVA was used. The level of significance was set at p>0.05.
Results: esults of our study suggested that four weeks of aerobic exercise training improve the aerobic capacity in all the three cardiac risk factor groups' subjects. The mean difference of all the three groups shows significant changes in aerobic capacity (VO2 max&pacer test) in four week training of a proper schedule and protocol. The aerobic exercises show marked changes in overweight subjects followed by hypertension subject and the least in smokers.
Discussion: Present study results provide important clues in understanding the cause for low aerobic capacity (VO2max and pacer test) in smokers is due to not stopping smoking. Result of this study has proved the beneficial effects of aerobic exercise training to improve functional aerobic capacity in all risk factors groups . So aerobic exercise may be prescribed as regular therapy for long period of time to all risk factors for a better future health out come. Results of our study have suggested that pacer test can be used to check the improvement in aerobic capacity.
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise is the basic tools of preventive cardiac rehabilitation to protect the heart against harmful cardiac events by improving the aerobic capacity and main emphasis must be given on smoking group rehabilitation.