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Mittal, Manish
- Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Advertisement Effectiveness & Purchase Decision Among Youths
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1 Indore, Madhya Pradesh, IN
1 Indore, Madhya Pradesh, IN
International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication, Vol 6, No 4 (2017), Pagination: 17-27Abstract
Celebrity endorsement advertising is a ubiquitous feature of modern marketing. Advertisements featuring a celebrity make a strong impact on the learning and memory of consumers which is very vital for the successful marketing communication. Celebrity endorsement makes the advertisement lively, attractive, interesting, and attention grabbing. Research has indicated that celebrity endorsements are effective and use of celebrities in advertisements can have a positive influence on the credibility, message recall, memory and likeability of the advertisements, and finally on purchase intentions. The present study focuses on understanding the impact of celebrity endorsements on advertisement effectiveness & purchase decisions among Indian youth. With a sample size of 212, the data was collected using a closed ended questionnaire. The survey was carried out in Indore city (in central India) during November-December, 2016. Celebrity endorsements were found to be effective in changing brand image, new brand promotion, brand appeal & perceived brand quality, and purchase decisions, but not very effective in increasing brand credibility.Keywords
Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Image, New Brand Promotion, Brand Appeal, Perceived Brand Quality, Purchase Decisions.References
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