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Vettiyadan, Minnath
- Academic Self-Concept and Emotional Maturity among Students with Learning Disability
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1 Department ofPsyehology, Little Flower Institute of Soeial Seienees and Health (LISSAH) Thamarasseri, Calieut, Kerala, IN
1 Department ofPsyehology, Little Flower Institute of Soeial Seienees and Health (LISSAH) Thamarasseri, Calieut, Kerala, IN
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, Vol 9, No 6 (2018), Pagination: 845-848Abstract
The present study entitled as “Self concept and Emotional maturity among students with learning disability”. This study aimed to assess the self concept and emotional maturity among students with learning disability and also to find out the relationship between the variables under the study. Sample consists of 30 students. The present study follows a descriptive research design, survey and interview method were used to collect the data. The instruments used were Academic Self Concept Questionnaire (ASCQ) by Liu and Wang (2005) emotional Maturity Scale by Pal (1984). Carl Pearson correlation and t-test were used for the analysis of data. From the present result it can be concluded that there was found no relationship between academic self concept and emotional maturity among students with learning disability. The students scored low on the variables under the studyKeywords
Academic Self-Concept, Emotional Maturity, Learning Disability.References
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