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Mythily, M.
- Impact of Job Satisfaction and Awareness towards Organisational Objectives and Policies on the Various Dimensions of Organisational Commitment:An Investigation among Employees of Public Sector Banks in Erode District
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1 Department of Business Administration, Dr. R.A.N.M. Arts and Science College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, IN
1 Department of Business Administration, Dr. R.A.N.M. Arts and Science College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, IN
HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 4, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 44-53Abstract
Organisational commitment is an issue of prime importance and it directly affects employees' job involvement. Commitment is a sort of bond between an employee and the organisation he is working for and the strength of this bond depends on various factors. Organisational commitment has a strong relation with the employee behaviour. If an employee is committed to his organization, it would reduce the chances or occurrences of absenteeism and turnover. Hence, the present study aims to measure the various dimensions of organisational commitment and the impact of factors such as job satisfaction and awareness on organizational objectives and policies on organizational commitment among the employees of public sector banks in Erode district. The study has revealed that the increase in job satisfaction level of the employees resulted in emotional attachment towards their organisation. Further, of the different types of organizational commitment perceived among employees, job satisfaction was high among the 'affectively committed' employees. It is suggested that the employees' feelings of value and their sense of belonging should be nurtured through improved job design, enhanced job environment, job skills training and performance incentive plans.Keywords
Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Normative Commitment.References
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