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Sidhpuria, Manish V.
- A Study to Understand the Traffic Behavior of the People and their Underlying Attitude Towards Safe Driving and Traffic Rules
1 SVNIT, Surat and Sai Balaji Society, Pune, IN
Global Journal of Research in Management, Vol 7, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 33-49Abstract
It has been largely observed that people riding vehicles on the road generally lack traffic sense in most of the cities in India. Everyone, irrespective of the type of vehicles, wants to be the first one reaching their respective destinations. Hence they end driving fast, overtaking wrongly, blowing horn unnecessarily, without caring about the others on the road. Driving with a care for others on the road definitely makes the ride a peaceful and safe one for driver and for others as well. The literature review indicates that people‟s attitude towards the traffic rules and regulations have been largely responsible for unsafe driving. Several measures have been taken by the government authority such as conducting awareness campaigns, educating people and even the punishment to promote safe driving behavior. However these efforts seem to have created negligible impact on the behavior of the people. This study is an attempt to understand the attitude of the people towards safe driving and traffic rules.Keywords
Traffic Behavior, Attitude Toward Safe Driving, Traffic Sense.References
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- A Study on Women’s Preference, Perception and Attitude Towards Jewellery Buying
1 Assistant Professor, S. R. Luthra Institute of Management, Surat, IN
2 Coordinator, Start-Up and Entrepreneurship Council, University, IN
Global Journal of Research in Management, Vol 8, No 2 (2018), Pagination: 1-15Abstract
Introduction – Jewellery buying is a high involvement buying situation and hence consumers consider a variety of factors before buying jewellery. This study is an attempt to study women’s preference, perception and attitude towards jewellery.
Research Methodology – Present study is a descriptive research study with expost facto research design conducted in the field setting. The primary data for the study has been collected using survey method through a structured questionnaire from 250 women respondents selected using a non-probability convenience sampling method. The respondents are largely from Navsari town of South Gujarat.
Major Findings – The findings of the study revealed that 3 out of 4 women preferred custom made jewellery instead of readymade jewellery and they preferred to buy on occasions such as marriages and festivals. It also revealed that the women have complete faith in their family jeweller as their family buys jewellery since decades. The major factors that drive them to buy from traditional/family jeweller are sentimental values and trust. The respondents showed a strong and favourable attitude towards their family jewellers.
Preference, Perception, Attitude, Jewellery Buying.- Content Analysis of Teachers’ Views on their Professional Engagement
1 Research Fellow with 10 Years Experience in Teaching, IN
2 Coordinator, MBA (Evening) Programme offered to the Working Executives, IN