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Sharma, Himani
- Bankers' Perspectives on E-banking
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Global Journal of Research in Management, Vol 1, No 1 (2011), Pagination: 71-85Abstract
Today, e-banking is used as a strategic tool by the global banking sector to attract and retain customers. The present paper is the outcome of an empirical study conducted with the objective of investigating bankers' views regarding ebanking. It covers bankers' perspectives on e-banking activities of respondents, impact of e-banking and promotional measures used by banks to promote ebanking. The survey data used in this research are collected through a questionnaire in Northern region of India by administering to 192 bankers. The enquiry reveals that customers generally use e-Banking services on persuasion of bankers. User-ship is mostly concentrated on professionals, business class and males belonging to middle age. The bankers are convinced that e-banking helps in improving the relationship between bankers and customers and that it will bring patent improvement in the overall performance of banks. So far as promotional avenues are concerned, print media is at the top.Keywords
E-banking, Promotional Measures, Banking Industry, Retention Rate, Bankers’ PerspectivesReferences
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