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Vanparia, Bhavesh
- Typology of Service Quality Model of Bank Services : BSQ V/s Bankqual
Global Journal of Research in Management, Vol 3, No 1 (2013), Pagination: 71-94Abstract
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of the BSQ and BANKQUAL in banking sector for measuring service quality performance. This was achieved by examining the reliability, validity and component structures of the Scale. Furthermore, the study is set to provide supplementary input to discuss over generic against setting typology specific industry/ timespecific quality metrics.
Design/methodology/approach: The data was collected at bank for period of three months during the evenings and weekends from the customer of bank who has at least three month old account with particular bank and was willing to respond. Researcher has used instrument BSQ (proposed by Bahia and Nantel, 2000) and BANKQUAL (proposed by Tsoukatos and Mastrojianni, 2010) for measuring service quality in bank .The research instrument was administered through face to face personal interviews conducted outside the bank to immediate transaction effect on response.. The sample size was 720 and data was analyzed through SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 18.0.
Findings: In cross Validation of BSQ and BANKQUAL in banking through Confirmatory factor analysis, we found that BANKQUAL is more reliable and valid instruments in service quality measurement of bank than others in India. Practical Implication: Cultural distances are leads to the differences in religions, social norms, ethical values and languages among countries. View and posit that the cultural differences in terms of individualism, collectivism and power distance between countries are likely to have varying different effects on the definition of service quality. New quality dimensions that had not been a part of service quality concept until then have been identified, not only that but also demonstrated that the number and meanings of service quality dimensions varied between different consumers.
Originality/Value: Although the subject of "service quality measurement" is extensively and deeply researched, the continuously changing marketing environment and industry scenario required for an assessment of quality factors. With respect to its academic value, the study builds up knowledge that will in due course outgrow the boundaries of academia and pervade management.
Service Quality, BSQ, BANKQUAL, Structural Equation ModelReferences
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