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Sripirabaa, B.
- HRCAP score Grid: A tool for Sustainable Development of HRM Function
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1 GRG School of Management Studies, Coimbatore, IN
2 PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore, IN
1 GRG School of Management Studies, Coimbatore, IN
2 PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore, IN
Global Journal of Research in Management, Vol 3, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 15-26Abstract
Periodic assessment of the activities and functions in an organization helps organizations to benchmark their current performance with their earlier performance or industry performance to ensure that their growth is in pace with that of the industry. One significant activity namely Recruitment and Selection activity of the HRM function is taken up for this exercise. Extensive research has been carried out in the area of Recruitment and Selection since organizations view it as a critical component matching candidates and jobs since it is central and critical to the success of an enterprise. This study is based on the perception that, any business activity when performed with the consensus of all its employees that, such an activity is performed to the maximum capacity of the organization, it could form the first step in the process of achieving effectiveness in that activity. This study utilized HRCAP Score GRID, to assess the extent of adoption of significant Recruitment and Selection practices among the auto component manufacturing organizations registered with ACMA in Coimbatore district using Generalized Estimation Equations. Periodic assessment and benchmarking would facilitate organizations to ensure adoption of the significant practices and thereby carry out the Recruitment and Selection activity to their maximum capacity.