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Dixit, A. K.
- Higher Production of Wheat through Adoption of New Variety Pusa Anmol by KVK
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H. R. Jatav
A. K. Dixit
1 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (RVSKVV), Ujjain (M.P.), IN
1 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (RVSKVV), Ujjain (M.P.), IN
Rashtriya Krishi (English), Vol 11, No 2 (2016), Pagination: 83-83Abstract
Sh. Nihal Singh Anjana is a farmer who is in associated with KVK since 2009. He is availing the facility of trainings, Scientists farmers interaction, Ex-trainee Meeting of progressive farmers of KVK-(RVSKVV) Ujjain since then. Prior to this, he was farming in traditional ways with variety Lok-1 but he changed the traditional method of farming to scientific method after get connected to the centre. Previously, he was applying high seed rate of wheat about 170 kg/ha and kept the distance of row to row 14 cm without using the integrated nutrient management and proper irrigation methodology.