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Rashid, Naila
- Female Foeticide: A Spot on Mankind
1 Department of Sociology, AMU, Aligarh, PGT (SSSC) Boys, AMU, Aligarh, IN
2 Department of Sociology, AMU, Aligarh, PGT (SSSC) Boys, AMU, Aligarh, ID
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 4, No 2 (2013), Pagination: 277-279Abstract
No AbstractReferences
- Bahais View Point. 2001. PUCL Bulletin September.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feticide.
- Jena, K. C. 1998. Heirship of Women under Indian Personal Laws. A comparative study”, Ph.D. Thesis.
- Pande, Roshini & Malhotra, Anju. 2005. Son Preference & and Daughter Neglect. What happens to living girls, ICRW.
- Patel, T. 2007. Sociological Bulletin 56(2), May-Aug.
- Rathe, Manjeet. Eradicate Scourge of Female Foeticide, People’s Democracy, Vol. XXV, No. 39,September 30.
- Sharma, Chetan & Jain, Divya. 2005. Technology and its Impact on Female Foeticide in India, May.
- Srivastava, S. P. 2001. The Perils of Pre-Birth Murder – A Sociological Analysis of Female Foeticide. Journal of Social Welfare, Vol.47, No. 10 January 2001. pp. 7-12.
- Tondon, Sneh Lata & Renu Sharma. 2006. Female Foeticide and Infanticide in India: An Analysis of Crimes against Girl Children. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, Vol 1 Issue 1 January.
- www.legalserviceindia.com/article/l292-Female-Foeticide.html.
- www.ischolar_mainideas.com/2009/09/female-foeticide-2/.
- Female Foeticide in India: Causes and Consequences
1 PGT (Psychology) SSSC Boys, AMU, Aligarh,, IN
2 AMU, Aligarh, IN
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 4, No 3 (2013), Pagination: 344-346Abstract
No AbstractReferences
- Grewal, Indu & Kishore, J. 2004. Female Foeticide in India. IHN 2004.2m May / International Humanist News.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feticide
- Kaur, Manmeet. 1993. Female Foeticide-A Sociological Perspective. The Journal of Family Welfare, 39(1), Pp. 40-43, March Location: SNDT Churchgate.
- Mehta, Swati & Jayna Kothari. 2001. “It’s A Girl! Pre-Natal Sex Selection and the Law”, Lawyers collective, Nov.
- www.legalserviceindia.com/article/l292-Female-Foeticide.html
- www.ischolar_mainideas.com/2009/09/female-foeticide-2/
- Impact of Mentally Challenged Children on their Parent’s Mental Health and Well Being
1 Room No. 31, Sarojini Naidu Hall, AMU, Aligarh, IN
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 2, No 2 (2011), Pagination: 52-56Abstract
The proposed paper focuses on the impact of mentally challenged children on their parent's mental health and well being. Becoming the parent of a child who has a disability is a time of great stress and change. Parents of mentally challenged children face problems and perceived considerable stress as their whole life-style get affected including their mental health personal and psychological well being. They used different coping styles to manage and deal with the stressful situation in order to avoid negative psychological, emotional and physical consequences.
The present deliberation is an effort to assess both positive and negative impact on the parents of such children so that they could be helped to manage these problems in the best possible way.