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Vaidya, Monika
- Effectiveness of Educomp Smartclass Program in terms of Conservation Ability of Middle Level School Students of Jabalpur
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1 Education Department, Jabalpur, IN
1 Education Department, Jabalpur, IN
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 7, No 1 (2016), Pagination: 22-24Abstract
This research explore the effect of Educomp Smartclass Program in terms of Conservation Ability of Middle Level School Students of Jabalpur. Sample size was 755 of students and Conservation ability measured by Piagetian conservation Tasks to test conservation ability of class VI,VII andVIII CBSE middle school science syllabus.Analysis of the result revealed that the Educomp Smartclass Program has a positive impact on students since curiosity is generated among majority of the students through increased visualization.- Effectiveness of Educomp Smartclass Program in Terms of Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Middle Level School Students of Jabalpur
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1 RDVV, Former Asst. Prof. of Hitkarini B. Ed College, Jabalpur (M.P.), IN
2 Hawabagh Women's College, Jabalpur (M.P.), IN
1 RDVV, Former Asst. Prof. of Hitkarini B. Ed College, Jabalpur (M.P.), IN
2 Hawabagh Women's College, Jabalpur (M.P.), IN