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Varma, D. N.
- Scenario of Secondary Sector in Chhattisgarh
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1 Govt. K. D. College Chhura, Gariaband, Chhattisgarh, IN
2 Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur, IN
1 Govt. K. D. College Chhura, Gariaband, Chhattisgarh, IN
2 Govt. Nagarjuna Post Graduate College of Science, Raipur, IN
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 10, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 669-671Abstract
Secondary sector plays very important role for the development of an economy. According to the study the percentage share of secondary sector is decreasing at the national level continuously but it is still more than Indian secondary sector. The paper attempted to find out compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the period 2004-05 to 2018-19 for the secondary sector of Chhattisgarh. The state has huge amount of power and resources but due to lack of good use the share of secondary sector is not sufficient. It can be improved by installing new industries whereby the resources will be used and new employment will be generated. The state CAGR of secondary sector is 14.24839.Keywords
Secondary Sector, CAGR, Resources, Industries.References
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