A comparative study on Ichthyofaunal diversity of two pristine streams of Achenkovil River in Southern Kerala with open and closed canopy
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The ichthyofaunal diversity of two streams of the Achenkovil River with open and closed canopy were studied. Thirteen species were recorded from stream with open canopy and nine from closed canopy stream. The preferential levels of light, water temperature and availability of both illuminated and shady areas across the stream supported high species richness. Canopy closure plays a major role in regulating the species richness, water temperature and light intensity of the stream ecosystem.
Canopy Closure, Ichthyofaunal Diversity, Light Intensity, Water Temperature, Streams.
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- Electronic version accessed on 27.07.2020. URL:/https:/www.aqualog.de/en/lexikon/macrognathusguntheri-2
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