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Usmani, Asjad
- Young Consumers' Attitude towards On-line Advertising
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Rekha Dahiya
Asjad Usmani
1 BCIPS, Dwarka, IN
1 BCIPS, Dwarka, IN
Review of Professional Management- A Journal of New Delhi Institute of Management, Vol 13, No 1 (2015), Pagination: 64-70Abstract
The present paper deals with measuring the attitude of the young consumer towards on line advertising. Online advertising is gaining momentum in India with consumers increasingly noticing and affecting from it. The study was conducted in Delhi using a structured non-disguised questionnaire for the age group of 18-25 years. Data were analyzed with the help of SPSS and one sample t-test was used as a test of significance. It was revealed in the study that people have positive attitude towards online advertising. However, they expressed their cautious attitude towards disturbing and imposing nature of online advertising. They also expressed their concerns towards trustworthiness of the online advertising.Keywords
Online Advertising, Attitude, Internet.References
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