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Singh, Paramjit

  • Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) - a Versatile Multipurpose Tree

  • GEAR Protocol Optimizations for Intra-cluster Communication in WSNs for Reduced Energy Consumption

  • Quantitative Assessment of Vegetation Layers in Tropical Evergreen Forests of Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya, India

  • QoS Aware Topology Management of MANET for Cooperative Communication

  • Comparison of Performance Metrics of Reactive Routing Protocol Using FTP

  • Role of Fuzzy Logic in Information Routing-A Review

  • Performance Optimization in Geographical Based Routing Protocol in MANETS

  • Performance Comparison of Different Mobility Model on Topology Managed MANET

  • Clinico-Mycological Profile of Dermatophytosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital in North India

  • Incipient Infestations and Threat of Pink Bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) on Bollgard-II Cotton in the Northern Cotton-Growing Zone of India

  • Attempt to Unravel the ‘Tangled Bank’: A New-normal Global Meeting

  • A Bibliometric Review of Research on Intelligent Personal Assistants: Present Status, Development, and Future Directions