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Abd El-Latif, A. M.
- Some Fuzzy Soft Topological Properties Based on Fuzzy B-Open Soft Sets
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1 Department of Mathematics, Ain Shams University, Roxy, 11341, Cairo, EG
1 Department of Mathematics, Ain Shams University, Roxy, 11341, Cairo, EG
The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, Vol 83, No 3-4 (2016), Pagination: 251-267Abstract
Soft set is a completely generic mathematical tool for modeling uncertainties. Topology is a branch of mathematics, whose concepts exist not only in almost all branches of mathematics, but also in many real life applications. In this paper, we investigate more properties of fuzzy b-open (closed) soft sets and fuzzy b-soft interior (closure). Also, we introduce the notions of fuzzy b-continuous (open) soft functions and fuzzy soft b-separation axioms, which are basic for further research on fuzzy soft topology and will fortify the footing of the theory of fuzzy soft topological space.Keywords
Fuzzy Soft Topological Space, Fuzzy B-Continuous Soft Functions, Fuzzy Soft b-Ti-spaces (i = 1; 2; 3; 4), Fuzzy Soft B-Regular, Fuzzy Soft B-normal.References
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