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Vikani, R. M.
- Effect of Climatic Factors on Incidence of Jassid, Empoasca kerri (Pruthi) Infesting Groundnut
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1 Main Oilseed Research Station (J.A.U.), Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
3 Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture (J.A.U.) Amreli (Gujarat), IN
1 Main Oilseed Research Station (J.A.U.), Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
2 Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
3 Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture (J.A.U.) Amreli (Gujarat), IN
International Journal of Plant Protection, Vol 9, No 2 (2016), Pagination: 608-610Abstract
Seasonal incidence of groundnut jassid, Empoasca kerri was studied during summer 2014-15, at College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. Groundnut crop was infested by jassid, Empoasca kerri. The study revealed that the incidence of jassid started in 2nd week of March which gradually increased and touched its peak during 3rd week of April and then decreased in 4th week of May. Relative humidity showed significant negative correlation with jassid population. Minimum temperature, mean temperature, evaporation and bright sunshine hours showed positive correlation with jassid population whereas, maximum temperature, morning relative humidity, mean relative humidity and wind speed showed negative correlation with jassid population.Keywords
Groundnut, Jassid, Population Dynamics, Weather Parameters.References
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- Field Efficacy of Biopesticides against Helicoverpa armigera in Pearl Millet
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1 Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
2 Millet Research Station (J.A.U.), Jamnagar (Gujarat), IN
3 Department of Soil Science and Chemistry, Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
1 Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
2 Millet Research Station (J.A.U.), Jamnagar (Gujarat), IN
3 Department of Soil Science and Chemistry, Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
International Journal of Plant Protection, Vol 10, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 181-185Abstract
Investigations on evaluation of different bio pesticides against pearl millet ear head worm, Helicoverpa armigera in pearl millet crop were made at Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during Kharif 2015. Insecticides used in experiment were spinosad @ 0.014 per cent, indoxacarb @ 0.0079 per cent, Beauveria bassiana @2.5 kg/ha, Lecanicillium lecanii@ 2.0 kg/ha, HaNPV @ 500 LE/ha, azadirechtin @ 0.000375 per cent and Bacillus thuringiensis @1.5 kg/ha. Among the eight treatments, spinosad @ 0.014 per cent and indoxacarb @ 0.0079 per cent was found to be most effective in reducing the larval population of H. armigera. The treatments HaNPV @ 500 LE/ha, B. thuringiensis @1.5 kg/ha and azadirechtin @ 0.000375 per cent found moderately effective for the control of this pest. L. lecanii @ 2.0 kg/ha and B. bassiana @2.5 kg/ha proved to be least effective against pearl millet earhead worm. Spinosad @ 0.014 per cent recorded the highest grain yield of pearl millet (2685 kg/ha) and it was at par with indoxacarb @ 0.0079 per cent (2477 kg/ha). As far as economics of various insecticides are concerned, the treatments of HaNPV @ 500 LE/ha or spinosad @ 0.014 per cent or azadirechtin @ 0.000375 per cent were found as effective and economical as recommended synthetic insecticides and are recommended for eco-friendly management of H. armigera in pearl millet ecosystem.Keywords
Spinosad, Indoxacarb Helicoverpa armigera, Pearl Millet, Beauveria bassiana.References
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