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Chandawat, M. S.
- Constraints in Adoption of Sawajtrichoderma under Field Condition by the Farmers of Surendranagar District in Gujarat State
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1 KrishiVigyan Kendra (JAU and SSH, KVK) Surendranagar (Gujarat), IN
2 KrishiVigyan Kendra (JAU), Surendranagar (Gujarat), IN
3 Directorate of Extension Education, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
1 KrishiVigyan Kendra (JAU and SSH, KVK) Surendranagar (Gujarat), IN
2 KrishiVigyan Kendra (JAU), Surendranagar (Gujarat), IN
3 Directorate of Extension Education, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat), IN
International Journal of Plant Protection, Vol 12, No 1 (2019), Pagination: 45-48Abstract
Trichoderma harzianum is a saprophytic fungus which is used as a biological control agent against a wide range of economically important aerial and soil borne plant pathogens. Trichoderma harzianum is used for foliar application, seed treatment and soil treatment for suppression of various disease causing fungal pathogens. Junagadh Agricultural University is engaged in production of Trichoderma harzianum in the brand name “Sawaj Trichoderma” and made it available to farming community since year 2005-06. Since then its production and selling increased manyfold. Total 100 respondents were selected for the study purpose from five talukasof district who have used SAWAJ brand Trichoderma. Keeping this in mind, this study was carried out with the following objective. To know the constraints and suggestions from respondents for increasing adoption. Findings of this study shows that in case of constraints faced by respondents, most important constraints was lack of moisture in soil at the time of application in standing crop and labour cost increased due to its non mixing condition with chemical fertilizer. Most of the respondents (66%) suggested that packing should be good and free from dusting and viable and made Sawaj Trichoderma available at local level (63%).Keywords
Perception, Sawaj, Trichoderma, Constraints.References
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