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Improved Wavelet Compression Algorithm for Color Image

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, V.V. College of Engineering, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Alagappa University, India
3 Department of Computer Science, Erode Arts and Science College, India

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An image compression technique has been done in research in the recent years due to its clarity and quality compared to other techniques. Image compression based on wavelet is very important-role and occupies many applications. The objective of image compression is to help in storing the transmitted date in an efficient way by decreasing its redundancy. The wavelet compression reduces the size of the image data while retaining information and maintaining a certain wavelet compression. The proposed method of Improved Wavelet Compression (IWC) is presented in this paper. The proposed IWC gets a color image from the database. After receiving image, wavelet- Transformation using filter bank techniques are applied to the test image. After compression, the inverse IWC decompression algorithm receives compressed image and applied decompression technique. The image is generated and image quality is reconstructed and the original image is evaluated. The numerical measure parameters such as MSE, PSNR, are used to compare various images. From the experimental result, it is observed that the proposed method IWC gives a better compression ratio in 64.56 while compared to the existing methods.


RGB Space, Isolated Color Components, DCT, DWT, Improved Wavelet Compression (IWC), MSE, PSNR.
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  • Improved Wavelet Compression Algorithm for Color Image

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S. Anantha Babu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, V.V. College of Engineering, India
P. Eswaran
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Alagappa University, India
C. Senthil Kumar
Department of Computer Science, Erode Arts and Science College, India


An image compression technique has been done in research in the recent years due to its clarity and quality compared to other techniques. Image compression based on wavelet is very important-role and occupies many applications. The objective of image compression is to help in storing the transmitted date in an efficient way by decreasing its redundancy. The wavelet compression reduces the size of the image data while retaining information and maintaining a certain wavelet compression. The proposed method of Improved Wavelet Compression (IWC) is presented in this paper. The proposed IWC gets a color image from the database. After receiving image, wavelet- Transformation using filter bank techniques are applied to the test image. After compression, the inverse IWC decompression algorithm receives compressed image and applied decompression technique. The image is generated and image quality is reconstructed and the original image is evaluated. The numerical measure parameters such as MSE, PSNR, are used to compare various images. From the experimental result, it is observed that the proposed method IWC gives a better compression ratio in 64.56 while compared to the existing methods.


RGB Space, Isolated Color Components, DCT, DWT, Improved Wavelet Compression (IWC), MSE, PSNR.
