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Thayammal, Manju C.
- A Comprehensive Study on Efficient Resource Allocation by QoS in Wireless Networks
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1 Department of Information Technology, Ponjesly College of Engineering, IN
2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ponjesly College of Engineering, IN
1 Department of Information Technology, Ponjesly College of Engineering, IN
2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ponjesly College of Engineering, IN
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, Vol 8, No 1 (2017), Pagination: 1461-1464Abstract
Wireless Networks are growing as a key solution to provide broadband and mobile wireless connectivity in a flexible and economical way. A Wireless Network is a transmission network made up of mixture of wireless nodes accomplished in a mesh topology. Resource allocation is a paramount topic in Wireless Networks with unsuitable resource allocation causing congestion and unfairness to users, where it has been used in Wired Networks such as telecommunications and the Internet. Quality of Service (QoS) is particularly important for the transport of traffic with special requirements. This paper gives a survey and classification of the important QoS approaches proposed for various Wireless Networks. Finally, this paper presents the outcomes of survey which comprises significant observations, limitations and idea of further research in improving QoS in various wireless networks.Keywords
Quality-Of-Service (QoS), Resource Allocation, Wireless Networks, Wired Networks, Congestion.References
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