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Tharini, B.
- Multiband Ring Shaped Fractal MIMO Antenna
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1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Technology, IN
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, IN
1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Technology, IN
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, IN
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, Vol 10, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 1988-1993Abstract
A Ring shaped multiband fractal 2×2 MIMO antenna is proposed. The monopole antenna supports applications such as Bluetooth, GPS and PCS. The proposed antenna is fed with microstrip line feed. The antenna is designed with two different orientations 0° fractal ring antenna and 180° shifted fractal ring antenna. The antenna is simulated on 2D EM-simulator of ADS software. FR4 substrate is used and the overall size of the designed antenna is 70mm×45.3mm×1.6mm. The antenna is designed to operate for multiple frequencies with increase in gain, directivity, bandwidth and radiation efficiency. The 0 Fractal Ring configuration is better in terms of gain compared with 180 ring design.Keywords
Ring Antenna, MIMO, Fractal, Multiband.References
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